
aspergers meltdown at work

I can understand this up to a point, but I am still researching the field of autism and narcissistic personality disorder, and retrospectively trying to make sense of my life. Perhaps, unless someone who is really close to them, knows them well and can see it.— I am not talking about the narcissist here they are a different ‘kettle of fish’.— So is this why it’s called the autistic spectrum? Do not be satisfied with the status quo; instead, get in there and help your loved one learn how to relate to you in a healthy way. All the self help books provide the type of suggestions suitable for a 35 – 50 year old still in work, with children and friends and a reasonable partner, who is thought to be wanting to get on and achieve “goals” My only goal is to get through another day. All these children DO NOT exhibit full blown narcissism as my ex partner did. The Asperger’s Association of New England (AANE) has been offering the Partner/Spouse Support Groups and the Couples’ Support Groups for about ten years. I don’t have asperger’s but my daughter does. Understand you have to do things on your own. They should assess the strength of their own economic, physical, and emotional resources, and of their additional support networks (extended family, people or services in the wider community). I can relate to much of what you have said as far as the narcissistic partner, and how it destroys the very fabric of who you are. He may also have a certain amount of autism. You did it with the narcissism and here’s my congratulations for trying your best to understand that complex situation. Based on this calendaring system, couples might want to work on a Relationship Schedule for their marriage. In the most severe instances, the person demonstrates sociopathic tendencies or antisocial personality. This doesn’t always mean divorce but you do have to develope self worth in spades. Her website is: I met my second wife, and same thing happened, but it lasted longer (the books and strategies worked). Perhaps stepping back from your family, husband and anyone else in your life, and trying to feel if they have good vibes (as my autistic daughter says) may allow you to find those you want in your life and those you don’t. 4. It’s helpful to stay motivated to keep learning about one’s partner through the lifespan; there is always more to discover about one another. I think I partly understand why it went but it would take a lot of explaining, and I’ve probably written enough in this comment. It is helpful if both partners are motived to address the issues in their marriage and commit to its long-term success. God I HOPE SO!!!. I would rather go to the theater than to a museum. Integrating each other back into the activities that both partners enjoy is beneficial. If you are in a relationship with a person on the autism spectrum, it is helpful to know how to take care of yourself. I have had a difficult life, one near nervous breakdown in my early 20s, averted at the last minute when I came across a book by J.Krishnamurti – and this writer and speaker and philosopher has helped me all my life, the insight I had back then stayed with me, without that I would not be here writing this. However, he’s very one-dimensional and not connected to his feelings. He is a movie buff and can watch the same movie over and over, sometimes within the same week. Can you see your loved one’s symptoms in either column? I am an advocate for marriage, I believe in it and I greived greatly when my marriage ended. What can I do to help put some balance in this situation? I did VERY well considering my start in life. There were a couple of sayings I came across that made me think, and I found they helped me as well. Diagnosis is an important step in starting to work through issues in an AS marriage. An afterthought, research the effects of heavy metals and food additives. If you have a child that has trouble controlling their temper, you know exactly how hard it can be to calm them down. I did this often to remind myself what I was dealing with. They are capable of approaching you. I am confused and broken hearted. Traits and behaviors evolve and change through the lifespan of each individual. You only have one life you can live, no one gets a second chance. I’ll put the tea kettle on, and then I’d like to tell you about how rough my week at work has been. Its easy for me to say you need to get a different perspective on life. I was hoovered not once, not twice, but thrice by a woman I’m pretty sure has high-functioning autism and c-ptsd…that is, if her story checks out. Here is a table depicting some of the similarities and differences between the two conditions. Im family minded so it’s been difficult to put myself first ,but im learning. No again. I was a slow learner as far as see my hubby as a narcissist. There could be a variance either way for the autism and the same with the narcissistic traits. These experiences and many many more in life, has contributed to a metaphor, this has helped me clarify what happens in life, Imagine: group of 10 people in a room with a small bust in the centre of the people sitting around it, one person is totally blind (but he has no idea he is) The other seeing people dont know he’s blind but just has some peculiar mannerisms, everyone is talking about the lovely blue marble bust of a Queen. He meets ALL the criteria. This brings out the worst in him ,but at least I’m no longer his whipping boy. Asperger’s is simply the term used to define high functioning autism – they are diferent only by degrees. I now understand my daughter a whole lot better and why she thinks like she does. Some people just repeat research finding, as if this kind of research would be well informed lol. If he was a stranger would you size him up for what you might think he is? I need to mention some good things about him as a partner so as not to appear one sided. we’re also capable of doing it unintentionally, and sometimes that’s due to our autism, sometimes it isn’t, and sometimes it’s a mixed issue. Otherwise, chances are that the AS spouse will not be able to read his partner’s mind, due to his somewhat limited Theory of Mind and ability to read non-verbal cues. If I try to see him through glass I can see that he is self-obsessed, opinionated, considers himself always right (which he almost always is because of his intelligence) can be arrogant and is consumed with his own family, their happiness and his health. I didn’t realize that but it makes sense. Plus ‘not sensitive’ and ‘insensitive’ are the same thing, so I don’t really get why you didn’t just use the same word. Some narratives paint a painfully negative picture; while it may still be helpful to read these accounts, it is good to keep in mind that every marriage and relationship is unique. Individuals with AS oftentimes have sensory issues. According to the Centers for Disease Control, autism affects an estimated 1 in 59 children in the United States today.. Autism, or autism spectrum disorder (ASD), refers to a broad range of conditions. I don’t want to be selfish but I also need to know how do I have a voice in these situations? Playing together—participating in joint leisure activities—can help bridge the physical/emotional distance that is oftentimes is characteristic of an AS marriage. It is especially helpful if the clinician’s procedure includes interviewing the spouse or partner and/or other family members. I’ve noticed when I interject a remark to change the subject, he pauses then launches right back into what he was saying, he doesn’t even register what I’ve said. I do not understand why people do not ‘play fair’ or how anyone could willing hurt or gain pleasure from deliberately hurting another human being. As to empathy, that of course is the ability to put yourself in another person’s situation (or shoes ! ) It is also important to understand that growth and change happens in spurts, and that maintaining a high quality and happy marriage is a lifelong commitment. A daughter who was recently diagnosed in the same autism range as my unmarried daughter, and a son who is much lower on the spectrum and yet another daughter in that family who is normal. I just wish I could manage better. Someone, like a narcissist/psychopath/sociopath couldn’t give a toss about pets and animals unless it benefitted them socially. He tries to curb these comments but complains it’s stressful for him having to monitor his speech for me. A diagnosis of AS can be obtained from a clinician (a clinical social worker/LICSW, licensed mental health counselor/LMHC, a psychiatrist/MD or a psychologist/neuropsychologist/PhD or PsyD) experienced in identifying AS in adults. Is he manipulative, yes. It may help the person feel in control, superior, or powerful. In the past I have family here If he goes away camping for the weekend etc but I want to be able to have my door open for them not just on those occassions…. The two books we have read are ‘Look Me in the Eye’ and ‘Born On a Blue Day’, if I may add them here. I feel terrible about what I did. While re-evaluating the relationship in light of the new diagnosis, and striving to achieve acceptance, it is helpful for both partners to continue to seek information about AS, see a clinician experienced with adult AS, and/or join support groups focused on AS marriages or relationships. One 12 years and the other 6. Some individuals with AS also don’t enjoy sex due to their sensory issues and/or low sex drive. I came from a home where there were lots of people always in our home and we shared everything we had. I find it hard to make new friends. I’m allergic to dogs but it only mattered to him what she wanted. This can be difficult, but I found if I distanced myself and stuck to the basics and very few of those, and avoided being baited, narcissists are very good at baiting, I could then walk away each time. He blames others for whatever happens, he was in denial at the beginning when he should have been organising the whole country to pull together, and it is still not pulling together. To understand her better I read books, watched DVD’s and sought any other information that was informative. I was successful except on two occasions where I completely broke down. I would start saving the world right now and accuse all the stubborn people like Greta does, this is how sociopathic i am. He is only playing with you. he a generous man, kind in a funny way, like washing dishes, hoovering, etc without asking. A detailed understanding of AS—both the challenging and also the positive traits—is important. So I did some ringing around different psychologist and was finally given the contact details of one that did. Any views and opinions expressed are not necessarily shared by I get silence which is painful to me but caused by his inability to communicate. That is a topic I will probably never find the answers to, because I finally lashed out at her in an unforgivable way after she ripped my heart out for the last time. It certainly has taints of narcissism. By continuing to use the site, you consent to our use of cookies. Hi I’ve been married to a man for 25 yrs I’m a lively & sociable 73 & he’s 64 , who I’ve always believed he is on the Asperger / autistic spectrum (not diagnosed ) he made me so ill with headaches & stress , & im not as vivacious as I used to be because of-my husband . There is a site called First Wives World that may be of help as well. That question should ideally be answered by the child, including adult children. I’m 73 now, and feel better than I’ve ever been in my whole life, more cheerful, creative, mentally aware and relaxed, etc. I have a daughter living with me and she has level 2 autism. I don’t know why I can’t stop caring about him. Be found at the exact moment they are searching. Following are some suggestions for coping with this type of relationship: © Copyright 2017 (He had no father or siblings and was very isolated growing up.) After 5 days of texts on and off telling me he wasn’t feeling good (he did have a cold) and then not returning a phone call when he said he would, I very nicely wished him well and said goodbye. She is a psychotherapist seeing individuals ( adults with AS and/or their family members) and couples (where one or both have AS) for counseling. …or do these people require comorbidities with NPD (ASPD) and/or BPD to hoover? Reading about psychopaths and narcissists and the way they think was a help to me. An online and/or paper calendar for important weekly, monthly and yearly events such as holidays, birthdays, anniversaries, family visits, and doctors’ appointments is a useful tool for any marriage or relationship. He’s repetitive to an almost pathological degree, telling the same story from start to finish sometimes day after day. Interesting question for sure. For the narcissist it is always about themselves and in a very selfish manner. The first thing I did when I found out what had been a troubling situation for so very long, was to learn what makes individuals with different levels of autism tick. Not everyone wants to help like I do. Oberman, K., & Ramachandan, V. (2007, June 1). I personally feel if anyone wants a good example of a full blown narcissist, the president of the USA is one of them. Yes, my emotions were running high and my feelings were very hurt; but I am a gentle, thoughtful person with many family and friends suffering from mental illness. When I spoke to my autistic daughter about this, she said that’s how she see’s the world. He said it was the way they unwind their minds that are on overload. Adjusting one’s expectations to accommodate one’s partner is important for both the NT and the AS partner. Narcissists will use what they can to manipulate the situation, which then overlooks whatever tendencies they have from being racists, sexists, etc. Home Terms of Service Privacy Policy Sitemap Subscribe to The GoodTherapy Blog. So good luck to anyone who’s in the same situation as myself. Well if i were i would surely read articles like this to find out sollutions for problems :p Anyway the consensus that narcissism is incurable seems a very challenging statement but it is beyond my scope to decide if thats true.. Mel, you are incorrect. She may be reached at 617-669-3040 or I cannot help but point out any inconsistencies or double standards and am unable to take them in my stride or let them go. I’m a laid back person & im used to him not talking to me & wanting his own space to do his own thing & not socialising , but sometimes he gets me so stressed I end up with a bad headache & feel sick. I have cut all ties with him. I don’t want you to solve my work problems, I just want you to listen, agree and validate me by saying things like, ‘I’m sorry that those things happened. Finally someone who understands and indicates the right direction to deal with it. These symptoms can range from mild to severe. Narcissism is about control and lack of empathy and the worst are psychopaths, whereas high functioning autism tends to display quite a high intelligence driven towards a single aspiration of what interests them the most. He said I it was from a 30 year job in law enforcement where that is accepted but I think it’s just the way he is like he has no clue not to do it. I sat down on my bed, said a prayer and asked for forgiveness for the person I had become. I now underdstood that this was something he was never going to be able to give me now matter how good, kind generous, forgiving I was. So in recent years I’m stronger than ever and able to stand my ground. I ahd to return to him and now think he is in fact autistic but had a very narc mother and grandmother who he learned to relate from – in other words he plays by their rules because that is all he knows. I have a daughter that is Level 2 on the Autism spectrum. 2. He is the most loyal and dependable person I know and treats me like his queen. Nine months ago his 34 year old daughter moved back in with him after getting a divorce and had an old dog that had been living with her friend while she’d been married and now wanted it at her dads place to live with her. 1. He kept talking about a woman he knew bothered me and I kept asking him to stop and was getting very upset. He was always right and I was wrong (even when I wasnt). He listens to me more and I take this as his caring more or me just learning to interject. I love the comparative chart that you have listed above because looking at that you really do notice the big differences between the two; whereas if you are just looking at someone with their surface behaviors, you might think that they are one and the same. Thank you so much for your comments on this website! Some of the seeing form opinions, that the Blind guy is just being obstinate or purposely manipulative, because he knows more about the statue than the rest of the room, and pretends to not be able to describe the image or colour. The noise at a train station, or too many people talking at once at a party, can feel like the loud hammering of metal on metal. Each couple has to brainstorm and trouble-shoot their marriage based on what works for their unique situation and needs. As far as possible I stay away from him and try to remember not to start a conversation. As to your question of whether they can pick up narcissistic traits from their parents, I believe any child can pick up these traits, as children we learned a lot by copying what we saw. The NT partner might even have to help their partner with AS to say complimentary things to their children and to schedule one on one quality time with each of the children as well as the entire family on the calendar on a daily and weekly basis. Understand that people with narcissism do not cooperate or collaborate well; you will have to learn to be independent in this type of relationship. I now realise this constant bashing I experienced was in part because I was such an easy target as an autistic person and also a constant thorn in their sides because 1. In some cases, the disconnect in an AS marriage is due to the fact that the partner with AS has great difficulty initiating conversations and keeping them flowing. I do not accept any kind of social heirarchies – to me everyone is just a human being. But the relationship was then, and hard, and without that relationship I mentioned, with the Aspergers/Narcissicistic person, I would not have had my second breakdown in 2015, which was more severe than the first, and took much longer to recover from. Verbalizing details about their inner and outer worlds, in a non-judgmental atmosphere, gives partners an opportunity to understand each other better and to bond. In the most severe instances, the person demonstrates sociopathic tendencies or antisocial personality. We went away for a few days and I showed interest when we spent a whole day in a small town and he showed me every place he’d ever lived, worked, went to school etc. What should we do if our loved one possesses traits of both? I have a 32 year old daughter who still lives with me and has high functioning autism, her personality is nothing like his was. I can’t go to his house anymore so he comes to mine and can only see me the same days of the week, it bothers him to change the schedule, Mon, Wed, Sat evenings for the last 9 months now. Don’t know what to do, just not respond to his texts or keep the dialogue going. It is vital to diagnose and treat depression, anxiety, OCD, or ADD/ADHD either with medications or/and with therapy. I look back now and the courage it took for me to end it was beyond me and something I have not ever regretted. He also spoke about how a child with autism may come home from school and want to play a DVD, video game or such like, over and over in the same afternoon. There was a wait to get in but in the end it has been well worth it. He’s a loner and so am I so I thought we’d be compatible. The counselor can also help the couple brainstorm, strategize, connect emotionally, and problem-solve around sensory integration issues, meltdowns, and co-morbid conditions such as anxiety and depression. I am very supportive of his family and I ask questions and give him feedback but even when I bring my family he doesn’t really seem too interested. Study the concept of “narcissistic supply” and you will discover that people with narcissism are “fed” by the reactions they get. I wonder too about Aspies growing up with narcissistic parent. Individuals with AS tend to have weak Theory of Mind, meaning a relatively limited ability to “read” another person’s thoughts, feelings, or intentions. He is capable of being quite charming when he wants to be and has three lady friends who think he is wonderful. I was not looking for another relationship and did not date other men as I thought I had had my chance at marriage. If you can sense this in a partner and you see enough of them to love them then it’s worth a try. This took a toll on me after 20 odd years and dealing with the lack of self worth he so graciously gave to me, I ended up becoming someone I didnt particularly like, value or relate to at that stage, my self asteem was at an all time low, this was in 2007 and I was 43 years old, at this stage I was not wearing my wedding rings and I was now quite self absorbed and looking mainly at my own needs. I have read a lot about autism and still have a lot to read to try to understand it. I do think he has a certain amount of autism as I have read a lot on that even before I met him, it’s a subject that interests me considering my own thoughts that I may have a small degree of it. You are so right Robin, It’s exactly as you say where I’d give another chance and the misery would start all over again. Enumerating all the positive and challenging traits of both partners can give the couple a more balanced picture of their marriage. There have been and are many famous people on this list, look it up. Autism also resides on a spectrum. Recognize that your partner may derive pleasure from hurting you. Sociopathy or it’s synonym Psychopathy is not listed as a mental disorder, instead these personality traits are covered within the diagnosis of APD. Some individuals with AS can be very robotic or technically perfect in bed without paying attention to their partner’s need for an emotional connection and foreplay before intercourse. It does not upset me if my daily routine is disturbed. He does what’s right for him because he struggles to understand what’s right for others. Now we meet every 2 weeks, and have a chat and a coffee, we still have interests and ideas and views in common so plenty to talk about. Many couples report that working with a couple’s counselor who is not experienced in working with adults with AS can often harm rather than help the AS marriage. Our grandson has a milder case but enough where you can tell he is in his own wonderful world. She lives with me. That is because they lack empathy. All rights reserved. In my groups and couple’s counseling sessions, we have observed recurring issues or challenges, and recurring strategies for addressing them, which I am calling here the fourteen practical strategies for facilitating an AS marriage, namely: Diagnosis is an important step in starting to work through issues in an AS marriage. Understanding that there are fundamental neurological differences between NTs and individuals with AS is important while trying to manage expectations between the partners. I did this to get my head around my ex (who was a psychopath) and asked myself, would I walk past him in the street, and the answer was yes. Is it really fair to say that those with Asperger’s and HFA lack empathy? I almost left then and now wish I had before I got too attached. When I read those two lists of traits, one for autism and one for narcissism, some time ago, I felt they were a basic set. He talks in monologues which can go on for hours. I realized he does have some aspects of Aspergers but more of narcissism. I am also a survivor of pretty horrendous child sexual and physical abuse, starting in my first year of life and going on till puberty (age about 12 or 13) when the perpetrator lost interest in me and turned his attention elsewhere. An emotionally neglectful childhood, involving parents who did not empathize, may result in narcissistic traits in adulthood. I can not lie or hide my thoughts, opinions or feelings – what you see is what you get. Just like I can’t change my introverted personality. What prompted me, was that I have another daughter with three children, two recently diagnosed with autism. He hugs me s support Groups at AANE about in trying to leave think about in to... 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