
why pipelines are good for the environment But the Keystone XL pipeline will only make our jobs crisis worse by making our climate crisis worse. Here's why! Canada can and should adopt policies that contribute to raising our employment rate without resorting to brutalizing our environment. An increase in soil contraction and […] For instance, 94 per cent of transportation demand in Canada is supplied by refined petroleum products and more than half of Canadian homes are heated by natural gas. Canada is a Top 10 Global Energy Producer. While oil-by-rail sends tanker trains through various communities along the way, pipelines do not. When pipeline incidents occur, rarely is any human life in danger, if at all. Pipelines carry natural gas around the United States and many other parts of the world. Those changes were reportedly made with the aim of appeasing climate activists and a potential Democratic administration in Washington. Is Keystone pipeline good for the environment? They’re trying to silence us, so let’s shout louder. Companies use a variety of techniques to limit the amount of greenhouse gases released, including upgrading equipment to be more energy-efficient and adopting technologies that divert or capture the release of natural gas during maintenance. “Supporter Spotlight” features Canadians with a passion for Canada’s Natural Resource sector. Federal and provincial governments will benefit substantially from TMX, receiving revenues that can be used for public services such as health care, education and infrastructure. Once operational, the 875-mile Keystone Pipeline expected to carry 830,000 barrels of crude oil every day from Canada’s Alberta Tar Sand reserves to refineries near Houston, will impact the environment badly. There are a few reasons. Some tools even provide ongoing monitoring and observability data from the production environment, which help your business leaders make important decisions when it comes to infrastructure, product … Short time of cool season. The Climate Change Performance Index 2021 placed Canada at the bottom of the barrel - 58th out of 61 nations to be precise. Canadians rely on natural gas and products made from crude oil to meet more than two-thirds of their energy needs each and every day. Recently, proposals for the pipeline’s construction have promised to make it carbon-neutral by 2023, with reinvestment going into green energy, according to the Edmonton Journal. The Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) is the federal agency responsible for enforcing regulations related to transportation of hazardous materials by pipeline. Greenhouse gases and carbon emissions can occur naturally and be created through human activity, including industrial processes. Follow the money. There are a few reasons. Though no mode of oil transport is perfect, pipelines have proven to be the safest and most environmentally friendly way to carry oil. In fact, transmission pipelines deliver 97 per cent of Canada’s onshore oil and gas from producing regions to markets throughout Canada and the United States. When oil is shipped by rail, trains are likely to travel through multiple municipalities as they transport their freight from point A to point B. Transporting oil by rail is deemed to be quite safe, but as mentioned above, it is still 4.5 times more likely that an incident occurs versus pipelines. Chris talks to us about the importance of mining for our communities, economy and environment. A Matter of Fact: Seven reasons the Trans Mountain Pipeline Expansion is good for Canada. For example, every year between 2003 and 2013, pipelines experienced 0.049 accidents or spills per million barrels of oil, versus 0.227 for rail. Though no mode of oil transport is perfect, pipelines have proven to be the safest and most environmentally friendly way to carry oil. In reality, at any one time maybe about 400 people were actively working on it. Pipelines are often misunderstood and mistaken as being dangerous or harmful to the environment in every aspect. In short, this means that transporting oil by pipeline is 4.5 times more safe than when done by rail. Rail incidents that do occur have the potential to be in a town or village where the consequences could be catastrophic. Dangerous precedent. To put another way, Keystone XL will have the capacity to transport 830,000 barrels of oil a day, which would require 4.3 million train cars a year to transport by rail. We initiate and engage in fact-based, balanced, positive, and non-partisan discussions with the goal of educating Canadians on the societal and economic importance of our natural resource industries. Everything you need to know about oil and gas in Canada! These gases impact our planet in many ways, from the temperature of the oceans to the amount of rainfall and snow we get. In one study, The Faculty of Engineering at the University of Alberta found that pipelines reduced GHG emissions by anywhere between 61 to 77 per cent versus rail for transporting oil and gas long distances. Both articles support the idea that pipelines do not help the environment, but in fact, make it worse and that the consequences outweigh the benefits. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), natural gas is better than coal because it does not produce ash and other particulates. America’s pipelines are a vital link connecting our abundant domestic oil and natural gas resources to refineries, chemical plants, businesses and consumers in the U.S. and around the globe. While the construction of new pipelines can engender environmental protests, they are the safest, cheapest, least polluting way to transport oil and gas, and better than truck or rail. Is Keystone pipeline good for the environment? (A pipeline is a far better and safer way to transport crude oil than freight is.) The United States, which just happens to be Canada’s number one competitor for oil and gas markets, has reached a new liquefied natural gas (LNG) export record of 4.7 billion cubic feet per day (Bcf/d) in May of 2019. Estella Petersen, an Indigenous heavy equipment operator working in an open-pit mine in Northern Alberta, discusses her first-person viewpoint on Canada's mining industry. The short answer is yes! Trucking only accounts for 4% of shipments and rail for a mere 3%. Pipelines Transport Oil and Gas in Safe Corridors. However, they can also represent a serious risk to human health and the environment. Keystone XL Pipeline Environmental Impact Leaks and the pipeline. The pipeline industry supports the transition to renewable energy but also recognizes that the world still requires all energy sources (including oil and gas) to support a growing global population. Here are a few ways pipelines are helping the environment. This study found that there is a much lower incident rate per million barrels of oil and gas transported for pipelines versus rail. The pipelines that bring natural gas throughout the U.S. ensure the resource reaches homes and businesses without truck, train, or ship emissions. Trucks, trains, ships and anything else are subject to breakdowns and accidents that pipelines (well designed one) can avoid. Furthermore, the study found that a large majority of the pipeline incidents resulted in a spill of 1 cubic metre or less, and that 83 per cent of these took place in a facility which likely has secondary containment procedures and mechanisms. This could not be further from the truth. He is expected to make good on that promise on his first day in office, January 20, 2021. To put another way, Keystone XL will have the capacity to transport 830,000 barrels of oil a day, which would require 4.3 million train cars a year to transport by rail. We must leave that sludge in the ground and retain the healthy forest above. Pipelines are good for CEOs, not the average person. The Keystone Pipeline is a pipeline that runs from Alberta, Canada to the Gulf Coast of Texas. If a petroleum refinery was a beating heart, transmission pipelines would be the veins bringing blood to and from. They don't see 0.4% as nothing. The fate of the pipeline is therefore held up as symbolic of America's energy future. While U.S. gas production is up 37 percent since 1990, greenhouse gas emissions are down 17 percent. In short, this means that, #3 - Pipelines Transport Oil and Gas in Safe Corridors, Faculty of Engineering at the University of Alberta found that pipelines reduced GHG emissions, United States LNG, Petroleum Product Exports Set New Records in 18/19. Canada's mining sector is well-positioned to be a global supplier of choice for mined materials used in the production of electric vehicles (EVs). Without pipelines, oil will simply be transported using a different means such as rail, as shown in Alberta where many producers have ramped up oil-by-rail due to restricted pipeline capacity. It's just one part of an existing pipeline. Pipeline transport is safer, more efficient, and creates fewer GHG emissions than ship, truck or train. Truth is that pipelines are the lifeblood of modern society, as they are the mechanism that allows us to ship oil and natural gas safely and effectively, which is used for making petrochemical products to heating our homes to fuelling our vehicles and everything in between. Energy analysts say what was missing in the seven-year struggle over the Keystone XL pipeline was an accurate accounting of the project’s impact on the environment or the economy. The Canadian Press. There are three main reasons why individuals oppose the Dakota Access Pipeline. 23% of oil shipments are on tankers and barges over water. There is less potential trauma form loading the pipeline, emptying the pipeline and during the transport. Pipelines have been shown to be the least greenhouse gas (GHG) intensive way to transport oil and gas. Current methods for inspecting and monitoring pipelines use state-of-the-art technology and sophisticated IT systems to ensure give protect the integrity of the pipe, people, and the environment. While long-haul oil and gas pipelines are also more economical and environmentally friendly than other modes of transport like rail or trucking (pipelines create 61 to 77% less greenhouse gas emissions than rail when moving crude over long distances, says one recent study), they also have a safe delivery rate of greater than 99.999%. If you must transport a fluid form one place to another, a pipeline is the safest way to do it. Does Ontario Benefit from Canada’s Oil and Gas Industry? Some tools even provide ongoing monitoring and observability data from the production environment, which help your business leaders make important decisions when it comes to infrastructure, product … Misconception 5: Irreparable environmental damage from pipeline spills is inevitable. ETP is trying to silence us—and that’s exactly why … However, at prices only slightly below $70 a barrel, pipeline projects such as Keystone XL become even more of a threat to the environment: They would enable economically marginal tar sands projects that otherwise would not be economical to move forward by providing … Both rail and pipelines are quite safe, but pipelines are without a doubt the safest way to transport oil and gas. Read about right-of-way construction. In every year from 2003 to 2013, pipelines experienced fewer occurrences per million barrels of oil equivalent transported than did rail. When pipelines are built, they are typically laid and buried away from communities. government, through the Oil and Gas Commission (OGC) and Environmental Assessment Office (EAO) approves and regulates natural gas pipeline projects through their entire lifecycle. Canada Action is all about advocating for our natural resource sectors and the millions of Canadians that rely on these industries to provide for themselves and their families. ... pipelines, highways, and other projects. WASHINGTON — Supporters of the Keystone XL pipeline, which would run about 1,900 kilometres from Canada to the Gulf of Mexico, say the US$8 billion project of Calgary-based TransCanada Corp. is a critically needed piece of infrastructure that will create thousands of jobs and make the U.S. dependent on oil from friends, rather than foes. A thorough assessment of the proposed right-of-way and its surrounding natural environment is done to identify the unique features that must be protected throughout the life of the pipeline. This is a guest post by David Suzuki. In the U.S., 70% of crude oil and petroleum products are shipped by pipeline. Another study by the Fraser Institute shows that pipelines are much safer than rail for transporting oil and gas. The opposite is true. Killing the Keystone XL pipeline may have pleased the environmental activists who supported President Joe Biden at the polls, but it may actually do more harm to the environment than good. At current oil prices, infrastructure projects such as the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline stop being viable investments. NICHOLAS KAMM/AFP/Getty Imag Article content. To transport gas over long distances, natural gas pipeline operators use compressor stations with turbines and engines to push the products through the pipeline; this process emits carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide. The need to transport oil and gas safely and effectively in pipelines isn't either. The Keystone XL website states, “ [The] Keystone XL Pipeline will be the safest and most advanced pipeline … 423 views There are many methods that can be used to deliver these products to Canadians, but pipelines are a safe and environmentally-friendly way of transporting oil and gas over long distances. Increased use of natural gas is helping to combat climate change by lowering carbon dioxide emissions. The Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) is the federal agency responsible for enforcing regulations related to transportation of hazardous materials by pipeline. ... pipelines, highways, and other projects. There are many methods that can be used to deliver these products to Canadians, but pipelines are a … While approval of the Keystone pipeline extensions makes economic and strategic sense, the evidence is incontrovertible that the increasing use of carbon fuels is a major contributor to global warming and climate change. Also, pipelines have a lower spill rate per barrel transported than either trains, trucks, or barges. Plus, there are lots of pipelines that need fixing. This expanded version of the pipeline can expose the environment and citizens to serious risk. The popular notion that the COVID-19 pandemic has been “good for the environment”—that nature is recovering while humanity stays at home— appeals to many people grasping for some upside to the global tragedy. NICHOLAS KAMM/AFP/Getty Imag Article content. In every year from 2003 to 2013, pipelines experienced fewer occurrences per million barrels of oil equivalent transported than did rail. Studies have shown pipelines are the safer and greener alternative, producing less greenhouse gases than trains. Canada has a vast network of pipelines that transport millions of litres of oil and gas under ground every single day. Misinformation has played a significant role in creating the perception that pipeline companies simply do not care about the environment. Every day, millions of barrels of crude oil are moved by transmission pipelines, and between 2002 and 2013, 99.9995% of the liquid product transported by companies was moved safely. Energy analysts say what was missing in the seven-year struggle over the Keystone XL pipeline was an accurate accounting of the project’s impact on the environment or the economy. There is currently a project working on expanding the pipeline called the Keystone XL. We are a top 10 global producer of many other forms of energy too! A made-in-Canada initiative is helping Canadian companies set the global standard for sustainable mining with environmentally, socially, and economically friendly practices being used at home and abroad. Click here to read his story. Investing significantly in the preservation and enhancement of endangered species habitats.

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