
poor richard's almanack 1737

Tekel, Peres. Poor Richard's Almanack, 1737 Courteous and kind Reader, This is the fifth Time I have appear'd in Publick, chalking out the future Year for my honest Countrymen, and foretelling what shall, and what may, and what may not come to pass; in which I have the Pleasure to find that I … Assassin's Creed III. Kind Fate and Fortune, blend ’em if you can. After crosses and losses men grow humbler and wiser. Poor Richard's Almanack for 1737. Poor Richard. Phila., Minutes, May 5, 1746. He that can travel well afoot, keeps a good horse. (1) Franklin’s almanac was written under the nom de plume Richard Saunders, or “Poor Richard.” A countryman between 2 Lawyers, is like a fish between two cats. See above, I, 344 n. His widow gave the Library Company some of her husband’s MSS, 1746, “together with a large Collection of Prints of Leaves of Plants growing near Philadelphia....” Lib. History Talk (0) Share. Fine linnen, girls and gold so bright, Chuse not to take by candle-light. Again, He that sells upon Credit, asks a Price for what he sells, equivalent to the Principal and Interest of his Money for the Time he is like to be kept out of it: therefore. For £6 a year you may have the use of £100, if you are a man of known prudence and honesty. On T.T. (Yale University Library) After crosses and losses men grow humbler & wiser. Love, Cough, & a Smoke, can’t well be hid. A very popular and highly profitable almanac was Benjamin Franklin’s Poor Richard’s, first printed in 1732. Database: Poor Richard's Almanack - 1737 (Vol.1) View source. Fish & Visitors stink in 3 days. Poor Dick, eats like a well man, and drinks like a sick. 2. A MS draft of these paragraphs, dated Sept. 6, 1736, in Joseph Breintnall’s hand, is in Lib. Today s reading has been edited and adapted from poor richard s almanack a yearly publication produced by benjamin franklin from 1732 to 1758. Who has deciev d thee so oft as thy self p. … This, Greece and Rome, you with Derision view; This Thracian Ignorance may teach the wise. My Wife has been enabled to get a Pot of her own, and is no longer oblig'd to borrow one from a He that buys upon Credit, pays Interest for what he buys. Rich Gripe does all his Thoughts and Cunning bend. The second is of the Moon, March 5. at 10 h. 34 m. in the morning, therefore invisible here. Records Commission. worth of time, loses 5s. The Top and Branches of the Plant are thick set with small yellow flowers in August and September. The Master piece of Man, is to live to the purpose. For 6 l. a Year, you may have the Use of 100 l. if you are a Man of known Prudence and Honesty. Philadelphia: Benjamin Franklin, [1736]. He that spends a groat a day idly, spends idly above £6 a year; which is the price of using £100. Unarmed. Every little makes a mickle. In This Wiki Guide. 0001_Signers of the Continental Association. The fifth Poor Richard Almanac and as with all of the early issues, VERY RARE. Poor Richard’s Almanack 1733. Borrowing of Driblets, boldly begging Gifts; For Twenty Shillings lent him t’other Day, (By one who ne’er expected he would pay). He that pays ready Money, escapes or may escape that Charge. Disbound; quarter morocco folding case. The Explanation I promised, follows, viz. ( Log Out /  He that pursues two Hares at once, does not catch one and lets t’other go. says Hodge, then would mine were. An Almanack For the Year of Christ 1737,... By Richard Saunders, Philom. There will be four Eclipses this Year, two of the Sun and two of the Moon. His description "Blame-all and Praise-all are two blockheads". Those who pay for what they buy upon Credit, pay their Share of this Advance. In my last, on the second Eclipse which was of the Moon, March 1736, celebrated in ♎︎ or the Balance, I hinted, That Germany would be weighed and found wanting. A compilation of stories, adages, and folksy wisdom published annually by Benjamin Franklin from 1732 to 1757, Poor Richard's Almanack was an important contribution to the development of a unique American idiom based on independence, practicality, temperance, and plain-spoken honesty. Philadelphia: Printed and sold by B. Franklin, at the New Printing-Office near the Market. It comes from his annual best-selling Poor Richard's Almanack published from 1732 to 1758. by bad Debts; therefore he charges, on all he sells upon Credit, an Advance that shall make up that Deficiency. That ’tis so mighty long e’er it arrive? Benjamin Franklin's Poor Richard's Almanack was first published in 1733. Well done is better than well said. T’encrease that Wealth he wants the Soul [to] spend: Poor Shifter does his whole Contrivance set. Impudent Jack, who now lives by his Shifts. “The Heart of a fool is in his mouth, but the mouth of a wise is in his heart”. If you’d have a Servant that you like, serve your self. Indeed, among the Multitude of our astrological Predictions, ’tis no wonder if some few fail; for, without any Defect in the Art itself, ’tis well known that a small Error, a single wrong Figure overseen in a Calculation, may occasion great Mistakes: But however we Almanack-makers may miss it in other Things, I believe it will be generally allow’d That we always hit the Day of the Month, and that I suppose is esteem’d one of the most useful Things in an Almanack. Tell a miser he’s rich, and a woman she’s old, you’ll get no money of one, nor kindness of t’other. 3. He that can compose himself, is wiser than he that composes books. Every one knows they are Fish before they fly, being bred in the Water; and therefore may properly be said to land before they become generally troublesome. A countryman between 2 Lawyers, is like a fish between two cats. To-morrow you’ll reform, you always cry; In what far Country does this Morrow lie. A Penny sav’d is Twopence clear, A Pin a day is a Groat a Year. Play Sound PREFACE. He that has neither fools, whores nor beggars among his kindred, is the son of a thunder-gust. The Indians long made a Secret of the Herb they used in curing the Bite of that venemous Reptile a Rattle-Snake: but since some curious Persons among the English have fully discover’d and are now well acquainted with it, I hope it will be an acceptable Service to these Parts of the World, if I make it more publick by the following Description, with the Figure of a Leaf of it. 2) PREVIOUS. Breintnall was much interested in the properties of herbs: Peter Collinson in a letter to Bartram, Jan. 20, 1735, refers to “Joseph Breintnall’s Snake-root.” This may have been the Polygala senega, about which John Tennent wrote (see above, p. 155 n.); but Breintnall described it as a goldenrod and Collinson seems to have thought it Sanicula canadensis. Co. Phila. An average of 10,000 pamphlets were printed each year for the colonists' enjoyment, containing practical Yankee witticisms we continue to use to this day. For £6 a Year, you may have the Use of £100 if you are a Man of known Prudence and Honesty. The designation snakeroot includes several species. 1734 – Better slip with foot than tongue. If you want a neat wife, chuse her on a Saturday. I enjoy some of Ben Franklin's aphorisms. Poor Richard, 1733: Preface and Maxims; Poor Richard, 1734: Preface, "By Mrs. Bridget Saunders,'' Maxims The publication appeared continually from 1732 to 1758. Franklin’s greatest business accomplishment came from the publication of Poor Richard’s Almanack. Philadelphia. Lambs fly from Wolves; and Sailors steer from rocks; A Rogue the Gallows, as his Fate, foresees. Bear no Jests. An Almanack For the Year of Christ 1736, ... By Richard Saunders, Philom. 1. John Jerman, whose almanac computations for 1734–36 BF had printed, sold his copy for 1737 to Andrew Bradford. The Creditors are a superstitious sect, great observers of set days and times. No better relation than a prudent & faithful Friend. The Master-piece of Man, is to live to the purpose. modern editorial content, are copyright © the American Philosophical Society and Yale University. The worst wheel of the cart makes the most noise. He that possesses any Thing he has bought, pays Interest for the Use of it. ’Tis so far-fetch’d, this Morrow, that I fear. To-morrow I’ll reform, the Fool does say: To day it self’s too late; the Wise did yesterday. On his Friend’s Paper fain a Note wou’d write; His Friend, as needless, did refuse it quite; Paper was scarce, and ’twas too hard, it’s true. Both Parents mourn for, both receive with Grief: The Thracian Infant snatch’d by Death away. Darlington, Memorials, pp. He that spends a Groat a day idly, spends idly above £6 a year, which is the Price of using £100. The first is a great and visible Eclipse of the Sun, Feb. 18. beginning at 8 h. 1 m. A.M. middle at 9 h. 11 m. end at 10 h. 20 m. Digits eclipsed near nine, on the upper side of the Sun. ( Log Out /  We modestly desire only the favourable Allowance of a day or two before and a day or two after the precise Day against which the Weather is set; and if it does not come to pass accordingly, let the Fault be laid upon the Printer, who, ’tis very like, may have transpos’d or misplac’d it, perhaps for the Conveniency of putting in his Holidays: And since, in spight of all I can say, People will give him great part of the Credit of making my Almanacks, ’tis but reasonable he should take some share of the Blame. Poor Richard's Almanack (sometimes Almanac) was a yearly almanac published by Benjamin Franklin, who adopted the pseudonym of "Poor Richard" or "Richard Saunders" for this purpose. Poor Richard, 1737. All of us who were engaged in the struggle must have observed frequent instances of superintending providence in our favor. It is a Species of Golden-Rod, known from the other Sorts by the smoothness of the Leaf, and its pungent Taste, and occasioning when chewed and swallow’d, a small Stoppage of the Breath, and Contraction in the Throat; and the Stalk, which is in some Places less than a yard in height when at full Growth, in others more, is of a dull purple colour, and smooth, and cover’d with a fine blue Dust, like that on many of the English Plums. The first edition of this annual work was published on 19 December 1732 and continued on for the next 25 years. The lawyer takes from both right and wrong. Archives. A Spoonful of Honey will catch more Flies than a Gallon of Vinegar. The noblest question in the world is What Good may I do in it? The fifth issue of this famous series by Benjamin Franklin which was continued to 1793. And ’twas refus’d by half the Nation: Thus, (tho’ ’tis Life’s great Preservation). Consider then, when you are tempted to buy any unnecessary Housholdstuff, or any superfluous thing, whether you will be willing to pay Interest, and Interest upon Interest for it as long as you live; and more if it grows worse by using. Note: The annotations to this document, and any other Poor Richard's Almanack by Benjamin Franklin. The nearest way to come at glory, is to do that for conscience which we do for glory. in the River. The greatest monarch on the proudest throne, is oblig’d to sit upon his own arse. He that can travel well afoot, keeps a … Poor Richard 1734 Courteous Readers, Your kind and charitable Assistance last Year, in purchasing so large an Impression of my Almanacks, has made my Circumstances much more easy in the World, and requires my grateful Acknowledgment. Indeed, among the Multitude of our astrological Predictions, ’tis no wonder if some few fail; for, without any Defect in the Art itself, ’tis well known that a small Error, a single wrong Figure overseen in a Calculation, may occasion great Mistakes: But however we Almanack-makers may miss it in other Things, I believe it will be generally allow’d That we always hit the Day of the Month, and that I suppose is esteem’d one of the most useful Things in an Almanack. Don’t misinform your Doctor nor your Lawyer. E’er of this odd odd Year one Month has roll’d. Fine linnen, girls and gold so bright, Chuse not to take by candle-light. 1736 - Tis easy to … He is no clown that drives the plow, but he that doth clownish things. Certainlie these things agree, The Priest, the Lawyer, & Death all three: Death takes both the weak and the strong. For January 1737, which consists entirely of odd Figures. Breintnall acquired skill and reputation for making such impressions. Printed near the article is an image of a leaf. There is much money given to be laught at, though the purchasers don’t know it; witness A’s fine horse, and B’s fine house. ( Log Out /  The good Paymaster is Lord of another man’s Purse. I must not omit here to thank the Publick for the gracious and kind Encouragement they have hitherto given me: But if the generous Purchaser of my Labours could see how often his Fi’-pence helps to light up the comfortable Fire, line the Pot, fill the Cup and make glad the Heart of a poor Man and an honest good old Woman, he would not think his Money ill laid out, tho’ the Almanack of his were one half blank Paper. preserve, publish, and encourage the use of documentary sources, relating to the history of He that idly loses 5 s. worth of time, loses 5 s. & might as prudently throw 5 s. in the River. That throve so well as those that settled be. The Course of the Year (I speak without Boasting) has verified that Prediction; for that Empire now weighed in the Balance of Europe, is found to want two Kingdoms, to wit Naples and Sicily.4 May the Doubts I expressed concerning the Empire itself, prove groundless as to Germany, and be verified in the Turkish Dominion. Love, Cough, & a Smoke, can’t well be hid. He that loses 5s. He that loses 5 s. not only loses that Sum, but all the Advantage that might be made by turning it in Dealing, which by the time that a young Man becomes old, amounts to a comfortable Bag of Mony. Now when there is Rain overhead, (which frequently happens when the Wind is at N.E.) As to the Weather, if I were to fall into the Method my Brother J —– n sometimes uses, and tell you, Snow here or in New England, — Rain here or in South-Carolina, — Cold to the Northward, — Warm to the Southward, and the like, whatever Errors I might commit, I should be something more secure of not being detected in them: But I consider, it will be of no Service to any body to know what Weather it is 1000 miles off, and therefore I always set down positively what Weather my Reader will have, be he where he will at the time. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. He that pays ready Money, escapes or may escape that Charge. Fair Print and Paper fraught with Sense divine; Tho’ some neglectful seldom care to read. That is the question we must ask.” Letter to Thomas Jefferson (March 16, 1775) “A good Lawyer is a bad Neighbour.” Poor Richard’s Almanack (1737) To whom thy secret thou dost tell, To him thy freedom thou dost sell. The Root continues over the Winter, and if set in a good Garden, will send forth (in the 2d or 3d Year) at least 50 Stalks. in Poor Richard's Almanack * * ^T^ HE GREATEST MONARCH on the proudest Throne, is * * I obliged to sit upon his own Arse," Poor Richard re-JL minds us in his almanac for 1737.1 Such a truism might pass unnoticed except as a bit of humor. watch 02:53. Let the Letter stay for the Post, and not the Post for the Letter. Poor richard s almanack was a yearly almanack published by benjamin franklin from 1732 1758. The Leaf figur’d in the Margin is one of the largest; for the most part they are not near so big though the Shape be the same. Which Is Added, the Continuation of the Lif: Franklin, Benjamin: 9781334056499: Books. In the almanac, alongside these paragraphs, is the impression of the goldenrod leaf, 3½ inches long. The image differs from the earlier prints and was made by a metal casting, rather than an inked specimen. In my last I published some Enigmatical Prophecies,5 which I did not expect any one would take for serious Predictions. The greatest monarch on the proudest throne, is oblig’d to sit upon his own arse. E’er a Nymph that was chast or a Swain that was true. As to the Weather, if I were to fall into the Method my Brother J----n1 sometimes uses, and tell you, Snow here or in New England,—Rain here or in South-Carolina, —Cold to the Northward, —Warm to the Southward, and the like, whatever Errors I might commit, I should be something more secure of not being detected in them: But I consider, it will be of no Service to any body to know what Weather it is 1000 miles off, and therefore I always set down positively what Weather my Reader will have, be he where he will at the time. ( Log Out /  Consider then, when you are tempted to buy any unnecessary Housholdstuff, or any superfluous thing, whether you will be willing to pay Interest, and Interest upon Interest for it as long as you live; and more if it grows worse by using. Poor Richard's Almanacks were a great success from the start in 1733. There are no ugly Loves, nor handsome Prisons. He that steals the old man’s supper, do’s him no wrong. In 1748 Franklin retired from business. After crosses and losses men grow humbler & wiser. Poor Richard's Almanack (sometimes Almanac) was a yearly almanac published by Benjamin Franklin, who adopted the pseudonym of "Poor Richard" or "Richard Saunders" for this purpose. Nec sibi, sed toto, genitum se credere mundo. Don’t misinform your Doctor nor your Lawyer. Are Women Books? Poor Richard, 1736. With his almanac for 1740 he returned to BF, but three years later was back with Bradford. It sold exceptionally well for a pamphlet published in the Thirteen Colonies; print runs reached 10,000 per year. The nearest way to come at glory, is to do that for conscience which we do for glory. Lucan, Civil War, II, 383. Benjamin Franklin’s Proverbs from Poor Richard’s Almanac. This quotation is from 1737. Poor Dick, eats like a well man, and drinks like a sick. Poor R. SAUNDERS. Benjamin Franklin, Poor Richard's Almanack, 1748. From → American History, Benjamin Franklin, Founding Fathers, Poor Richard, Revolutionary America. And the priest from living and dead has his Fee. The publication appeared continually from 1732 to 1758. At the working man’s house hunger looks in but dares not enter. Philadelphia: Printed and sold by B. Franklin, at the New Printing-Office near the Market. The Plant shoots early in the Spring and withers late in the Fall. Poor Richard was Benjamin Franklin's pseudonym he used to publish his popular annual Poor Richard's Almanack was published continuously for 25 years, from 1732 to 1758. Change ). He that can travel well afoot, keeps a good horse. Tell a miser he’s rich, and a woman she’s old, you’ll get no money of one, nor kindness of t’other. Poor Richard, 1737. The Indians use it variously; sometimes they bruise it between Stones, sometimes chew it and spit in the Patient’s Mouth, some lay it to the Wound, others about the Wound, sometimes they boil it and give the Water to drink, washing the Wound with it likewise: but always some of it is to be swallowed, either with the Spittle or with Water. Nec sibi, sed toto, genitum se credere mundo.3. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Courteous Reader, This is the third Time of my appearing in print, hitherto verymuch to my own Satisfaction, and, I have reason to hope, to theSatisfaction of the Publick also; for the Publick is generous, andhas been very charitable and good to me. Benjamin Franklin Poor Richard's Almanack 1733-1758 Contents. And faithful Wives no more than Bibles heed. One of Franklin’s legacies is his publication Poor Richard’s Almanack [Almanac]. Tis better leave for an enemy at one’s death, than beg of a friend in one’s life. The lawyer takes from both right and wrong, And the priest from living and dead has his Fee. This is the fifth Time I have appear’d in Publick, chalking out the future Year for my honest Countrymen, and foretelling what shall, and what may, and what may not come to pass; in which I have the Pleasure to find that I have given general Satisfaction. Poor Richard's Almanack - 1737 (Vol. NEXT. What Wonders, Reader, shall the World behold! (Yale University Library). public. Was this guide helpful? Facing heavy competition from similar publications, Franklin took the unusual and controversial approach of injecting witty, unexpected entries between standard tables of tides, planetary motion, weather predictions and other facts. We’re happy till the Clock strikes Ten. who destroy’d his Landlord’s fine Wood. Save & have. He that spends a Groat a day idly, spends idly above 6 l. a year, which is the Price of using 100 l. He that wastes idly a Groat’s worth of his Time per Day, one Day with another, wastes the Privilege of using 100 l. each Day. In 1737 Breintnall wrote an article about "Rattlesnake Herb"' for Franklin's Poor Richard's Almanack Franklin sold around 10,000 copies of this Almanack. Benjamin Franklin, Poor Richard's Almanack, 1737. “Well done is better than well said” – Poor Richards Almanack (1737) No truer words have been said. by bad Debts; therefore he charges, on all he sells upon Credit, an Advance that shall make up that Deficiency. You say you’ll spend Five hundred Pound. Apollo stood mute, and had like t’have been pos’d; At length he thus sagely the question disclos’d: He alone may be true in whom none will confide. Don’t go to the doctor with every distemper, nor to the lawyer with every quarrel, nor to the pot for every thirst. If you know how to spend less than you get, you have the Philosophers-Stone. Dead Bones shall then be tumbled up and down. - Poor Richard’s Almanack, 1736 “He that would live in peace & at ease, Must not speak all he knows or judge all he sees.” - Poor Richard’s Almanack, 1736 “Well done is better than well said.” - Poor Richard’s Almanack, 1737 “A right Heart exceeds all.” - Poor Richard’s Almanack, 1739 “What you … 2. Poor Richard s Almanack. An Almanack For the Year of Christ 1737, Being the First after Leap Year. He that possesses any Thing he has bought, pays Interest for the Use of it. And he that pays ready Money, might let that Money out to Use: so that. There is much money given to be laught at, though the purchasers don’t know it; witness A’s fine horse, & B’s fine house. The Use of Money is all the Advantage there is in having Money. A Traveller should have a hog’s nose, deer’s legs, and an ass’s back. The fourth is a visible Defect of the Moon, Aug. 28. beginning 9 h. 40 m. P.M. the middle at 10 h. 51 m. End near midnight. Co. With more than 700 pithy proverbs, this work lays out the ruiles you should live by and offers advice on such subjects as money, friendship, marriage, ethics, and human nature. He that sells upon Credit, expects to lose 5 per Cent. Let the Letter stay for the Post, and not the Post for the Letter. On December 19, 1732 Franklin published his first almanac under the pseudonym of Richard Saunders. (Lacks final leaf, C2-3 reversed, foredge of one leaf and spine silked.) He that can take rest is greater than he that can take cities. 4. Naples and Sicily were under Austrian domination, 1707–33, but became the independent Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, 1735. The Creditors are a superstitious sect, great observers of set days and times. The Power with which we were not then at War, but which, it was said, would take many full laden Vessels out of our Ports before the End of the Year, is The Wind, whose Forces also are not descried either coming or going. Tis better leave for an enemy at one’s death, than beg of a friend in one’s life. Through its grants program, the NHPRC supports a wide range of activities to A Penny sav’d is Twopence clear, A Pin a day is a Groat a Year. Foolscap 8 o in 4s (158 x 102 mm). All rights reserved. It is also found on the Banks of dry Ditches, and sometimes in them, and in Hedge-Rows: But it is most luxuriant near to Run Sides, if the Soil be rich, and not too moist, nor too much shaded. 3. [This was Cato’s rule of life,] To believe that one is born not for himself, but for the whole world. At the working man’s house hunger looks in but dares not enter. The best Maxims from Benjamin Franklin’s, Poor Richard’s Almanack. Poor Richard, 1736. This is the fifth Time I have appear’d in Publick, chalking out the future Year for my honest Countrymen, and foretelling what shall, and what may, and what may not come to pass; in which I have the Pleasure to find that I have given general Satisfaction. 1735 - Eyes and Priests. The Use of Money is all the Advantage there is in having Money. The worst wheel of the cart makes the most noise. Posted on November 27, 2019. We modestly desire only the favourable Allowance of a day or two before and a day or two after the precise Day against which the Weather is set; and if it does not come to pass accordingly, let the Fault be laid upon the Printer, who, ’tis very like, may have transpos’d or misplac’d it, perhaps for the Conveniency of putting in his Holidays: And since, in spight of all I can say, People will give him great part of the Credit of making my Almanacks, ’tis but reasonable he should take some share of the Blame. ☙ Poor Richard's Almanack ☙ Despair ruins some, Presumption many. Poor Richard’s is remembered as the depository of Franklin’s famous proverbs and aphorisms. The almanac was published for the year of 1733 and was published once a year for the next 25 years. Again, He that sells upon Credit, asks a Price for what he sells, equivalent to the Principal and Interest of his Money for the Time he is like to be kept out of it: therefore. Love, Cough, and a Smoke, can’t well be hid. Meaning – A person’s eyes always tell the truth. The third is of the Sun, Aug. 14. at 7 h. 30 m. P.M. invisible also. the Cities and Places on the Earth below, are certainly under Water. There are no ugly Loves, nor handsome Prisons. I must not omit here to thank the Publick for the gracious and kind Encouragement they have hitherto given me: But if the generous Purchaser of my Labours could see how often his Fi’-pence helps to light up the comfortable Fire, line the Pot, fill the Cup and make glad the Heart of a poor Man and an honest good old Woman, he would not think his Money ill laid out, tho’ the Almanack of his Friend and Servant. The Water of the Sea and Rivers is raised in Vapours by the Sun, is form’d into Clouds in the Air, and thence descends in Rain. To spend that Wealth he wants the Sense to get. Easter Eggs. not only loses that Sum, but all the Advantage that might be made by turning it in Dealing, which by the time that a young Man becomes old, amounts to a comfortable Bag of Money. A Nymph and a Swain to Apollo once pray’d; The Swain had been jilted, the Nymph been betray’d. The noblest question in the world is What Good may I do in it? Poor Richard's Almanack, 1735. The Army which it was said would land in Virginia, Maryland, and the Lower Counties on Delaware, were not Musketeers with Guns on their Shoulders as some expected; but their Namesakes, in Pronunciation, tho’ truly spelt Moschitos, arm’d only with a sharp Sting. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Those who pay for what they buy upon Credit, pay their Share of this Advance. Business was thriving by the mid 1730s, the Pennsylvania Gazette became the most popular newspaper in the colony and Poor Richard’s Almanac was a best seller with a circulation of 10,000 copies a year. Who sometimes in those Books Erratas see; Yet oft the Reader’s raptur’d with each Line. He that can compose himself, is wiser than he that composes books. Publisher: Skyhorse Publishing, Inc. Don’t go to the doctor with every distemper, nor to the lawyer with every quarrel, nor to the pot for every thirst. The Priest, the Lawyer, and Death all three: Death takes both the weak and the strong. Every little makes a mickle. An Almanack For the Year of Christ 1737, Snow here or in New England,—Rain here or in South-Carolina, —Cold to the Northward, —Warm to the Southward, That Germany would be weighed and found wanting,, National Historical Publications and When they the dreadful Sound of Trump shall hear. Franklin ceased to edit them with the issue for 1758, but his name remained as publisher for eight years longer. 61, 78. While some mourn o’er an empty Purse in vain: And many a christian’s Heart shall ake for Fear. 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