
safe abortion in ethiopia

Until 2005, Ethiopian law permitted abortion only to save the life of a woman or to protect her physical health. Post abortion family planning (P AFP) In this stud y a total of 184 client exit inter view were conducted on. Clandestine abortions are still common [ 5 ] and unintended pregnancy … Background • In 2005, Ethiopia liberalized its abortion law • Abortion can be performed legally in cases of: • Rape/incest • Woman has physical or mental disabilities • To preserve the life or physical health of the woman • Woman is a minor who is physically or mentally unprepared for childbirth • Since then, comprehensive safe abortion services have scaled up in the Success Factors for Women’s and Children’s Health Ethiopia. In fact, abortion was only allowed when it physically put the woman’s life at risk. health professional told PAI that “when [the government] pushed through safe abortion care, women stopped dying.”14 In this liberalized abortion environment, demand for family planning has steadily increased since the early 2000s. 2016;Oct:162-169. doi:10.1016/j.adolescence.2016.08.006. 0000004205 00000 n 3. %PDF-1.4 %���� Unsafe abortion is defined by the World Health Organization (WHO) as, “a procedure for terminating a pregnancy performed by persons lacking the necessary skills or in an environment not in conformity with minimal medical standards, or both”[1]. Only 14% of married women are using any method of contraception here. Suicidal ideation among single, pregnant adolescents: The role of sexual and religious knowledge, attitudes and practices. Ganatra B, Tunçalp Ö, Johnston B, Jr RJ, Gülmezoglu M. From concept to measurement : operationalizing WHO’s definition of unsafe abortion. Prior to this time, abortion was only allowed in cases, “done to save the pregnant woman from grave and permanent danger to life or health, which it is impossible to avert in any other way”. 2017:1-12. doi:10.1186/s12884-017-1266-z. Despite Progress, Unsafe Abortion is Still Common Jan 13, 2017 Guttmacher Institute. 13. This paper reports results from a nationally representative health facility study conducted in Ethiopia in 2008. 1. BMC Womens Health. World Health Organization. What contraception do women use after abortion ? Most can also speculate how the absence of safe abortion services, legalized in 2005, would lead to harmful consequences for women in the country. 9 In this context, a movement developed across the medical, political, and women's rights communities to reduce maternal mortality … The 2016 Ethiopian Demographic and Health Survey showed a modern contraceptive prevalence rate (CPR) of 35%, up from 27% in 2011. Building on the EmOC framework, Ipas has proposed a safe abortion care (SAC) monitoring package to fill this need (Healy J, Otsea K and Benson J. Shilubane HN, Ruiter RAC, Bos AER, Reddy PS, Borne B Van Den. Another study of second trimester abortions at referral hospitals in Amhara showed that 24% of women were between the ages of 15 – 19 years old[11]. Source: World Health Organization et al[4]. 12. Dibaba Y, Dijkerman S, Fetters T, et al. 15. Another study of university students from Wolaita in 2010 showed a higher abortion rate at 65 per 1,000 women[7]. The multi-decade increase in modern contraception Ethiopia has experienced is helping to limit the rate of abortion in the country. 0000002347 00000 n However, underground and unsafe abortions remain very common, and it is the hope of NGOs and many health organizations in Ethiopia that more women can obtain safe abortions … 2016;(April):1020-1030. doi:10.1093/heapol/czw032. This paper reports results from a nationally representative health facility study conducted in Ethiopia in 2008. Adolescents are of particular concern. Ethiopia every year, of which approximately 500,000 end in either spontaneous or unsafely induced abortion. 8. Maternal Mortality in 1990-2015: Ethiopia. [ 1] Abortion is now legal in cases of rape, incest or fetal impairment. Access to basic abortion care services has expanded greatly in recent years. Motivated by the growing death toll from unsafe abortion and other related causes, advocates, providers and policymakers sought legal reform. To reduce deaths and disabilities from unsafe abortion, Ethiopia liberalized its abortion law in 2005 to allow safe abortion under certain conditions. A 2016 study showed that 86% of women in Ethiopia accepted contraception following an abortion, one of the highest rates of the eight developing countries considered in the study[14]. %%EOF Chan L, Mohamad Adam B, KN N, et al. For much of Ethiopia’s modern history, safe abortion services were unavailable. 0000001855 00000 n In 2005, Ethiopia's maternal mortality ratio, although declining, was 687 deaths per 100 000 live births, 7 with estimates at the time attributing 32% of maternal mortality to complications of unsafe abortion 8; later estimates would range between 19.6% 7 and 31%. A study conducted in Ethiopia revealed that the rate of abortion among students was found to be 65 per 1000 women; and only 16% were reported to be safe abortion [ 8 ]. New options like post-partum intra-uterine contraceptives (PPIUD) will also be helpful. The cost of care associated with abortion was also suggested to be “enormous”[3]. In 2014, abortion accounted for 6-9% of maternal mortality, a roughly three-quarters reduction from 2005[5]. “For many girls and women, the social and economic barriers would be overwhelming.”. Self-harm was the second leading cause of death globally among girls aged 10 – 19 years, claiming approximately 32,000 lives in 2015, and teenage pregnancy was shown to be a risk factor for suicide in a study in South Africa[13]. According to the REDUCE model, unsafe abortion is the most common cause of maternal mortality, accounting for up to 32% of all maternal deaths in the country. 4. WHO, UNICEF, UNFPA, World Bank Group, United Nations Population Division. 0000004048 00000 n 0000001523 00000 n 3460 0 obj<> endobj 0000003426 00000 n 0 In 2005, the Ethiopian Government amended the country’s Penal Code to expand instances in which a woman could legally obtain an abortion . Under the law, legal abortions have increased from 27% of all abortions in 2008 to 53% in 2014,. Planning and managing safe abortion care 63 3.1 Introduction 64 3.2 Constellation of services 64 3.3 Evidence-based standards and guidelines 65 3.4 Equipping facilities and training health-care providers 69 3.5 Monitoring, evaluation and quality improvement 72 3.6 Financing 79 3.7 The process of planning and managing safe abortion care 80 Access to safe abortion care improved in Ethiopia Despite progress, unsafe abortion persists After liberalizing Ethiopia’s abortion law in 2005, the government implemented programs designed to train health-care providers, to equip facilities and expand the services they offer, and to integrate abortion care into broader reproductive health services. 0000000632 00000 n In Ethiopia, one in seven women die from pregnancy-related causes, and unsafe abortion causes more than half of the... Ipas | Ethiopia › Home › Where We Work › Africa‎ Ipas Ethiopia has become a regional leader in establishing safe abortion services and … Age of the 11. The new criteria now permit abortion in instances of rape, incest and fetal impairment; if a woman has physical or mental disabilities; or if she is younger than 18 years old. x�b```b``Y�� When abortions are performed in safe environments, such complications are almost all preventable. International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics 95, 209-220). ; 2014. Samuel M, Fetters T, Desta D. Strengthening Postabortion Family Planning Services in Ethiopia : Expanding Contraceptive Choice and Improving Access to Long-Acting Reversible Contraception. 3460 16 The septic room. At the time Ethiopia amended its Penal Code, the country’s maternal mortality rate (MMR) was 743 per 100,000 live births, among the highest in the world, though decreasing thanks to the introduction and uptake of modern contraceptives and expanding healthcare infrastructure. Risha: In 2019, Marie Stopes in Ethiopia prevented an estimated 1,200 maternal deaths, through safe deliveries, from preventing unintended pregnancies through family planning and preventing unsafe abortions by providing safe and legal comprehensive abortion care and preventing the pregnancy in the first place. of the safe abortion care in Ethiopia. Still, an estimated 294,100 abortions occurred outside of health facilities in 2014[6]. 2014:1-9. This study aimed to measure how availability and utilization of safe abortion services has changed in the last decade in Ethiopia. "Before, there was no safe abortion" Rewda Kedir works as a midwife in a rural area of the Oromia region in southwest Ethiopia. Ethiopia has shown considerable success in decreasing abortion-related mortality. xref 0000004675 00000 n dp22 � P�����#ā�"�!X>3Mc���,�*!숚��*�m�Z�+�Jf�^Q��w��O�r� In 2005, a new criminal code was established to align Ethiopia's laws with its new Constitution. The Estimated Incidence of Induced Abortion in Ethiopia, 2014: Changes in the Provision of Services Since 2008. Our main work in rural areas is through support of HEWs and health … Technical and Procedural Guidelines for Safe Abortion Services in Ethiopia. 14. A trail of blood on the clinic floor. Safe abortion – what does it mean in the Ethiopian context? ; 2015. 2015;2015. doi:10.1155/2015/256534. Benson J, Andersen K, Brahmi D, et al. It was estimated that abortion-related complications accounted for 32% of all maternal deaths in 2005[3]. They easily recall stories of women injured or lost from a self-induced abortion. One of the risks to teenage girls facing pregnancy is suicide[12]. 2016;42(3):111-120. doi:10.1363/42e1816.The. J Adolesc. To reduce deaths and disabilities from unsafe abortion, the Ethiopian Parliament liberalized its abortion law in 2005 to allow safe abortion under certain conditions. trailer Because second trimester abortions disproportionately contribute to maternal morbidity and mortality, especially in low-resource countries, this is particularly concerning[11]. 9. 0000002105 00000 n Adolescents. Geneva, Switzerland; 2015. Rutgers works to end unsafe abortion in Ethiopia with key partners through behaviour change technology. This paper reports results from a nationally representative health facility study conducted in Ethiopia in 2008. Results have shown that there is no significant difference between in the socio demographic background of women having safe and unsafe abortion. 6. The ward at Black Lion. Modern contraceptive use among married Ethiopian women climbed from six percent in 2000 to Medication abortion (MA), especially with misoprostol alone, has the potential to increase A decade of progress providing safe abortion services in Ethiopia : results of national assessments in 2008 and 2014. 2014;14(1):1-9. doi:10.1186/1472-6874-14-50. Technical and Procedural Guidelines for Safe Abortion Services in Ethiopia Second Edition. This study aimed to measure how availability and utilization of safe abortion services has changed in the last decade in Ethiopia. Adolescents are of particular concern. increasing access to both safe abortion services and modern methods of contraception in Ethiopia could significantly reduce the burden of maternal deaths, an estimated 32% of which result from unsafe abortion. Bonnen KI, Tuijje DN, Rasch V. Determinants of first and second trimester induced abortion – results from a cross-sectional study taken place 7 years after abortion law revisions in Ethiopia. High school students’ knowledge and experience with a peer who committed or attempted suicide : a focus group study. DKT Ethiopia is the leading provider of family planning and reproductive health products to the private sector in Ethiopia, Copyrights © 2021 All Rights Reserved by DKT Ethiopia, Lemlem orange and Mela-one – new products, DKT partner clinics – membership passes 80 in nationwide clinic network, DKT Ethiopia awards outstanding local journalists in family planning, South-South financing – The case of DKT do Brasil. 2016;0(0):1-16. doi:10.1080/17441692.2016.1174280. Federal Ministry of Health [Ethiopia]. Counting abortion so that abortion counts: Indicators for monitoring the availability and use of abortion care services. The safe abortion care (SAC) model, a monitoring approach to assess the amount, distribution, use and quality of abortion services, provided a framework. 0000001289 00000 n An analysis of 319 , 385 cases from eight countries. 2014. Glob Heal Sci Pract. The politicalwill of the Ministry of Health, the research produced by the Ethiopian Society <<712d2c2fe7929b4191ab87ac516696db>]>> To reduce deaths and disabilities from unsafe abortion, Ethiopia liberalized its abortion law in 2005 to allow safe abortion under certain conditions. In 2014, access to basic abortion services was available at 117% of the recommended level of facilities compared to 25% in 2008[8]. Inside, the clinic's orderly waiting room is already full. 0000001963 00000 n Induced Second Trimester Abortion and Associated Factors in Amhara Region Referral Hospitals. Internal Federal Ministry of Health quantification document. 2006. Ethiopia, in contrast to many other African countries, has a relatively liberal abortion law (see below), but this is not enough to secure young women access to safe abortion services. Glob Public Health. A beautiful woman dying shortly after arrival at care. 7. According to the Federal Ministry of Health, an estimated 420,000 induced abortions occurred in 2016 out of 4.2 million pregnancies1. A study of 829 women at health facilities in Jimma showed that more than half (55.6%) of second-trimester abortions were received by women less than 19 years of age[10]. The maternal mortality rate in Ethiopia is 1.68 per 1,000 women aged 15 to 49 years. OBS/GYN centers, higher clinic, and health centers that are giving post abortion services in Ethiopia are included for the study. After liberalizing Ethiopia’s abortion law in 2005, the government implemented programs designed to train health care providers, to equip facilities and expand the services they offer and to integrate abortion care into broader reproductive health services. the extent to which services were implemented. In 2005, the Ethiopian Government amended the country’s Penal Code to expand instances in which a woman could legally obtain an abortion . The house of representatives of Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia (FDRE) revised the abortion law and Ministry of Health (MoH) of FDRE developed a revised technical and procedural guideline for safe abortion services in Ethiopia; emphasizing the need to increase knowledge and practice of health service providers on safe abortion care (SAC) and access to safe terminations of pregnancy … BMC Public Health. This determination had to be made by two physicians, “qualified as specialist[s] in the alleged defect of health from which the pregnant woman [was] suffering”, compounding the risk to pregnant women in a country that had just one physician for every 50,000 Ethiopians in 2000[2]. startxref 0000000016 00000 n In Ethiopia, about half of all pregnancy abortions are unsafe because of inadequate information and unfavorable attitude towards safe abortion . Safe abortion, it stands to reason, must be performed by a capable person in a medically conducive environment. Federal Ministry of Health [Ethiopia]. Abortion today. “Health providers readily cite suicide as one of the ways clients would deal with unwanted pregnancy if MA and MVA were not available in Ethiopia,” says Fitih Tola, DKT Ethiopia’s Public Relations Officer. o\�� 5�Ӌ�*P�干�ZT=��ʲ9^�t �)���W���ⰧL@�Ja��� .�&�x�.r8�U��S��GCӮ�2�%N���jp%(6��,m5� d��n�� ���.��lf�Q�J1on`X�q?�e��C7q�. Post-abortion family planning is an excellent opportunity to increase contraceptive uptake and prevent repeat abortion. 1. A revision to the Technical and Procedural Guideline for Safe Abortion Services in Ethiopia in 2014 expanding abortion service to Lower Clinics should help to reduce this figure. Moore AM, Gebrehiwot Y, Fetters T, et al. 0000004446 00000 n In 2006, the Ethiopian government made further efforts to expand the provision of legal and safe abortion services by developing and disseminating national guidelines for the provision of abortion care. 2016;4:60-72. In 2005, Ethiopia expanded its abortion law, which had previously allowed the procedure only to save the life of a woman or protect her physical health. Safe abortion, it stands to reason, must be performed by a capable person in a medically conducive environment. Gelaye AA, Taye KN, Mekonen T. Magnitude and risk factors of abortion among regular female students in Wolaita Sodo. Prior to reform, abortion was prohibited except in cases where the pregnant woman was in grave or imminent danger. 2014:1-9. doi:10.1186/s12884-014-0416-9. This study aimed to measure how availability and utilization of safe abortion services has changed in the last decade in Ethiopia, drawing on results from nationally representative health facility studies conducted in Ethiopia in 2008 and 2014. If the LNMP is not known, a birth weight of less than 1000gm is considered as abortion.”. 0000002808 00000 n An intervention in Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples (SNNP) Region that integrated CAC and comprehensive contraceptive trainings as well as providing other technical and quality improvements increased the proportion of abortion clients who accepted contraception from 58% to 83% over a five year period[15]. Were conducted on safe abortion in ethiopia Progress, unsafe abortion and other related causes, advocates, and. 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