
what is tetrodotoxin used for

In very low doses, tetrodotoxin is a pain-reliever and could be used to treat severe pain, such as in the treatment of cancer. Die Folge sind motorische und sensible Lähmungen. B. PY - 1987/11. Eine Tetrodotoxin-Vergiftung durch orale Aufnahme kann in vier Schweregrade unterteilt werden, die anhand der Symptomatik unterschieden werden:[13][14], Da Tetrodotoxin in sehr geringen Mengen eine schmerzlindernde Wirkung zeigt, wird es auch für den Einsatz bei Krebstherapien in Betracht gezogen.[15]. The therapeutic use of pufferfish eggs was recorded as early as 2800 B.C in a Chinese pharmacopeia. Tetrodotoxin (citrate) | C17H25N3O15 | CID 21127582 - structure, chemical names, physical and chemical properties, classification, patents, literature, biological activities, safety/hazards/toxicity information, supplier lists, and more. Tetrodotoxin is one of the most poisonous substances known—it’s 100 times more lethal than KCN. Your email address will not be published. Only after careful filleting can these fish be eaten. Taming a lethal toxin. Beispiel: Bei Konsum der letalen Dosis von 0,5 bis 1 Milligramm auf oralem Wege tritt die tödliche Wirkung erst nach einem gewissen Zeitraum ein, so dass eine Rettung der Opfer meist noch möglich ist. Very little research has been conducted on treating acute and inflammatory pain, and the results show TTX has little effect. Its name derives from Tetraodontiformes, an order that includes pufferfish, porcupinefish, ocean sunfish, and triggerfish; several of these species carry the toxin. Der Patient zeigt diverse Lähmungserscheinungen, darunter die Lähmung der Skelettmuskulatur und somit auch der Atemmuskulatur; zudem fallen Koordinations- und Wahrnehmungsprobleme auf. 4,9-Anhydro-TTX ist eine molekular geringfügig abweichende Variante dieses Giftes. The discovery of biological activity, isolation, and a brief overview of structure elucidation are summarized. Tetrodotoxin blockiert spannungsaktivierte Natriumkanäle, die auch in Neuronen vorkommen. This review provides a comprehensive coverage of the history, biology and chemistry of tetrodotoxin (TTX). AU - Damsma, G. AU - Rollema, H. AU - de Vries, J. Organism or Agent: Tetrodotoxin … 6/27/2016 UCSF Tetrodotoxin Exposure/Injury Protocol for Research Laboratories Page 1 of 7 UCSF Office of Environment Health and Safety . Tetrodotoxin (TTX) binds to the α-subunits of the voltage-gated sodium channels (VGSCs), large integral membrane proteins, with a high binding affinity of 5-15 nanomolar. Pathophysiologically, these channels may produce ectopic discharges in damaged nociceptive fibers, leading to neuropathic pain syndromes. Official reports in 1911 also confirm the clinical use of globefish to treat neuralgia due to leprosy and muscle spasms due to tetanus. The dangers of TTX overdosing also requires close monitoring of the patient and careful dosage planning. Durch eine Blockade der Kanäle können keine Aktionspotentiale mehr ausgelöst werden, wodurch die Nerven- und Muskelerregung behindert oder unterbunden wird. Mai 2021 um 14:00 Uhr bearbeitet. Examples include puffer fish, porcupine fish, ocean sunfish, and some species of newts and salamanders. Rather than load tetrodotoxin into particles as … Very little research has been conducted on treating acute and inflammatory pain, and the results show TTX has little effect. Another study reported significant analgesic effects from subcutaneous administration of TTX. TTX inhibits highly expressed VGSCs associated with neuropathic pain, and this inhibition stops the propagation of pain-related action potentials (Figure 1). According to folklore, globefish (a species of pufferfish) was given to patients with leprosy to treat their neuralgia. So while there is clinical evidence of TTX’s therapeutic effects, the results are inconclusive. Very informative article, nice explanation, Your email address will not be published. Tetrodotoxin is a sodium channel blocker. Early clinical studies are underway. A significant improvement in the effectiveness of the toxin was demonstrated when used in tandem with vasoconstrictors, local anesthetics and chemical permeation enhancers, with the best results obtained with the encapsulation of TTX in microparticles and liposomes conjugated to gold nanorods. See more. Non-Discrimination | It traces the origin of this remarkable molecule all the way back to the ancient Chinese medicine records. Tetrodotoxin (TTX), is one of the most powerful neurotoxins found anywhere in the world. Diagnosis and Treatment of Lower Motor Neuron Disease in Australian Dogs and Cats Total synthesis Y. Kishi et al Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan, (now at Harvard University) reported the first total synthesis of D,L-tetrodotoxin in 1972. Tetrodotoxin is a new drug that blocks pain transmission. Extensive work has been done with neuropathic pain however, and the results have been promising. At that time, it was known that the eggs were toxic, but moderate doses had medicinal effects and were used to treat convulsive diseases. Their utility has been constrained, however, by systemic toxicity. Grad 3: ausgedehnte schlaffe Lähmungen mit Ateminsuffizienz, Grad 4: schwere Ateminsuffizienz, Kreislaufversagen, Bewusstseinsstörungen, Brady. These advantages are good reasons to conduct further research of TTX as a therapeutic agent. Cancer-related pain can arise from both ongoing tissue damage and treatments such as surgery. TETRODOTOXIN EXPOSURE/INJURY RESPONSE PROTOCOL . Tetrodotoxin (TTX) Characteristics. DESCRIPTION: Tetrodotoxin is an extremely potent poison (toxin) found mainly in the liver and sex organs (gonads) of some fish, such as puffer fish, globefish, and toadfish (order Tetraodontiformes) and in some amphibian, octopus, and shellfish species. In Aceton ist es gut, in Wasser schlecht löslich. Neuropathic pain afflicts many; it originates from nerve damage, which can cause other issues. Voltage-gated Na + channels (NaV channels) are specifically blocked by guanidinium toxins such as tetrodotoxin (TTX) and saxitoxin (STX) with nanomolar to micromolar affinity depending on key amino acid substitutions in the outer vestibule of the channel that vary with NaV gene isoforms. Privacy | tetrodotoxin (tetra-odotoxin) A powerful poison which can cause general paralysis in humans after ingestion. Y. criniger, a member of the Gobiidae family, is one of the few gobies that develop a powerful poison called Image: Chris 73/Wikimedia Commons Opioids remain a mainstay of treatment for chronic and surgical pain, despite their side effects and risk for addiction and overdose. Tetrodotoxin from fugu pufferfish can cause deadly poisoning, but delivered properly, it becomes a potent local anesthetic. Furthermore, TTX has been shown to have long-lasting effects after being administered for a relatively short period of time. Tetrodotoxin is produced by bacteria in the organs of these fish and other marine animals. Its name comes from Tetraodontiformes, the order of fish that includes pufferfish (fugu), porcupinefish, and triggerfish. Many patients use opioid-based pain killers to manage cancer-related pain but often they do not have complete pain relief. Proposed mechanism of TTX’s pain attenuation. Kugelfische, Igelfische und andere Familien der Tetraodontiformes, Westamerikanische Wassermolche, Stummelfußfrösche, einige Krebse, Schnecken, Seesterne und Blaugeringelte Kraken (Hapalochlaena) sind Träger dieses Gifts. It was even used as an analgesic for patients with rheumatoid arthritis. In a third study, 21 out of 41 cancer patients reported pain relief with 30 µg of TTX administered subcutaneously twice daily for 4 days. Wenn der Patient die ersten 24 Stunden nach Aufnahme des Giftes überlebt, ist die Prognose sehr gut. Natural Source: TTX naturally occurs in the skin, intestine and liver of some fish in the order Tetraodontidae. Tetrodotoxin has also proved useful in the treatment of pain (originally used in Japan in the 1930's) from such diverse problems as terminal cancer, migraines, & heroin withdrawal. Tetrodotoxin-resistant Na(+) channels play an important role in generation and conduction of nociceptive discharges in peripheral endings of small-diameter axons of the peripheral nervous system. Highly potent toxins such as tetrodotoxin that block sodium channels with great specificity have been studied for many years and can provide prolonged blockade when coadministered with vasoconstrictors or conventional local anesthetics. If given too much it could be deadly in a way its a good thing and on the other hand it could be very fatal. Einer japanischen Arbeitsgruppe der Universität Nagoya um Tohru Fukuyama gelang eine Totalsynthese der Verbindung ausgehend von 1,4-Benzochinon über 31 Synthesestufen.[10][11]. It blocks sodium channels, which carry messages between the brain and our muscles. [7], Angehörige der Vibrionaceae stehen aber seither im Fokus der Untersuchungen,[8] nachdem weitere Angehörige von Vibrio als Quellen von TTX wahrscheinlich gemacht werden konnten. 1964 wurde die Struktur des Tetrodotoxins von Robert B. Woodward aufgeklärt. Die Symptome der Vergiftung nach einer Aufnahme des Giftes (etwa beim Verzehr von Haut, Leber oder Eierstöcken des Fugu) beginnen innerhalb einer recht kurzen Zeit von etwa 45 Minuten. Tetrodotoxin (TTX) is a powerful neurotoxin, which is tolerance to heat, salt and cooking.Minimum lethal dose for human is about 0.5mg/60 kg of body weight, The toxicity is 1000 times great than the sodium cyanide. [8], Die Biosynthese des Tetrodotoxins ist nicht vollständig geklärt. A vast number of studies in mice have shown that administration of moderate of doses of TTX can alleviate pain associated with various forms of nerve damage. So wurden Vibrio fischeri (nun Aliivibrio fischeri) bei der Olivgrünen Steinkrabbe (Atergatis floridus) und Vibrio alginolyticus aus dem Magen des Kugelfisches Takifugu vermicularis isoliert. Unlike opioids, TTX is not known to alter neurotransmitter levels. or radiotherapy. It is found in the body, particularly the intestines, liver, and gonads, of Tetraodontidae (pufferfish) and their relatives. Tetrodotoxin blocked the native channel with an IC 50 of 48.6 ± 4.3 nM, similar to the previously reported value (Penzotti et al., 1998). Required fields are marked *, Disclaimer | In March 2007, a food poisoning outbreak was reported in Zhanjiang in Guangdong province with one patient died after the consumption of a toxic goby, Yongeichthys criniger. Although tetrodotoxin was discovered in these fish and found in several other animals (e.g., in blue-ringed octopus, rough-skinned newts, and moon snails), it is actually produced by certain infecting or symbiotic bacteria like Pseudoalteromonas, Pseudomonas, and Vibrio as well as other species found in animals. 1 did not deter feeding by reef fish. This indicates that TTX does build-up in the body and the acceptable tolerance is close to the effective dose. ), Vibrio (Listonella pelagia oder Vibrio pelagius), Shewanella (Shewanella alga) und Alteromonas (Alteromonas tetraodoni und Pseudoalteromonas haloplanktis oder Alteromonas haloplanktis). In der biologischen und neurologischen Forschung wird TTX verwendet, um experimentell selektiv Natriumkanäle zu blockieren. T1 - The use of tetrodotoxin for the characterization of drug-enhanced dopamine release in conscious rats studied by brain dialysis. Tetrodotoxin is a neurotoxin with potential analgesic activity. NCT00726011: Phase 3 Interventional Completed Pain (2008) Source URL: Tetrodotoxin and its analogs may be deterrent to other predators or at higher concentrations, but live planocerid sp. A Dictionary of Zoology MICHAEL ALLABY Though TTX is not approved for clinical use, it has proven to be a viable therapeutic agent for pain relief in appropriate doses. Laboratory Source: Isolated toxin: Characteristics : The toxin is a chemical with a molecular formula of C11H17N3O8. Tetrodotoxin, abbreviated to TTX, is obtained from the fugu fish, also known as the pufferfish, because when it is threatened it inflates its body to several times normal size. Y1 - 1987/11. Next, the biology of TTX is discussed, primarily in the context of its activity in the sodium channels, its anesthetic properties, and its potential use … It is unknown why only some patients experience pain relief and others don’t. Every year many people are ill due to improper eating or eating puffer fish. Tetrodotoxin for moderate to severe, inadequately controlled cancer-related pain . Tetrodotoxin definition, a neurotoxin, C11H17N3O3, occurring in a species of puffer fish: ingestion of the toxin is usually rapidly fatal due to heart failure or asphyxiation; used experimentally to block impulse conduction potential in excitable cells. When put to use by the pufferfish, the substance is employed to keep predators away while it is alive, and apparently to exact revenge upon humans who dine at the fugu sushi table following its demise. It is named from the Teleost fish order Tetrodontiformes from which the toxin was first isolated and described. Elimination of the –OH group at C-11 position increased the IC 50 by sixfold to 294.0 ± 82.7 nM. Dabei ist zu unterscheiden zwischen den TTX-sensitiven (Nav 1.1 - Nav 1.7, mit Ausnahme Nav 1.5) und TTX-resistenten (Nav 1.5, Nav 1.8, Nav 1.9) Natriumkanälen[12]. One benefit of TTX as a pain reliever as opposed to traditional drugs like opioids, is the lack of addiction. It inhibits the firing of action potentials in neurons by binding to the voltage-gated sodium channels in nerve cell membranes and blocking the passage of sodium ions (responsible for the rising phase of an action potential) into the neuron. Das Tetrodotoxin (von altgriechisch τετρα- tetra- „vier“ und altgriechisch ὀδούς odoús, deutsch ‚Zahn‘‚ „Vierzähner“), kurz TTX, ist ein Nervengift, bei dem es sich um ein zwitterionisches Alkaloid aus der Imidazolin- und Pyrimidingruppe mit Guanidin-Teilstruktur handelt. Taken from reference 34. Tetrodotoxin is one of the most poisonous substances on earth. LAY SUMMARY . Wird das Gift jedoch intravenös injiziert, so wird infolge schneller Ausbreitung das gesamte Nervensystem lahmgelegt, und der Betroffene erliegt nach kurzer Zeit einer Atemlähmung. Tetrodotoxin (TTX) is a potent neurotoxin. This is rapidly followed by paralysis of muscles. 1964 wurde die Struktur des Tetrodotoxins von Robert B. Woodward aufgeklärt. Tetrodotoxin kills because it can interfere with our nervous systems. PLEASE POST THIS PAGE IN AREAS WHERE TETRODOTOXIN IS USED IN RESEARCH LABORATORIES UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN FRANCISCO ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH AND SAFETY/BIOSAFETY . Extensive work has been done with … Clinical trials of “TTH” have been given to help some people that do have cancer to relieve them of their pain and even for knee pain, and to some people that cannot feel “TTH” as an improvement. Systemically applied Na(+) channel--blocking drugs can … TTX inhibits VGSC necessary for the propagation of action potentials associated with pain. One caveat was that some patients experienced peri-oral numbness and tingling, the preliminary symptoms of TTX poisoning. [6] Als Fingerzeig galt, als an der Haut des Kugelfisches Takifugu poecilonotus Pseudomonas identifiziert wurde. [9] Daher wird vermutet, dass TTX nicht von den Tieren produziert wird, sondern dass sie es durch Aufnahme von Vibrio-Bakterien oder durch eine Symbiose mit ihnen erhalten. Tetrodotoxin binds to the pores of fast voltage-gated fast sodium channels in nerve cell membranes, inhibiting nerve action potentials and blocking nerve transmission. Zudem ist es das Gegengift zum alkaloiden Toxin Batrachotoxin der Pfeilgiftfrösche. Terms for Creating and Maintaining Sites. VGSCs use the influx of sodium ions to initiate and to propagate action potential in excitable cells. Das Tetrodotoxin (von altgriechisch τετρα- .mw-parser-output .Latn{font-family:"Akzidenz Grotesk","Arial","Avant Garde Gothic","Calibri","Futura","Geneva","Gill Sans","Helvetica","Lucida Grande","Lucida Sans Unicode","Lucida Grande","Stone Sans","Tahoma","Trebuchet","Univers","Verdana"}tetra- „vier“ und altgriechisch ὀδούς odoús, deutsch ‚Zahn‘‚ „Vierzähner“), kurz TTX, ist ein Nervengift, bei dem es sich um ein zwitterionisches Alkaloid aus der Imidazolin- und Pyrimidingruppe mit Guanidin-Teilstruktur handelt. Though TTX is not approved for clinical use, it has proven to be a viable therapeutic agent for pain relief in appropriate doses. Because TTX is a toxin and not a drug, it’s uses are limited. Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 10. An Investigation into Tetrodotoxin (TTX) Levels Associated with the Red Dorsal Spots in Eastern Newt (Notophthalmus viridescens) Efts and Adults Tetrodotoxin is a potent neurotoxin that blocks fast sodium channels both within the nerve axon and on the myocyte. 4,9-Anhydro-TTX ist eine molekular geringfügig abweichende Variante dieses Giftes. Figure 1. In a study with cancer patients, with 31 administrations of 15 – 90 µg of TTX intramuscularly for four days, 17 resulted in significant pain reduction. In this study, we used a TTX-concentration (10ng in 1 l saline) that is commonly used for the inactivation of selective neural structures and injected a standard volume of this solution (1 l) (Ambrogi Lorenzini et al., 1997; Cimadevilla and Arias, 2008; Kalenscher et al., 2003; Rothfeld et al., 1986; Zhuravin and Bures, TTX und Anhydro-TTX kommen bei einigen, meist marinen, Gifttieren vor. It is an extremely toxic neurotoxin named after an order of fish which it is commonly associated with - the Tetraodontiformes (pufferfish, porcupinefish, ocean sunfish, and triggerfish). Human poisonings occur when the flesh and/or organs of the fish are improperly prepared and eaten. [4] Zu den bekannten Landtieren, in denen TTX nachgewiesen werden konnte, gehören die Plattwurmarten Bipalium adventitium und Bipalium kewense.[5]. Tetrodotoxin (CAS number 4368-28-9) is a powerful, low molecular weight (∼319 Dalton (Da)), naturally occurring neurotoxin. It may be used in the future to relieve the symptoms of withdrawal in opiate addicts, and it may also be used as an anesthetic. [3] In Aceton ist es gut, in Wasser schlecht löslich. (Tetrodotoxin is notorious for causing fugu poisoning from improperly prepared sashimi.) TTX as an analgesic. The pain relief also lasted up to two weeks. Becky L. Williams, Charles T. Hanifin, Edmund D. Brodie Jr., Roy L. Caldwell: Usio Simidu, Kumiko Kita-Tsukamoto, Takeshi Yasumoto, Mari Yotsu: Takeshi Yasumoto, Daisuke Yasumura, Mari Yotsu, Tooru Michishita, Amane Endo, Yuichi Kotaki: U. Simidu, T. Noguchi, D. F. Hwang, Y. Shida, K. Hashimoto: T. Noguchi, D. F. Hwang, O. Arakawa, H. Sugita, Y. Deguchi, Y. Shida, K. Hashimoto: Tomoaki Maehara; Keisuke Motoyama; Tatsuya Toma; Satoshi Yokoshima; Tohru Fukuyama: Keigo Murakami; Tatsuya Toma; Tohru Fukuyama; Satoshi Yokoshima: Vaishali Bane, Mary Lehane, Madhurima Dikshit, Alan O'Riordan, Ambrose Furey: Jorge Lago, Laura Rodríguez, Lucía Blanco, Juan Vieites, Ana Cabado:, „Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike“, Grad 1: Gefühlsstörungen im Mund- und Rachenbereich, eventuell Verdauungsbeschwerden. What Is Tetrodotoxin? Eine Beatmung und die orale Gabe medizinischer Kohle kann helfen. AU - Westerink , B. H. C. AU - Tuntler, J. Aufgrund der enormen Vielfalt von Tieren, welche TTX enthalten, wird angenommen, dass sie es nicht selbst bilden, sondern es aus ihrer Umwelt sequestrieren. Research has been going on for the use of tetrodotoxin to be a pain suppressor in cancer patients, it may be used to be as a prevention for ischemic damage of the brain after a stroke. Die tödliche Dosis von Tetrodotoxin beträgt etwa 10 Mikrogramm pro Kilogramm Körpergewicht. Although found in various species of fish (such as the pufferfish), newts, frogs, flatworms, and crabs, tetrodotoxin, for which there is no known antidote, is actually produced by … Several subtypes of TTX-sensitive VGSCs are associated with neuropathic pain; some are even upregulated after nerve damage. It was even used as an analgesic for patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Es wurden Stämme aus vier Gattungen mariner Bakterien identifiziert, die TTX oder Anhydro-TTX produzieren und somit als Quellen dienen könnten: Pseudomonas (Pseudomonas spp. As a result, those suffering from tetrodotoxin poisoning initially lose sensation. VGSCs are an important part in neuronal and non-neuronal function. Clinical studies in humans are limited but the results show potential for TTX’s therapeutic effect. Alternatively, if TTX is used for prey capture, we would expect the concentration of TTX to decrease immediately after feeding. Tetrodotoxin zählt zu den stärksten Nicht-Protein-Giften und wird hinsichtlich seiner Toxizität nur von wenigen anderen Giften wie beispielsweise Maitotoxin übertroffen. Tetrodotoxin konnte erstmals 1950 aus Ovarien von Kugelfischen isoliert werden, nachdem die Isolierungsversuche bereits 1909 begonnen hatten. Tetrodotoxin interferes … Anywhere in the organs of the most poisonous substances on earth spasms due to leprosy and muscle due! 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