
owens lake project

This two year project was completed in December 2017, finalizing a 15+ year program. LADWP is reviled in the Owens Valley, and for good reason. The State Lands Commission action is an amendment to a 20-year General Lease - Public Agency Use through April 30, 2019. And they’ve included beautifully designed public access areas and trails so that the public can come to the lake to see the extraordinary place it is. Mike Prather of Eastern Sierra Audubon leads the activities at the annual bird count at the lake. Other photographers have used the Owens Lake as a photographic subject, but their focus has tended toward the abstract or aerial photography. Demonstration Projects ––Cordoba Corporation provided field supervision and labor during the … And as with any location that brings in huge numbers of birds, there’s an ecological ripple effect–the habitat on and around the lake also supports other birds and wildlife as well. My hope has always been to educate people on what the lake is really like, and why it is so important that we continue restoration efforts there. How could we protect the heritage wildlife population that was back again?”. It’s easy to see LADWP as the villain in this story; indeed, I’m often torn on what my own opinion is of the department. National Audubon subsequently designated the Owens Lake an Important Bird Area (IBA) on the Pacific Flyway (a critical migratory route); a group of local stakeholders and activists in 2007 formed what would become known as the Master Plan working group, and they succeeded in bringing LADWP to the table to begin work on preserving this accidentally resurrected habitat. Much of the land surrounding the lake is owned by the BLM, which allows ranchers to graze their cattle at the lake. Most of the people who live in Los Angeles are completely unfamiliar with the Owens Lake and its connection to their water, and have no idea of the critical wildlife habitat that exists at the lake and which needs protection and preservation. Great Egrets are one of several species of wading birds found on Owens Lake. Michael Prather, a local conservationist and co-founder of the Eastern Sierra Audubon chapter and who has been one of the lake’s most important advocates, recalls that “We discussed two main areas of interest—saving water and protecting habitat. Cardoza has several aspects to his vision for this giant piece. The exhibit will be held at a venue I love and have spent many hours at–the Eastern Sierra Interagency Visitors Center, a beautiful facility just north of the Owens Lake. As an incentive, those who donate $100 or more will get their choice of any of my images (excluding panoramic images), matted to 11″x14″ and ready for framing. Eastern Sierra Crest Reflected in Owens Lake. Thank you for this tireless, impassioned work you have done—for you have achieved the impossible. Owens Lake Project: Metamorphosis for Contemplation Dust Storm. One of the things I hope to accomplish while spending the better part of a week at the lake this month at the height of spring migration is photographing some of the diverse life there–and I’m hoping that once people see that diversity at Owens Lake, they’ll become more invested in helping protect and preserve it. The Lake Project comprises images from Owens Lake, the site of a formerly 200 square-mile lake in California on the eastern side of the Sierra Mountains. I’ll repeat this part: this was never supposed to happen, and it’s a BIG DEAL. So, where does that leave this project? With the addition of the water on the lake itself, limited though it was, the birds came back. Their design is beautiful, and in perfect harmony with its environment. Black’s work can also be explored on her website and The Owens Lake Project. But it was one key species that really got everyone’s attention—the tiny snowy plover. Portions of the lake have been separated into grids, several of which have carefully maintained shallow flooding and are planted to native saltgrass. Once I’ve digested all the details, I’ll devote a new post to it in the next few days. Through education comes advocacy, and through advocacy comes action. I have been making my Advent and Lenten retreat to … All work on the proposed Owens Lake Plan ceased. It is ringed with a series of springs and seeps along its western shore which kept an active marsh and grassland area alive on the lake. Several species of bird also use the lake as a breeding ground, including the critically threatened Snowy Plover. Our … The small towns along the lake were decimated along with the lake, but the few residents who remain in Keeler maintain a healthy, if cynical, sense of humor. Things were beginning to look grim. The Project is not perfect, but it’s a LOT, and it’s a great start. Once the lakebed was exposed, it was exploited still more by companies who mined the lake itself for its precious minerals. These photos show bird species that are at the lake early in the breeding season, and the variety of life there continues to increase as spring progresses. NUVIS Schematic of the main plaza (drawing by NUVIS Landscape Architecture). “The lake … The advisory committee and the work groups would still meet and advise the DWP in its work.”, In 2013, however, LADWP ended up back in litigation with Great Basin and other parties. Any amount you can donate will help, and be GREATLY appreciated. The breeding plumage of the American Avocet is intensely striking. This, the welcoming of the public to the lake. Read more about my project here. My own personal note: I am amazed and so thrilled with what’s happening at the lake right now. The Owens Lake Trails project was designed in partnership with LADWP, community stakeholders and other interested parties, including California State Lands Commission, Great Basin Unified Air Pollution Control District, the Paiute-Shoshone Tribes, and the Eastern Sierra Audubon Society. G2 Gallery – Second Chance: The Owens Lake Project, Hidden in plain sight: Owens Lake is a mecca for birds and wildlife. Even before it was drained mostly dry, the Owens Lake was exploited by entities both public and private for the riches it had to give up, and for its ability to transport materials mined from the Inyo Mountains that rise from its eastern shore. They’re not the hero of this story–yet–but they are showing an effort at good work on Owens Lake. Adjacent the Inyo site is the now dry Owens Lake. That group met regularly to discuss, negotiate and occasionally battle over plans to include more habitat restoration and maintenance along with the dust control on the lake that Los Angeles Water and Power was obligated by court order to do. The Owens Lake Artifacts Inyo's prehistoric connections confirmed. The eared Grebe is one of many migrating species who use Owens Lake as a stopover on their journey. Inyo County’s Fifth District Supervisor admitted he was initially skeptical of the public access element of the dust mitigation project. The Owens Lake project has attracted visitors exploring alternatives for the Salton Sea, which is larger than Owens Lake. That somewhat oversimplifies the process by which we arrive today (tomorrow, technically, for the public dedication), at the opening of the Owens Trails at Owens Lake in the Eastern Sierra, but the transformation has been dramatic and quite possibly unprecedented. Brine Flies – The Lake’s Primary Food Source, A Group of Coots (sometimes called Mudhens), Avocets Embody Elegance and Precision in Flight. Long-Billed Dowitchers and ducks (Cinnamon Teal, Green-Winged Teal and Blue-Winged Teal) feast on brine flies in the marsh at Dirty Socks. Having spent the last six-plus years of my life documenting the birds that returned to Owens Lake, this feels very personal to me (in the best way). A sprinkler system was installed far out on the playa. Important enough that the National Audubon Society has designated Owens Lake as an IBA–Important Bird Area, an area recognized as being globally important habitat for the conservation of bird populations. The Long-Billed Dowitcher is another migratory species that frequents the lake on its journey. Owens Lake is the single largest dust control project in the United States of America, controlling fugitive PM10 (particulate matter less than 10 micron in aerodynamic diameter) dust emissions from the Nation’s largest source area. This is why I need your help–I need to raise funds to recover my images and to cover a portion of the printing/framing expenses for the exhibit. The lake is alive with wildlife year round, and that is what needs more awareness and education–you cannot protect what you’re not aware of, and one of my goals in telling this story is to familiarize people with what a thriving environment Owens Lake is for birds and wildlife. View more. and the equally colorful Yellow-Headed Blackbird. Other towns on the lake, such as Swansea, have been lost forever. Completed in 1913, it diverted the entirety of the Owens River north of Independence into the aqueduct—it made possible the city of Los Angeles that exists today, but almost (the “almost” is important) killed Owens Lake, a terminal lake at the southern end of the Owens Valley, which had mostly dried up by 1926. This year more than 39,000 birds spanning 64 species were observed on the lake on a single day. For those of you who were unable to see the exhibit in Los Angeles, you’ll have another opportunity to view it this spring, when I take the project “home” to the Owens Valley. If you read the “about” page for the project, you’ll understand why I consider this project so timely and important. Those year-round water sources, along with the handful of shallowly flooded grids that LA’s Water and Power has constructed to help with dust mitigation, attract hundreds of thousands of birds every year along the Pacific Flyway. Owens Lake Dust Mitigation Project, Phase 5 – KDG Construction Consulting Owens Lake Dust Mitigation Project, Phase 5 Phase 5 implemented over 6.5 miles of shallow flooding dust control, shown above. At warp speed, approximately, which I embrace with great excitement. Back in 1913, the City of Los Angeles began diverting the Owens River to Los Angeles,. I’m very excited to announce that Friends of the Inyo, an excellent stewardship and conservation group in the Eastern Sierra, is sponsoring a two-month showing of the exhibit during March and April 2015 as part of their first annual Owens Lake Bird Festival. The grids on the lakebed are controlled by an elaborate network of pipes and pumping stations. LADWP, along with several groups working to restore Owens Lake, was part of an ongoing working group loosely known as the Owens Lake Master Plan Committee. The juxtaposition of old and new photos is quite striking (and kudos to Jon Klusmire at the museum for this perfect and fascinating approach). We’re in the middle of a three-year drought in California, and water issues are more important than ever. I figured things couldn’t stay quiet forever, so I closely followed any news I could find coming out of LADWP or the Owens Valley, usually by way of updates from the Owens Valley Committee. And they came back in massive numbers, and did so with a rapidity that surprised just about everyone. He says he wants the visitor or spectator to be made aware of the context in which the lake formed, and that is necessary for his artwork as well. The Owens Valley ecosystem is globally significant, and has much in common with its much better-known analogue, the Florida Everglades. Even getting this far was significant. Owens Lake Master Project In 2013, LADWP stated it planned to stop diverting about 100,000 acre-feet to control dust in the lake, with those diversions sucking up about half of the water from Owens Valley originally intended for Los Angeles. Angelinos, you, more than anyone else, need to add this to your must-see lists. Every species has a different migration pattern–some make stunningly long journeys, others less so; it’s the range of bird life on the lake in spring that’s truly impressive, however. Eventually, I hope to distill the work into a series of photographs for exhibition, or possibly publication in book form. DWP assured the stakeholders that what was in the draft Master Plan would be incorporated into what they now call the Master Project. First, a little background to catch you up on the details. The lake also supports many species of bird common to marshes and grassy fields, such as the Red-Winged Blackbird . I’ll get into what’s happening now, but first, a little history (because context is important). . I encourage you to read the report–the overview, linked here, is relatively short and accompanied by extensive graphics showing just what the Master Project would do for the lake. The Lake Project comprises my aerial images of Owens Lake, taken between 2001 and 2004. 100 Years of Dust: Owens Lake and the Los Angeles Aqueduct is an in depth documentation of the environmental, cultural and political conflicts over water rights and air quality in California’s Owens Valley. (Whew!). . BACKGROUND: Owens Lake (Lake) is located in southwest Inyo County, approximately 200 miles north of Los Angeles. involving Owens Lake, including the Owens Lake Master Project (Master Project), current and potential future dust control projects, and the status of the Phase 7a and Phase 9/10 dust control projects. I’m delighted to see the project images on display again, because it’s so important to show people how much life exists on the lake (and on that note–look for a blog post in a couple of days about a VERY significant development on the lake). Were they really walking away from all the hard work they’d done with the committee, and planning to cease any further restoration work? But just this once, they deserve a pat on the back. What makes advocacy for this restoration effort difficult is that far too few people are aware of the history of the Owens Lake, if they even know of the lake at all. Behind the scenes, they were still working with Audubon, and, Prather says, once a settlement was reached in the litigation, the Master Project and stakeholder participation resumed. The site is … To ensure continued restoration of the Owens Lake that now includes habitat restoration as a goal, a network of groups in the Owens Valley including the Eastern Sierra Audubon Society, the Owens Valley Committee, the Bristlecone Pine Chapter of the California Native Plants Society and the Eastern Sierra Land Trust have all been working hard to see the restoration continued and, hopefully, expanded with this additional goal in mind. Those of you who donated at the level to receive a complimentary print from me can expect them within the next week (my techno-nightmares have continued, unfortunately–my PC desktop went belly-up about 10 days ago, which slightly delayed my ability to print those images; it’s been an interesting year, to say the least!). The Owens Lake at a distance–the only way most people ever see the lake–appears to be a wasteland, a dead and dusty plateau. Watershed Management Lower Owens River Project Owens Lake Dust Mitigation Program Invasive Mussels Information Environmental Plans and Reports. As this project goes forward, I’ll look at the ways the lake has been used–and as a result almost ruined. Owens Lake located in the Owens Valley on the southeastern side of California, is a mostly dry lake today. The U.S. Borax/Rio Tinto surface mining of the mineral trona continues today, in fact. And then suddenly, much to everyone’s surprise, LADWP last April announced their proposed Owens Lake Master Project. LADWP released its outline of the Master Project in spring 2013 (which you may have seen in some of my older posts on this blog), announcing their commitment to the construction and management of the seven habitat guilds, as well as public access areas to allow people to enjoy the impressive bird life at the lake. I’m now faced with the added expense of over $1,200 (at least) to have the data recovered from the hard drive, and it’s an expense that cannot be put off due to my need to recover images for the exhibit. LOS ANGELES — The Architectural Elements on Owens Lake, part of the Owens Lake Trails Project, were honored with the Award of Excellence at the 2016 Quality of Life Awards of the Southern California Chapter of the American Society … The genesis of the original Los Angeles Aqueduct lies 17 miles northeast of Independence, California in the Owens Valley. Project Overview. Twenty-two inch High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE) piping carries brine … This skirmish took more than a year to resolve, which resulted in a lengthy stretch of radio silence that caused a lot of people (including yours truly) to worry that they’d abandoned their commitment to the lake. This phase of the project will concentrate on bird and wildlife activity on and around the lake, showing how well those populations have adapted to work already done on the lake, and why further restoration of the habitat is so important. When the opening/closing dates have been confirmed, I’ll update here with more information, and I hope to see some of you there. “I never dreamed that we would ever have gotten this far. And then most notoriously, along came William Mullholland and his Los Angeles Aqueduct. It is at this intake above Independence that the LADWP first diverted an entire river in 1913--and began the long, slow death of Owens Lake. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. When the lake dried up and companies abandoned their operations there, towns like Keeler began to die. A second exhibition of the Owens Lake Project in 2015! BIRDS EVERYWHERE! The old Pittsburgh Plate Glass facility, which mined minerals from the lake, has been abandoned for decades, slowly decaying on the lake's western shore. Links to Additional Environmental Programs. This is the Owens as it flows into Bishop, after making its way through Crowley Lake reservoir and Pleasant Valley reservoir in the Owens Gorge. In just three years since the re-watering of the lower Owens River commenced, bird populations around the lake have increased exponentially, and the native plant life has begun to revive as well. A Wilson's Phalarope shows his territorial side. And the groups who have worked so hard to make this happen should feel immense pride. Owens Lake, once large enough to run steamer ships across it from the mines on the eastern shore of … From my own perspective–and I think this is similar to the perspective of the groups who are supportive of the Master Project–this is a very, very good thing. The Owens Lake project. Matt Kingsley put the Owens Lake Trails into perspective at the official opening of the 4-mile system complete with art installations. I am working concurrently on a […] Things have been quiet here for a while–here’s why. I’ll be posting updates on the lake regularly over the coming months, and even better–I’m thrilled to announce that G2 Gallery in Venice, California, along with partner Audubon California, will be exhibiting my work on the project this summer, from June 10 to July 27. Beginning June 10, renowned environmental photography gallery, G2 Gallery – Second Chance: The Owens Lake Project in Venice, California, will be showing … In addition to the mitigation efforts, something else significant happened—in 2006, LADWP, under court order, began sending water back down the lower Owens River below the aqueduct for the first time since its construction. The Wilson's Phalarope is another shorebird seen at the lake. The result of those two things meant that there was finally water—carefully controlled and gridded off—on the lake for the first time in almost a century. Brine flies breed in vast numbers along the edges of the highly alkaline water on Owens Lake, and serve as a major food source for several species of bird. In the late 1800s, it supported huge steam-powered barges carrying ore and other materials being mined from the Inyo Mountains that flank its eastern shore. Most who have just a passing familiarity with the lake think of it as a bone-dry lakebed in the Eastern Sierra, devoid of life and water, and little more than a post-apocalyptic wasteland. The lake is now a massive gridwork in various stages of restoration and dust mitigation. After returning home from a four-day hike of the Owens Lake perimeter to conclude my photographic work for the exhibit, I discovered that my external storage drive that contains all my image files–including several destined for the exhibit–had died, and taken all those images with it. This is perhaps the most critical time for the Owens Lake in almost a century. Owens Lake Land Art project (located on a 700-acre parcel named T30) began with a mandate from California State Lands to the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP) to meet the following goals: provide public access and hiking trails, create bird and mammal habitat, and preserve cultural resources while still meeting the strict dust emission controls. Link/Page Citation Owens Lake was a perennial lake at the terminus of the Owens River throughout historic time; the lake held water continuously for at least the last 800,000 years. Cattle chutes dot the landscape surrounding the lake's western and northern shores. Stay tuned! They’ve been greedy, they’ve been historically inconsiderate of the valley (and those who live there) from which they take their water, they’ve been short-sighted and indescribably stubborn in litigation over the lake and the aqueduct. But as the months dragged by with LADWP still silent, I began to worry. Owens Lake was a perennial lake at the terminus of the Owens River throughout historic time; the lake held water continuously for at least the last 800,000 years. Behind me, a detour road leads to Death Valley and around Owens Lake. Several species including the American White Pelican stop at the Owens Lake as part of their annual migration. Long time, no see–but let me assure you that the Owens Lake Project isn’t just still alive, things are about to get VERY busy around here (and around the lake). Will go a long way in doing just that when the lake to Death Valley around. Repeat this part: this was never supposed to include habitat Management lost forever species! 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