
success is the best revenge who said

That evening my aunt said to me “Small” (that is how she and my uncle used to call me) your sister is also gone. "Success is the sweetest revenge." He works as a data scientist for Google. Is simple, just imagine how famous Bill Gate, Jack ma, Elon Musk, and Warren Buffet are. It seduces smart people into thinking they can't lose. Within my aunt’s house, there was her last born Joana. Never say a word to them, focus on your goals, and let them watch you succeed in life. Katie Price thinks "success is the best revenge".. 5 months after, I finished my internship and I was ready to be hired as a programmer. She was rushed into the hospital with other injured ones. He did all his best to put Joana into shame without him fighting or saying any bad word to her. (Remember, this is a transcribed interview with me and Tim. Am sure he feels so proud of himself despite the fact that he sometimes misses his mom, dad, and elder sister. Success Is the Best Revenge (And 10 Other Empowering Quotes to Remember) “Success is no accident. I was crying, because I was so young and knew nothing, I thought my mom, dad, and sister are all in the hospital for treatment. Don’t assholes deter you from your true purpose in life, because believe me when I tell you that you can have your cake and eat it to. There is more to life after success, don’t think once you have finally achieved what you dream of, that is the end, no. I personally sometimes get annoyed when am walking on the street and sees a lot of peoples begging for money. If he wants to know something about money, he should seek advice from those who are competent in handling money. I asked. If you are looking for a way to be popularly known in your country or city, then consider working hard on your dreams. According to Tim, he was once a very poor child from a poor family. 1. 5 out of 5 stars. Find something you're passionate about and keep tremendously interested in it. Published: 16:25 EDT, 23 May 2012 | Updated: 16:25 EDT, 23 May 2012 My parent died instantly but my elder sister was able to breath with a sour on her breast. Every successful man or woman is respected in some way. I was assigned an instructor to help me install all the necessary software the company has been using for development. But God being so good, I got a scholarship and continued my education at Harvard University. In “richest man in Babylon” Ark-ad lost his first gold by seeking advice from someone who knows nothing about trading. So it will be wise we learn from the rich ones and do what they do, so as to become like them. May these Revenge Quotes On Success inspire you to take action so that you may live your dreams. I will not say we have made it to the fullest because, why the rich ones are enjoying life, most of us are still struggling to put food in our mouth. We need not to fight with anyone. “Let the haters’ hate push you to go further instead of tear you down, your accomplishments will be your best revenge.” Auliq Ice. One day, something sad happened, an accident occurred on the road. He was an Ex-Google programmer and very decent. Why do you think is so easy to identify the richest person than the poor one? — Victory tastes so much sweeter after failure. I now have so many friends than what I can remember” That is it, we all want to be close to famous peoples. Just look at it this way, how will you feel by driving in a car and knows not where you are going? Justice that is how I started. Simon Cowell's right! We haven’t accomplished much, but we are still on track. After that, one would have to count how many of those who think they are successful are men and women, people with one or another education, different marital status, and so on. He doesn’t need to be told what to do and when to do it at someone’s house anymore. 21 Daily Mail "I've been up and down and over and out and I know one thing. But when you begin to experience success, your mode then begins to change. I now own 5 houses to which I have given 3 of it for rent and 1 to my aunt. I have always believed success to be the best revenge; but trying to write this answer got me SERIOUSLY thinking. Frank Sinatra was always slick, stylish, talented and well connected, so considering his (alleged) mob connections it appears with this quote he also understood the psychology of revenge. Tim is really a kind person, not all the peoples in the world could do this. But life is not like that, to be an accountant tomorrow, you must pay the price today and drive your car there to such destination. If you don’t, you can quickly read it above and come back to this. You remember how Joana treated Tim after his success right? My aunty was getting too old and her husband had died before I was born. To be successful, you need to be a person who makes things happen. This isn't to say that people aren't doing their best … Success brings a lot of happiness in life. Success is the Best Revenge People will not gloat about success. Success is said to be the best form of revenge, but it only works if it isn’t done for traditional revenge reasons. There’s an old saying “Tell me who your friends are and I’ll tell you who you … I wish God to look after them and me, so we can meet again in paradise. Success isn't measured by money or power or social rank. Aug 08, 2016. FowlerAstbury. Paying your enemies back with good is really a hard task for most of us. He further told him not to seek advice from the shill maker if he wants to know something about the stars (If you haven’t read the book, all that am saying may sound like jargon’s to you. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do.” -Pele “There are no secrets to success. Is it? Giving in life is really what we must all do to help the needy ones. I needed something more than that. But I lack one thing, data scientist certificate. When she sometimes shout in her room, I sometimes thought is my sister. No man succeeds without a good woman behind him. Just look at that driver over there who knows not where he is going. Success indeed is the best way to take revenge in life. Required fields are marked *. The 33-year-old star - who has her own reality TV show, a range of equestrian wear, several books and … But now, every show I play, I get at least 3 friends. I became so frustrated still leaving with my aunt under Joana’s care. He drives the car and rests anywhere. Classic Frank Sinatra Success Quote Print, The best revenge is massive success, Inspirational Quote, Motivational Print, Positive Thinking. Many would be able to answer the question “Are you lucky? Let look at why their reasons for doing so and why success is the best revenge. No one wants to feel sad all day in life. Yes, the same is true with our personal success. According to Tim, he said Joana treated him badly, he added “She was the main source of my sadness, she sometimes treat me in a way that makes me feel I was in the wrong family” So here Tim was able to figure out his first enemy and the reason he must succeed and move to his own house. When you know exactly where you want to be tomorrow, you will do all your possible best today to walk on the exact road there. Bury Your Haters With A Smile: Why Success Is Always The Best Revenge. BrainyQuote has been providing inspirational quotes since 2001 to our worldwide community. My aunty heard it and came to the hospital full of tears. No, But because of their success, here they are, playing a role in this article, without paying me a cent for mentioning their names. You will be proud of yourself when you succeed, 5. However difficult life may seem, there is always something you can do and succeed at. I mailed a couple of companies my job application and none responded back. My mind never failed me, I was right, now Anthony owns almost 3 businesses in the big city. I know generosity is really important (my grandma thought me that) but when you give money to this guy and move 30 steps and the other man comes then after another, it feels somehow. He said “Look, you don’t need to be mailing companies, why don’t you go there directly and show them a couple of projects you have? When people see you as successful, you may have a lot of friends than you may want. Angry thoughts of you doing angry … Success is measured by your discipline and inner peace. Am not asking for money or any big thing. I was supposed to treat my aunt’s daughter Joana exactly the way she treated me but I have taken the revenge with my success. Success seems to be largely a matter of hanging on after others have let go. Most of us have discipline ourselves much on such a task. I passed, got employed, and up to now, I still work at Google as a data scientist. Yes, even a 5 year old baby can tell you the richest person in the earth. Then Aganish advice him never to repeat such a mistake again. Now she treats me like his next brother whenever I pay her a visit” So to this we can Clealy see that the main reason why Tim was so eager to succeed in life was Joana. My mom, dad, and my little elder sister couldn’t survive. Believe me, I have worked there before and before I got there, I once had the same mindset you had. Our success should be all that we must focus on. Do you know the main reason why most of us don’t believe in all the ideas we hear all the time? I first met him on YouTube where I began following his python course. I was holding a computer science degree but that can’t guarantee a data scientist company to hire you. Listen to what he said “My life has been so successful with so joy. He is really a kind man and well respected in the community. Money is power, people. With your success, you can vote with your dollars. And why do you need, Success with money the best way to set financial goals and achieve them. 10. Why success is the best revenge. The last time he invited me to his house, there was a lot of joy on his face than the past. You will feel proud and noticed what and what you are capable of. Jan. 19, 2015. Wouldn’t it just feel so damn good to see them on the sidelines of your life, watching you fucking thrive while they just […] We will hear from him how he became so successful from a poor background, and why he was so glad to become rich in life. Success indeed is the best revenge in life, you don’t need to fight with anyone, just keep on focusing on your goals. He doesn’t know where he is going so everywhere is a destination for him. Remember the law of cause and effect (Whatever a man sows is exactly what he or she will ripe). That is where I started schooling and later continued at Harvard University as a computer programmer. And yet, in today’s key verse, we see the heart of a man who pointed not to his achievements, but to God’s sovereign, redeeming hand: “His brothers also came and fell down before him and said… "The best revenge is massive success." He even bought a house for Joana afterward and never stopped visiting her. - Vanessa Williams quotes from But because I had nowhere else to go, I had no option than to be with her no matter how bad she treats me. Success is the best revenge because it puts you in a position to take the high road. My parent had a small shop in the next city. Who knows your name could be in the next article tomorrow. I was raised by my poor parent in California. Despite the fact that I have thought him a couple of programming languages, I do see him as a co-programmer, not a student. You leave them with a lesson they will never forget as you pour hot coals on their head. The best thing one can do is improve himself and try and understand the better virtue in him. I began learning hard than most of my colleagues. “Success is the best kind of revenge to silence the haters and people who did you dirty. When Anthony a friend of mine in high college landed on his dream job, he hosted a big party for all his friends with his first paycheck. But with the coves, I thought it was just an ordinary 3 boxes with nothing inside. Check Also::: How to never be Broke Again in Your Life. Sam Houston State University University of Houston. Cassie Knust. Because he was so kind, I took him as my friend and he agreed to help me to understand most of the modern tech skills. When you are successful in life, people will give you respect automatically without even knowing anything about you. Success is the main source of many friendships. They will want to learn from you and do exactly what you do so as to become like you. I couldn’t understand the meaning of what she was saying (I was such a dumb kid). To some of us, we dully dream of making more money so that we can purchase our dream house or car. He claims to have learned much from me which I think is true. Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts. Yes, that is how famous those who know success is the best revenge are. But never the least, you must still know your capabilities and watch every bit of your steps. Is the poor ones right? The ultimate satisfaction. “No remember what I told you, Google doesn’t care about your projects or degree, your understanding, creativity, and mindset is everything” Hmm, I will be there bro, thanks a lot, I said. Check Also :: Reasons Why money Is Not Everything In Life: 6 Lessons from (Bill Gate). 1. There is a saying that. Success is the best revenge! 2. The content may sound personal as me and him speaking in front of an audience, on “reasons why success is the best revenge in life”). Most of their thoughts are false ideas. But there is one powerful reason why success is the best revenge I want to show you…. I was very dumb in class but because of how bad Joana treated me in her mother’s house, it pushed my spirit to study more so that one day I could move to my own house. Knowing your flaws and what you are good at will help you to do more in life. You know the one I'm talking about. He continued “See, do you want to work at Google with your data science skill if you get the chance?” but I have no degree in data science, I said. Just last week, I was listening to an interview of one famous musician on the radio. Wife or mother, if it is both, he is twice blessed indeed. What about how his aunts younger daughter Joana, treated him? Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome. I never knew that was the end of my mom, dad, and sister. Within any community, among rich and poor, which of them do you think they are more respected? I called my instructor and told him how every company is not responding to me. Her voice is just like my elder sister. But do you think is really important to know that success is the best revenge in life? The world is full of vengeful, hateful and unhappy people who are looking to project their self-hatred and self-loathing onto others, so they can absolve themselves from the guilt of their own shortcomings, flaws and personal responsibility. While you shouldn’t let the pursuit of money be your only motivating factor, it’s a worthy goal to establish financial independence. It is, just imagine how good teachers feel when they see a student they have thought before successful in life. Two months after, they buried all the three together. “Success is the best revenge.” And sure, it’s enticing. Once you have successfully made it, you will be famous. Success is the best revenge and you can make it positive all around! But because they have heard something small about it, they could also say something about it to another person. Now she treats me like his next brother whenever I pay her a visit. Self-awareness is really an essential thing everyone must know. Remember success is the best revenge. So I was just using such skills for my personal and other freelancing projects. As quoted rightly by Frank Sinatra, The best revenge is a massive success.”If you think very deeply and intensely, trying to break down your neighbors or trying to destroy them and show them that you are above the rest is a waste of time. But you can give it a try and read it afterward for better understanding). If success is the best revenge, then Joseph’s revenge came to him on a silver platter! Wrong, you do need to do your research again. Comment below your suggestions and I assure you of a quick reply. Success brings joy in life after revenge, 6. Why success is the best revenge in life and the quote for anything? I thank Tim once again for his time. King Solomon once said “there is nothing new under the sun, what you are seeking for has already been achieved by someone” When most of the peoples talk about this quotation, all that they say is, “learn from those who know it or learn from the successful once” That is exactly how success is built. If you do believe success is the best revenge in life, listen to this. We haven’t accomplished much, but we are still on track. The immediate satisfaction is not there; I will definitely grant you that. Just imagine how happy you will feel when you buy your dream house or car. Follow the Frank Sinatra advice as the mob's not required because as he explains so elegantly in this quote; "The best revenge is massive success". But when we begin to rip the fruit of our hard work, joy begins to fill our hearts. Success is the best revenge in life one must go after. Comment document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "aafa67f57760f1361cd7fda9df9811a0" );document.getElementById("a7ae11c842").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Why is succession planning important and what are it benefits?. Kanye West — ‘Success is the best revenge.’ To see what your friends thought of this quote, please sign up! We all want to become successful in life. She Got Dumped Then Changed Her Life Around You may live your life anyhow. But what if you know nothing about why you must succeed in life? But what if I ask you the name of the richest person in the earth? - Frank Sinatra quotes from If you dedicate your life to learn and do exactly what successful people does, you will soon become like one of them. When you have finally succeeded in life, a lot of peoples will have trust in your ideas. By Paul Hudson. Life is a continuous process, the table can turn upside down at any time. I have learned a lot from him and besides, I will say he is the reason why am able to code in Python today. You will feel great and drive straight to there right? I don’t think it will be wise for you to go ahead and do what a shoemaker will tell you about marketing without you taking your time to think about it. “The best revenge is massive success.” Frank Sinatra Yes, talking is cheap but proving it is the hardest. Success is the best revenge, says a career woman driven by her enemies. Once you have finally achieved what you have been dreaming of. I have known him for the past 5 years. If there are any steps we should take to become rich like him, he must tell us. Afterward, I stayed with my aunt for almost 12 years. First up, Thanks for the A2A. She went into the patient room where my sister was and came back silently. Am going, Habits of the poor mindset vs rich people mentality differences. Kate here, and having been in the entertainment business my … Just comment below, the name of the poorest person in this world. As trite as it is going to sound, the best revenge is to forgive, live well, and succeed. The main reason why we don’t implement most of the ideas we hear from our friends is that most of them actually knew nothing about what they sometimes say. Happiness is the key to success. Waite let me talk to a friend of mine there if he can help you out”. Google is just 20km away from here, why don’t you give it a try? Within me, there was a high burning desire to succeed and prove to Joana how she should treat orphans well. If you concentrate on revenge, you will keep those wounds fresh that … I sometimes thought of my parent and elder sister, I wish they were at life” Tim’s situation is really painful, but I still congratulate him on how he has been able to stand on his feet. After, he did a couple of projects together with me and noticed I could look for employment as a data scientist. Looking at the smile on his face, I knew he had finally gotten what he had been waiting for. Let them treat you badly and say all sorts of bad things about you. Thank you Tim, am really grateful for your time. I know a man in my community who do take 10% of his paycheck every month to charity homes. Where and how you spend your money matters. We all want to be happy and feel like we are in the right world with the right peoples. Is this not a sign of respect in life? The best revenge is to simply focus on your own success. Why is Success The Best Revenge For Anything? I also knew success is the best revenge in life to put all your enemies into shame. A few months later in class 5, I was then able to pick up whatever I was thought in class easily. Such person words need to be think twice on because his ideas don’t reflect his life. Quote by Frank Sinatra: “The best revenge is massive success.” There are people who make things happen, there are people who watch things happen, and there are people who wonder what happened. While most of us have this dream of becoming successful, others are doing it as a way of taking revenge. Secondly, what a great question! He sat with me in the waiting hall for a while and took me to her house. The name Frodo, he said, derived from a town where he had attended a … Angry words are a temporary solution. Hi, my name is Tim, and as my friend said, we have been programming and done a couple of projects together. Success will put your enemies into shame, 2. When you can show someone that you are not bitter and that you went on to succeed anyway, it kills them inside. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful. Joana never likes any little thing I ever did in the house. The Best Revenge Is Living Well. The German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche said if your life has a why you can bear almost any how. Don't aim for success if you want it; just do what you love and believe in, and it will come naturally. During the funeral, I saw a lot of posters and knew this is my mom, dad, and my elder sister. Because I had no data science certificate, I never bordered of writing any job application about it, I knew every company is going to reject me. Do you remember the sad story of Tim’s family? Success Is The Best Revenge When the going gets tough, the tough get going. so now that we know that success is the best revenge in life, the question to ask is, how can I become successful? My life has been so successful with so joy. Success is the sum of small efforts - repeated day in and day out. I want you to do me a favor this time. In order to reach success, we need to fail numerous … He feels very proud of himself now. Okay we are getting to the best tips on this guide. You can be successful AND get your revenge, and you can do it at the same time…just don’t get lost in the madness. When he got employed at Google and later became rich in life, he added “I was supposed to treat my aunt’s daughter Joana exactly the way she treated me but I have taken the revenge with my success. I sometimes thought of my parent and elder sister, I wish they were at life. What if you know your destination? But because we sometimes fail on our plans and can’t reach where we want to be, we sometimes feel sad and thinks we shouldn’t have been on this earth (Such idea has been in my head several times in the past). Success Is Best Revenge: Cristiano Ronaldo Best Motivational Status.Stay home and stay safe. I have actually had a lot of personal chat with him but haven’t been able to talk to him face to face (that is what am hoping for) He will tell us why success is the best revenge to take in life. He is a very good computer programmer as well as a data scientist, no wonder he is working for Google. He had thought us a lot of lessons with his life on why we must take revenge for our success. "The best revenge is success".…How many times have you heard this? This is because when they look in the mirror and thinks about how they started and where they have gotten to, joy fills within their heart. I graduated from Harvard and started my internship at one Tech Company in California. According to him, he said “When I had no money in the beginning, I had only one friend, that was my mother. Peoples whose actions don’t reflect their words are hard to believe. I was just a computer programmer, he thought me to become a data scientist in just 5 months. I know this is not only Tim, ask any successful person how he feels now compared to his or her past and he will tell you exactly the same. I was very worried about how I was going to continue my education in the senior lever. … We all need to work hard on our goals so that we can succeed and put our enemies into shame. He continued “Google doesn’t employ students base on their degrees, your ability to understand things quickly, your thinking skills, and how you could use the resource you have is all that Google needs from you. Success is not the key to happiness. I did wonder a lot about how she sounds familiar with her. We all want to hear advice about a specific subject from those who are already in such field. But knowing yourself very well will help you to adjust yourself to every circumstance. Why Success is the Best Revenge I have always been interested in the saying that ‘revenge is a dish best served cold’. Before and before I got there the next day and one month after I was assigned instructor! Have trust in your country or city, then consider working hard on your.... 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