
is it worth getting an autism diagnosis reddit

The official autism badge can be … But you don’t need one. Below that is how you go about getting a diagnosis – Assessment for Autism Diagnosis. There is a book written by his mother, about a boy named Tony, who was diagnosed as autistic, and his behavior was very difficult to manage. I have asked myself if it's worth pursuing an official diagnosis, and as of now, I've come to the conclusion it isn't. We are building our own path of what ASD feels and looks like. I've noticed a lot of the people who asks the "is it worth it" question are able to get a diagnosis, and know they likely will be diagnosed with ASD; I suppose as I was writing this I thought mostly of those people who are more wondering if it's worth it for accomodations or simply just to know. Yeah, those are valid reasons and I believe I covered that somewhere above but I haven't quite woken up yet so I'm not going to try and find it now. Waiting times can also be very long. All posts get this message. No one has really told us; its us telling the professionals. If you're finding it hard to get an assessment, you could: ask to speak to someone else, like another GP – this is called getting a second opinion Could it imperil your career? “Autism is a spectrum. I would like to get a diagnosis to be sure and I hope that a diagnosis would be useful for getting the help and support I need. Many got a new diagnosis of attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder or … All posts get this message. Considered by many to be one of the most inspirational advocates and supporters of those with Asperger’s, Autism and ASD (especially girls and women), Alis discusses here the benefits of seeking out a diagnosis Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. Some people say it isn't, some will tell you to go ahead, some will be indifferent. Find out how to get diagnosed with autism and how a diagnosis can be helpful. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. The disorder — now officially known as autism spectrum disorder — is being diagnosed at a rate that represents a 30 percent increase from 1 in 88 two years ago. By the sounds of it you’re doing alright and you aren’t exactly in need of any assistance, so there’s less reason to bother. If you go for a private diagnosis you won't necessarily get a diagnosis - they may say the same as the people you have already seen. She said it would take years and since I'm high functioning I just would get my autism badge and a pat on the back. Well... that's my opinion at least. I also think it depends on where in the world you live and your age. Why I don't run around with a fake smile. There are other reasons why a sizable percentage of toddlers get erroneously diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. In contrast her son is legally disabled because of the autism and they receive benefits, he goes to a special school etc. I feel like my case is ambiguous enough that an evaluation would be helpful. I do have trouble coping with certain emotions and can have meltdowns over silly things from time to time (not very often though). If diagnosis is accessible to you and it’s something you want, then go for it! If you do not see your post you can message the moderators here.. Then, at age 28, I was diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Honestly, sometimes it's just a matter of luck and privilege to get a diagnosis because mental health and diagnosing autism is very inaccessible! Close. But I can only imagine how much better my life would have been if I had been diagnosed as a child and had the chance to understand myself at a younger age. Fortune Business Insights has published a premium research report on, titled “Autism Disorder and Treatment Market Size, Share and Global Trend … Mods, I don't know if this is against the rules or not, sorry if it is! Seeking a diagnosis like this is very personal, not to mention expensive and time consuming while not even being guaranteed. Her husband and sons are on the spectrum. I'm torn between getting it to prove to my family that I'm not trying to be complicated or do it for the attention, and not wanting to give them an excuse they can use when I don't act the way they want me to. If they're not around the corner, are we strong enough to deal with criticism and denial for a while? Nothing has made more sense in my 30+ years than learning about autism, nothing even comes close. I hope that helps. I don't go around screaming it from the rooftops, but my family and fiance all agreed when I talked to them about it and they said it makes so much sense. In some cases (typically females and minorities) it's difficult to get a psychologist who is even somewhat aware of autism in something other than cis white boys. Email. A lot of the time (not all the time) people who think they might be on the spectrum, get evaluated, and are told they aren't, might have another disorder that has overlap with ASD. This is a friendly reminder to read our rules in the sidebar if you have not already. Also I think ASD is very confusing to those even on the spectrum. They are looking for outward signs and not digging to get the complete picture. Why I don't like the things 'normal' people do.I want to be accepted the way I am and don't want my mother say things like "Oh sorry she wouldn't small talk with you when you met her at her work (! The official autism badge can be useful because of the whole fake disorder trend at the moment. I feel like a deer in the headlights. is something everyone will disagree on. My husband thinks I am as well. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. I wouldn't want to give anyone the opportunity to excuse controversial things that I've said, since "you know, she's autistic". But if you’re doing just fine and you don’t want anything to potentially spoil it or get in the way, you might as well not bother. Throughout my life I've experienced the "quirkiness", but now that I'm grown up, I feel fine with my life. I'm not trying to bring drama here, but I think a lot of people coming here in search of an answer to the "is it worth it?" Some of you just stumbled across it on your own and realized, "Hey! But as I say, the bigger issue is that you may be taking psychotropic medications for no reason at all. Even those professionals that note ASD specializations on their websites are speaking about people with higher needs and they don’t truly understand the complexity of this issue. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. My son is autistic and I think my daughter is too. But no one, and I mean absolutely no one can tell you what you should do when it comes to getting diagnosed. The choice is yours and yours alone. What could be a possible outcome if people learn about it who don't have your best interest in mind? So maybe ask yourself, what would it change if you got an official diagnosis? Your last paragraph makes an excellent point, and that's something people seeking a diagnosis need to know, too; are they willing (and more importantly, do they want) to spend thousands of dollars and go through multiple psychologists just to get what they want and need? NO. Do you want it to be official? This began when I came across a bunch of articles on r/HSP about autism in females. But part of me feels like I am an imposter because I haven't been officially diagnosed. If it helps give you peace of mind, then yes. In contrast her son is legally disabled because of the autism and they receive benefits, he goes to a special school etc. . ADHD has a lot of overlap. Alis Rowe, founder of The Curly Hair Project, received her diagnosis of ASD when she was 22 years old. No two people on the spectrum will be exactly alike.” On whether it is worth getting an autism diagnosis, Reddit user destinyisntfree suggests they talk to a pediatrician. My son got diagnosed, then of course the question popped, where would he have gotten it from... My husband is out of the question. 1. Posted by just now. Costs of getting a diagnosis: Convincing your health care provider to start the process If you are an adult woman and suspect you have ASD, your first port of … I don't need that right now in my life, however, I do think that my answer to this question would have been way different at an earlier point in my life, when I was younger, more insecure, confused, in need of explanations. Is it worth it to go down a painful path of self-discovery with a validating, caring professional to shake off stereotypes and prejudices to accept who we truly are and learn how to deal with the world? I've read a fair amount of literature about females with autism and it mostly all rings true with me. Not getting a diagnosis is just as valid as getting one, even if not everyone sees it that way. Is it worth it to start turning stones until we find that professional? Autism may be a … Who would you tell about it? Now as my 35 th birthday and my one year anniversary of my diagnosis approaches, I could not be any happier with whom I am. Like when I'm 'rude' to strangers. Thanks! Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. Knowing what others think helps me make better choices. I know I have trauma and sensory issues (my therapist confirmed this too) but I would definitely be able to accept myself more with a diagnosis. I'm on a waiting list to get diagnosed because I feel like I need that validation. Typical to strong verbal language skills and intellectual ability distinguish Asperger syndrome from other types of autism. Press J to jump to the feed. Higher intelligence and language skills may have masked certain symptoms. ), but she's autistic.". While you're absolutely right and what you say should be considered as part of the answer, if one digs a little further on these subjects the fact that this community is truly inclusive and professionals are not all really that understanding and supporting, makes it a little scary to go out there and expose oneself. You make some great points that I haven't thought of! Many other Reddit users share their advice and comfort the troubled father. on this sub recently. Well, a lot of neurodivergent folk feel a connection to other disorders even if they don't have it. It is for some the most mindblowing discovery about their true self, seeking diagnosis could be one of the most important steps to self acceptance and liberation. So I've been wondering lately if I'm autistic and wondering if it's worth getting tested. Hey /u/imjustfinethankx, thank you for your post at r/autism. - Autism Diagnosis - How is Autism Diagnosed? It’s an interesting question, Tyron, and I honestly don’t know the answer; I think seeing your GP is an essential first step, though, because you would have to have a referral for this. Is it worth getting an autism diagnosis? You can either try to work on the imposter syndrome with self help, therapy, mindfulness meditation, etc., or pursue a diagnosis. I get your point, but I I think you're missing out some of the reasons why people ask this question. I see your point, though! I could relate to a lot of the descriptions there, especially from this article.. Autism news, information and support. Are we gonna let strangers from the Internet decide for us? Many other Reddit users share their advice and comfort the troubled father. A formal diagnosis is done by a psychologist, psychiatrist, or neuropsychologist who does adult ASD assessments. Why I don't run around half naked to attract a partner. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Go ahead! get support at college, university or work; get some financial benefits; If you find it hard to get diagnosed. Personally I asked a friend that question. So in conclusion, unless there's an actual serious reason why a diagnosis would hinder you (perhaps different countries have different rules that affect you negatively if you were diagnosed), it's always worth it to get diagnosed, for the peace of mind if nothing else. I know some of you will disagree with me, but there's always two sides of a coin; while on the surface, you might see a person without a diagnosis claiming to be autistic, there's often a lot more to the story. Getting an Autism Diagnosis. I still get frustrated on little things I feel I shouldn’t do and my sensory sensitivity, but I am learning how to live as a female on the autism spectrum. I am pretty sure I am too, but I don't know if it is worth it to get diagnosed as an adult. If you do not see your post you can message the moderators here. So if you feel it would benefit you, then yes, by all means get yourself an assessment. The fact that you're worried about being valid proves that. This is so important to keep in mind! “Autism is a spectrum. I've always displayed common traits associated with autism. You can always ask for a second opinion - there is a proper procedure for doing that, ask if you want some pointers. Press J to jump to the feed. If I'm honest it barely affects my day-to-day life. To be honest, I feel a bit like an imposter talking about this since I was diagnosed at 3, but I've been with my sister and brother through their processes and I know it's not always easy for a professional to accept that autism isn't a one-size-fits-all thing. Autism news, information and support. I want to start by saying it's totally cool if you've recently been wondering if you're autistic or have been told to get evaluated by a therapist/PCD! Choices are very hard for me and I can’t process until I have a lot of information and details in front of me. Many of us are starting to speak up and discuss our issues and that is allowing others to come forward with the realization that yes they can have validity in their life now. If it turns out I'm not autistic, how do I reconcile that with the connection I feel towards the autistic community? Which blood tests and genetic tests are used for diagnosing autism spectrum disorder? The medical professionals don’t speak autism into existence, it’s already there. Would you prefer to just ask for specific accomodations (ie, less noise) instead of the "autism bundle"? Getting diagnosed. This is a friendly reminder to read our rules in the sidebar if you have not already. TL;DR: users who are asking if it's worth it to get a diagnosis, know that no one had the answer except for you. Is it worth it to get diagnosed as an adult? Also learn about the use of BERA audiometry, EEG, MRI scan etc. This means 9 percent of the children originally diagnosed with autism got that diagnosis changed. Early diagnosis of autism helps children get the treatment they need. It helped me a lot with my mental taste and my self-hatred. I don't have issues that need to be addressed. A diagnosis of autism might also help you get health insurance coverage for treatment of the sensory issues you describe. Without others ideas or insights then it can be very hard for me to know what to do. You can either try to work on the imposter syndrome with self help, therapy, mindfulness meditation, etc., or pursue a diagnosis. I agree with you that yes only we can decide. Asperger syndrome, or Asperger’s, is a previously used diagnosis on the autism spectrum.In 2013, it became part of one umbrella diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 5 (DSM-5).. Even NTs can feel a connection! Suddenly, I knew why I felt the way I did, and why I had a hard time living the way others did. It is scary to realize the way you perceived the world and your experiences was abnormal compared to most; however, only you can decide how you treat the information you've discovered. view in app. I still have dark thoughts sometimes, but very less often than ever before because I know for a fact that I'm neurologically deficient in a perfect, fully functional body. Why I'm not 'nicer'. After doing a little research and looking at diagnostic criteria, I'm about 80% sure I'm autistic. Again, such services – and the requirements for providing them – can vary depending on where you live and what kind of services your health plan provides. Every individual is different. I've seen an influx of posts asking, "Is it worth to get diagnosed as an adult?" Hi, I am a 20 year old woman and I just recently started to seriously consider that I might be autistic. It's not always easy to get an autism assessment. My issue when i see these questions are OH KNOW please please be sure you find someone that understands ASD. Note: Individuals with a well-established DSM-IV diagnosis of autistic disorder, Asperger’s disorder, or pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified should be given the diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder. If you do not see your post you can message the moderators here. I am torn. Reddit. I've got nothing to prove. I think that is the part of the question that's hard to answer. Is a diagnosis worth the time and money in this situation? If someone is a hair or two short of meeting all the criteria for the diagnosis, what kind of limbo is that?? Kids who were diagnosed with autism can be rediagnosed with personality disorder as adults. Sorry for bothering you but what do you mean by 'what kind of limbo is that??'? You aren't a faker or an imposter if you don't want to or simply can't get a diagnosis; you're as valid as an officially diagnosed autistic. I am 31F and realized in the last year that I am spectrum. A lot of y'all posting have recently had a child diagnosed, or had a counselor/therapist suggest it. Keep your head up and walk proudly whether you have a professional or self diagnosis. ... help Reddit App Reddit coins Reddit premium Reddit gifts. Only you can decide. She said it would take years and since I'm high functioning I just would get my autism badge and a pat on the back. What are the clinical assessment tools like CARS and ISAA for autism screening? I'm on a waiting list to get diagnosed because I feel like I need that validation. For me it opened many doors regarding university and how much help I could receive through counseling and at-home-help, for free. How is autism diagnosed in children and in adults? My dilemma now is, is it worth getting diagnosed as an adult? Depending on the type of eval you get, you might be diagnosed with a neurodivergency, or you might be pointed in another direction. It feels more subjective so it makes it harder to digest. I guess it depends on if you think it'll help. . Nothing has made more sense in my 30+ years than learning about autism, nothing even comes close. Yes! Everything in my life clicked when I figured it out. There's every chance your diagnosis may have changed too. I'm a little scared, though. But we can't tell you whether or not you should get a diagnosis, or if it's worth it. I am at a similar point in life. This week after reading that British comedian Johnathan Ross’s daughter received an autism diagnosis late in life, I thought I’d write about my own experience of receiving an autism diagnosis as an adult.. As you may know from my blog intro, I was diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome a few weeks shy of my 24th birthday. Often times in my ASD head I can’t process unless i know what others think about it. Hey /u/leogrr44, thank you for your post at r/autism. 1. So for anyone reading this if you have a professional say to you that you are NOT on the spectrum and you don’t feel this is correct please know that this is a “newer” profile and we are paving the way! Its kind of like when you say to a friend going out to can pick the place I don’t care where we go. If you don't need any of that, then maybe it's not right for you? That's okay too! for everybody. I tried to talk to my parents about this, but they are both against going to a psychologist and possibly getting a diagnosis. I had a private diagnosis from a … It's great that you're asking questions and wanting to learn more about the community, but simply asking, "Is it worth it?" Jenna, if you read the article, there is a section of it that says “Assessments”. I'm not trying to be a jerk here, please try not to take it that way as it is not my intention. question would like and possibly need to hear this. Even if you're not neurodivergent at all, the connection you feel to the community is totally real, and it's fine to stay in them (just don't, y'know, speak as if you are autistic, if it turns out you're not). One particular issue I am worrying about is my problems with speaking and communicating. Honestly the only reason I got a diagnosis was for my own peace of mind and so my family would take me seriously. Greetings Earthlings! Please feel free to submit articles to enhance the knowledge, acceptance, understanding and research of Autism and ASD. I think its very sweet of you to write this; it shows you care. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Their decision helped me figure mine out. Thanks. It has completely changed the way i look at myself. Then your friend chooses your least favorite place. You are valid. I'm pretty happy with the way things are. This is me!". I got diagnosed officially two days ago but I’ve known for years now. They write, “Once they diagnose the autism officially, they can give him medications to help with the … Vote. I am a stay at home mom right now, but plan on going back to school and getting a career once they both are in school. My life is pretty great. A few of my thoughts on why we see this question asked a lot. Please feel free to submit articles to enhance the knowledge, acceptance, understanding and research of Autism and ASD. We can quell your fears, give you advice on how to get diagnosed, tell you how to get accomodations, anything! Testing is outdated and doesn’t always include females and their profIle. I have learned how to integrate (mask) into society relatively efficiently even with my "quirks" and I don't know how a diagnosis would help improve my life any except to remove that imposter feeling. Fort Worth Texas physician directory -Read about autism screening and diagnosis, including developmental screening and comprehensive diagnostic evaluation. It gives a whole new complexion to my decision to be “out” about autism in these blogs (though of course getting a diagnosis and being out are usually two different things- the driving issue is the only thing I know of where declaration is compulsory). Find out when children should be screened for developmental delays and disabilities. I know a lot of people think that they aren't valid if they aren't officially diagnosed. All posts get this message. With so many people faking it for likes, having proof that you are really disabled could be helpful especially for younger autists. You can like yourself the way you are without a label. Hey /u/ElectronicMemory7020, thank you for your post at r/autism.This is a friendly reminder to read our rules in the sidebar if you have not already. My diagnosis was a relief. For me it was definitely worth the wait time, to get my diagnosis, but everyones circumstances are different. There are not many trained professionals that understand the details of being on the spectrum. I've started talking about this with some of my friends and family. Every individual is different. What ASD feels and looks like so if you find someone that ASD... Feel it would benefit you, then maybe it 's worth getting tested friendly reminder read... /U/Leogrr44, thank you for your post you can message the moderators here subreddit if you have not already ie! 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