
sword and sorcery adventures

I think much modern fantasy, far too much in my opinion, takes itself way too seriously. The highlight of the party was getting to meet Brad Beaulieu, Douglas Hulett, Courtney Schafer, and Zachary Jernigan. There’s nothing wrong with those things, but they are secondary to the story. Later I attended the Bookswarm party, which was packed. I’ve gotten in the habit of following some writers whose work seems interesting or who are up and coming or major figures in the field. Andrasta is a woman from a distant country, a warrior who is out to steal a jewel in the Tower of Bashan. Leah Bobet leads off with “The Ground Whereon She Stands”, in which a park ranger in Idaho wakes up one morning to discover plants growing from wherever she puts her feet. It would be another decade, give or take a few years, before the direct market would open the door to more adult oriented themes and content. Well over half the magazine (54 pages if my arithmetic is correct) is fiction. “ The Idol ”, by George Jacobs, is a tale of theft, mayhem, and evil spirits. Again, nothing wrong with that. That’s just the way the world works. I don’t have too much of a problem with that. This carried over into comics, with Marvel’s Conan. Most of the ones I did see, I only saw once or twice. Honor, duty, and sacrifice all play a role in the story. I ran into Adrian Simmons, editor of Heroic Fantasy Quarterly, and ended up accompanying him to a private, invitation-only reception for James Gunn. If Caim is to reach his destination, he’s going to have to do it over spilled blood. And what is or isn’t offensive varies from person to person. Have a question or comment you'd prefer to keep private? Continue reading “Kull the Conqueror (1997) Review” → Somehow this series has managed to fly under my radar. It assumes practitioners of sorcery dabble with incredible powerful and unstable energies to cast their spells, which they must learn the exact formula to cast. He hadn’t seen it, and it had been a while since I had paid my respects. The convention center is a bit too spread out for this sort of event. There’s also a market coming open after the first of the year  The story I’ve got in mind for it isn’t told by Roderik (or Balthar), although he and Balthar are central to everything that happens. A lot of stories which deal with emotion, usually from a feminine perspective, or stories where the style of the writing is emphasized as much as the story itself, or a combination of both. If this series of posts is well received, I’ll continue until I reach the point where Grell left the book. So grab your Solar Blade and ready your Cosmic Spells! It was a great event, and I took advantage of the opportunity to speak with him. Joshua P. Simon has proven himself to be a consistent writer of solid, character driven fantasy adventure. What happened to adventure and fun? His plane is damaged in a missile attack, and while he survives, he doesn’t have enough fuel to make it back to the US, specifically a base in Alaska. So let’s see if we can send her some so good she’ll have to buy it. Continue reading →, The Cult of Sutek: The Epic of Andrasta and Rondel vol.1 What Josie finds is squabbling nobles, starving peasants, and an invading army. “The Tides of the Heart” was entirely predictable and somewhat contrived, with the conclusion wrapping up all the problems so neatly. Let’s keep modern fantasy, especially sword and sorcery, fun. Bring on the naked slave girls. I’m not sure why, but I can’t seem to find copies of this magazine until the month after the one printed on the cover. These guys are hard to kill, and they don’t give up easily. The subtitle of this collection is The Adventures of Dareon and Blue, Book 1. Sometimes that includes either actively or passively slamming older fantasy, particularly sword and sorcery, and trying to remove the elements they find offensive from what’s currently being published. She finds him in a drifter who is sent to the farm by the neighboring women. Sword & Sorcery is a game designed by Gremlin Project - the same team who created Galaxy Defenders - and published and distributed by Ares Games. Tower of the Elephant is considered by many to be one of the best Conan stories. Wrapping up the issue, David D. Levine tells of a woman plumber who must free an undine trapped in a condemned house before it’s destroyed. Not based on any fairy tale I’m aware of, the story starts off with the curse being laid on a princess, that her tears will always be diamonds. It is written in a very direct and simple way, similar to Sharp Swords & Sinister Spells originally was, but with uodated rules and a lot of tools and tables to assist the Referee in creating adventures, NPCs, locations, artifacts, monsters and much more. (Now to start lobbying for an epub format…), This is the one-hundredth issue, which makes it something special, especially since it’s been canceled twice in the last few years. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. It’s gotten so dark and grim, for one thing. From the way she worded her statement, I suspect she gets a lot of requests for more S&S or has been catching flak for not including enough. There’s something in his head that’s pulling him in that direction. Yes, I realize that’s an incredibly sexist title for this blog post. Especially when those being attacked are being accused of the same things the attacker is guilty of. Shadow’s Master is scheduled for a March release. I realize that an editor does two things when she or he selects the contents of an issue of a fiction magazine. Following on the heels of Conan The Barbarian's success in movie theaters, Universal Studios decided to take out their old House of Dracula stage show and replace it with the Sword and Sorcery Spectacular.The show followed the further adventures of everyone's favorite barbarian in his quest to find a unique stone, the Dragon's Eye, before the evil wizard does. Unfortunately the contents of this issue were very much what I think of when I think of a typical issue of RoF. The Adventures of Conan: A Sword and Sorcery Spectacular was an attraction at Universal Studios Hollywood that ran from 1983 to 1993. What I do object to are bigoted, personal attacks on groups or individuals who have different philosophical views, politics, or religious beliefs. This is his first appearance in Swords & Sorcery. To my mind, though, it was the minor character of Balaam who was one of the most fascinating. Sagas of the Gautrian Kings #50- Sword and Sorcery; Sagas of the Gautrian Kings #51- The Warbringer; Sagas of the Gautrian Kings #52- The Battle for Hellgate Mines; Sagas of the Gautrian Kings #53 – Battle of Hellgate Pass; Legend of the Volsung #1- #3. Without them, this would be a far lesser book and a far more generic plot. Now, I’m not objecting to someone airing their views on Twitter or a blog or anywhere else. Yet Howard is often attacked for his attitudes on race and women (whether they were naked slave girls or not), and he’s cited as an example of the type of writer newer writers are trying to distance themselves from. The perfect evolution of its forerunner, Sword & Sorcery gameplay is faster and dynamic, thanks to an innovative area movement and area control system, and new features never seen together before in a game of this category. Now I really enjoy a good tomb robbing. DC tried to get in on the excitement by attempting several sword and sorcery titles. It was almost as though the author were showing off her botanical knowledge. Ghazal rated it really liked it Mar 19, 2021. I think it’s because too many authors think they have Something Important to say. If not, why else is the New Pulp movement doing so well? Stars: Daniel Goddard , Jackson Raine , Steven Grives , Monika Schnarre Votes: 2,062 I’ve been seeing a lot more of those recently. Wigmaster. It’s been one of those weeks at work and it started on the way down to San Antonio. I’d like to see Grell take another stab at the character. November was NaGaDeMon (National Game Design Month), and I decided to create an Action Horror RPG using my system (updated with all the modifications of Solar Blades & Cosmic Spells). Some very shaggy wigs in this one. We want fiction with an emphasis on action and adventure, but still cognizant of the struggles within as they play against the struggles without. I prefer the previous issue to this one. Paperback $14.99 Rather I’m picking an old sword and sorcery trope as an example to make a point. The only reason they would do this (that I could think of) was the prince is under a curse to murder his father, something he desperately wants to avoid doing. The setting of The Chronicles draws a lot on that template, although the world isn’t a carbon copy of the Hyborean Age. What other books would you compare this story to in your genre?Who or what inspired you to write this series? Patrick Samphire’s “The Equation” pits those who use science against those who feel the magic. Leiber’s heroes were clearly cut from the same general cloth as Conan, inhabiting a milieu rooted in Western tradition where any portrayal of Eastern cultures were filtered to a greater or lesser degree through the West’s perceptions of the East. Sharon Mock’s poignant fairy tale is the cover story, “The Economy of Powerful Emotion”, which in a way reminded me of the story of the King Midas and his golden touch. It was also at this time that sword and sorcery was enjoying a period of popularity, in part due to a boom in Robert E. Howard’s work. If you haven’t read them, you should. Continue reading →, The Scroll of Years There is still enough unresolved intrigue for at least one novel centered on her. Plus a nod to Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. It’s hard for me to believe that these attitudes won’t show up in their fiction. (That’s a topic too big for this post.) XP1: The Spider-God's Bride and Other Tales of Sword and Sorcery: A critically acclaimed collection of ten blood-red sword and sorcery adventures, inspired by the pulp era tales of Robert E. Howard and Clark Ashton Smith. ebook $2.99 (free on Smashwords as of this writing) My purpose is not to bash RoF or Ms. McCarthy, but to provide enough of a description of what did and didn’t work for me and why that someone reading this review will have a good idea as to whether he/she would enjoy the issue. More Sword, without the Sorcery, it is an aetiological tale about the discovery by cavemen of iron swords and longbows. Substitute “naked slave guys” if you prefer. I picked up a signed copy before the weekend was over. Gaunt and Bone have been compared to Fafhred and the Grey Mouser. Or just plain don’t remember. With all Sword and Sorcery adventures, you have people on a quest. The first part of the Adventures of Conan circa 1990. Here in Massachusetts, the long winter is coming to an end, but the weather is unpredictable. The court sorcerer is trying to find a way to break the curse, and it often involves having our heroes liberate certain items from their eternal resting places, usually at great risk to themselves. I might check it out because he isn’t bad as far as style and construction goes and has been published in some professional markets. Unlike the previous issue, the ink on this one didn’t rub off on my hands. The people barely manage to survive, and those that do, do so by the sword. There’s plenty of action and combat, and Sprunk handles it with finesse. A fun sword and sorcery adventure with plenty of action, romance, and magic. The titular Scroll of Years is a concept I’ve not come across in much European based fantasy. Howard Andrew Jones, ed. I would especially like to see more of Josie. The theme of the party was Eat a Bug, Get a Book. Most of the supporting cast haven’t been introduced nor the characters of Morgan or Tara well established. I think this approach is a success. With those, you can begin your crazy adventures in the Known Universe and try your luck under the cruel gaze of the Galactic Overlords. What is the point is the fiction. Couple Requirements: 1) The crew is currently in the more temperate region of … The ARC I have says today is the release date (which is why I wrote the review today), but the author’s website says the 24th. If an editor has been at a publication long enough, and there are enough readers whose tastes are compatible with the editor’s, then the second item (the editor choosing stories he/she likes) will often set a tone for the publication which would be different from the tone if the magazine hadn’t yet attracted a core audience. This one is darker, bloodier, and better than its predecessors. The others are longer, so they’ve been start and stop affairs. As always I have three new stories for your reading pleasure, each a tale of dark magic. I love easy adventures that can be adapted right into existing campaigns. If you’ve followed this blog, you may remember me mentioning the Kickstarter for this publication. It’s during this sequence that Morgan is given the first costume he would wear in the series, a sort of black leather tights without sleeves. The viewpoint character is a female land spirit with human form who needs a man to husband her, and in doing so, husband the land. Among the non-Howard panels I attended were a discussion of C. L. Moore’s “Vintage Season”, the history of firearms in the 1800s, a discussion on writing that included Michael Swanwick and James Patrick Kelly, a panel of Texas writers who have passed on, and readings by Jack McDevitt and Howard Waldrop. I love how he mixed and matched different historical periods in an imaginary fantasy setting. If he continues writing, it’s one you’re going to be hearing in the future. We’ll see. The sword and sorcery series is The Chronicles of Roderik and Prince Balthar. I don’t know if Sprunk plans on returning to this world. At least I intended to. What else about your book series might pique your readers’ interest? I went to the Alamo Saturday morning with Bill Cavalier, editor of REHupa. Including but not limited to naked slave girls. There were some free books, including NESFA’s three volume Chad Oliver set. Welcome to the April 2021 issue of Swords & Sorcery Magazine. Back in the 1970s DC Comics had a try-out title they called 1st Issue Special. Meanwhile, in Nimea, Josie has survived several assassination attempts and much political intrigue. She carries his child, something that would give Lady Philomena apoplexy if she knew. Which is all besides the point. One of them controls a fire spirit. Barnes and Noble and Amazon both list it, but Amazon shows a release date of March 27. Time has no meaning. It’s here he adopts the forked beard, a la Green Arrow. The Warlord premiered in 1975. This alternative system proposed, If you like what you've just read, check out my books over, Download the final text and sheets of Solar Blades & Cosmic Spells, Dark Streets & Darker Secrets - Complete Game Text, Words of Power - An Alternative Spell System for Old Skull Engine, Sword and Sorcery Adventures - Preview of SS&SS 2e, Swords & Stitchery - Old Time Sewing & Table Top Rpg Blog. Don’t let that stop you from picking this one up. But pretty much the best poster art for this type of film - up there with Conan - though in this case the image is unrelated to the actual film. I had it uploaded on Tumblr before the great purging of NSFW content which arbitrarily removed a lot of stuff from … I went to most of the Robert E. Howard panels, of which there were many. As much as I would like to be outside, I’m likely to be driven indoors often enough by cold rain, or even snow. Try to earn a good amount of credits transporting goods or refugees through the sectors. Jon Sprunk is a relative newcomer to the fantasy field, this being only his third novel, the conclusion to a trilogy. While Sword Art Online is an anime about a game, it still falls into the category of a sword and sorcery anime, because of where the majority of the anime takes place. Well, it’s out now, and the second issue is in production. Other than a glimpse of Jernigan from across the street, the only one of that group that I saw after that night was Courtney Schafer. Unfortunately, the Cult of Sutek is staging a comeback. The general consensus based on what little I’ve heard is that they weren’t successful in terms of story. Both of these things are done with the goal of attracting new readers, thereby increasing circulation and the accompanying revenue. The best storytellers will incorporate secondary objectives into the work to add depth to the work, not make them the central focus of the work with the story the mechanism for the sermon. While Caim struggles to understand his feelings for Josie and his conflicting feelings for Kit, Josie is wrestling with her feelings for Caim as well as the attractive young nobleman who joins her guard. This one is an example of why Pyr is one of the best publishers of fantasy and science fiction around. As a courtesy to Ms. McCarthy, I won’t say how many decades years ago that was. It may also come across as a manipulative method of increasing blog traffic, but it’s not (well, not entirely). So of the seven stories in this issue, I liked three of them, which is less than 50%. I’m  looking forward to further collections. You’re free to play Forsaken Peak any way that you like. I’ll do a write-up of it on Dispatches From the Lone Star Front over the weekend. While I won’t give any spoilers to the present book, I might let a few slip from the previous volumes. He tries to save time by flying over the north pole. Rogues of Merth And do from time to time, but it’s never disguised as a work of fiction. You can enjoy The Scroll of Years on its own merits. And it does it everywhere, regardless of where you are in the cavity. That’s something I’m going to need to fix. If I want to read a sermon, I will. Makes it hard for me to suspend my disbelief. They believe in human sacrifice and practice cannibalism. Anyway, Bone and a pregnant Gaunt are fleeing from Night’s Auditors. Robert Zoltan We’ll look at the first and second issue of The Warlord in the next installment of this series. Of course they escape, and shortly thereafter rescue a young woman named Dendera who turns out to be the daughter of a king. Words of Power The default magic system of Sharp Swords & Sinister Spells is inspired by a series of authors both in literature and in gaming. A place to share, comment and wonder about old school RPGs and the projects I am working on. I have no idea. Ebook $11.99 Sword and sorcery (S&S) is a subgenre of fantasy characterized by sword-wielding heroes engaged in exciting and violent adventures. So here it is:, Artwork by Luis Filipe de Almeida I am writing the second edition of Sharp Swords & Sinister Spells , my first published game (a sword and sorcery RPG with streamlined rules, modern system with old school spirit) and I wrote an alternative spell system to go with it inspired by many things, including Barbarians of Lemuria, Blades in the Dark and the great articles about Magic Words written by Nick L. S. Whelan on his great blog Papers & Pencils . I’ve said it before, but it bears repeating. I post some pictures in the next few days. The adventure path that takes place in BroadSword Magazine, The Secret of Forsaken Peak, is set in a Sword & Sorcery world. Most of the hanging out I did with friends was with members of the Robert E. Howard Foundation or chatting with folks at parties. Locations include taverns, temples, inns, animal/creature lairs, gatehouses, courts, ships, laboratories and more, with adventure hooks that run the gamut from frantic rooftop chases to deep cellar dungeon-crawls, with a total of 97 maps, more than 150 tables and millions of possible adventures. The writing is rich and subtle, and Gaunt and Bone are foremost of a cast of delightfully flawed characters. Since everything I’ve written in this series so far is either short story or novelette length, I will try to place them in top markets. He still has his sidearm and shoots a globe Deimos uses to try and get inside Morgan’s mind. Legend of the Volsung #1- Once Upon a Time; Legend of the Volsung #2- Wolves in the Hills Gaunt and Bone flee across the ocean to a land much like Imperial China. When Morgan and the girl awake, they discover a great deal of time has passed. paper $11.99. The illustrations, fan club index, and the editorial by Jones all complement the most important aspect of the magazine, the stories. I’ve attended World Fantasy twice, and the density of pros in that venue is high, but then that’s a convention that’s aimed at pros. As Willrich notes in the Acknowledgements, this particular work is firmly planted in Chinese soil. That one had a deadline and took a week or two once I got past a couple of false starts. The story that was begun in Shadow’s Son (reviewed here) and continued in Shadow’s Lure (reviewed here) wraps up in Shadow’s Master. The pair have appeared in 5 short stories to date, and the first is included in this volume. The sword and sorcery adventures of a wandering adventurer who has the ability to communicate with animals. A Gripping Sword & Sorcery Adventure Novel The story centers on Khyte of Hwarn, a barbarian hero who’s far more than he seems. I’d thank Robert Zoltan for sending me a review copy of this book. If you can kill them (before they kill you) and cut them up before they fall apart, their limbs have commercial value since they can be grafted onto human flesh. The story picks up where the previous novel left off. Pyr Books M MartinMark Finn. It wasn’t quite what I expected. This one could almost have been science fiction, but the authors do give enough information about the apocalypse to set it firmly in fantasy territory. Much of the story concerns the prince who saves her. All of this is in addition to the deaths that Caim and Josie have on their consciences, and knowing that they both have to make decisions that will cost people their lives. Welcome to the March 2021 issue of Swords & Sorcery Magazine. I’d like to thank Lisa Michalski at Pyr Books for the review copy. Free OSR Sword and Sorcery Adventure ~ The Evil of Witches Fen From Taskboy Games Get It Right HERE . Tubi offers streaming sword & sorcery movies and tv you will love. Recalled from the dead and made immortal by the will of the Three Gods, the Heroes embark on a quest to destroy false … She, too, is heading north, ostensibly to tour the northern portions of her kingdom, but in reality she’s searching for Caim. The first job of a fiction writer is to tell an entertaining story. This sort of thing might appeal to some readers (I suspect mainly women), but it didn’t do much for me. Website Support Provided By Your Web Pro LLC. Tolkien, Robert Jordan, Fritz Leiber, and Katherine Kurtz, but with modern sensibilities. For me. ) the best publishers of fantasy, especially sword and Sorcery, high fantasy, especially and... Being accused of the best Conan stories currently my tastes and those the... His best battle & evoke Sworcery to solve mystical musical mysteries reader determined. Girl is the one who delivers the killing blow a globe Deimos uses to try get. 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