
hmong secret war timeline

While Lao military regularly go out of the bases to patrol and hunt them while they search for food, helicopters continue on flying every day in and out of these bases, which makes even more difficult for Hmong people to safely search for food and water. 1954  -  Laos gains independence and becomes a member of the United Nations. Their future is unpredictable. 12 March 2020 : the disappearance of three Hmong minors and their accompanying adult has been reported. Hmong Military Scribes. 2 November 2018: President Chonglor Her called the CWHP to report that from 31 October 2018 to 2 November 2018, 10:25 Laos time, Lao military has continued launching heavy artillery throughout the areas of the Laotian jungle where some Hmong live. Both calls reported the same attack: two went out to find food and were attacked by Lao military forces. 1961 - General Vang Pao leads the Hmong people into secret battles and works closely with the United States from 1961-1973. I led 39,000 Hmong soldiers into the Secret War in Laos also known as the Vietnam War. Two helicopters are flying between these bases every day. 6 December 2017: In the evening, at 6:53 pm local time, a helicopter circles the Hmong's hideout area. War to the present. At least two civilians are killed, Ms Pa Moua and Mr True Xiong. If the active persecution was going on for already decades for historical reasons, the escalation of the human rights abuses against the Hmong in the region and in particular in the PhouBia area, reach alarming numbers. 2004  -  Another larger group of Hmong people arrives in the United States. They disappear without a trace after following the subpoena on 14 September. 25 October 2016: In what seems like a planned operation to systematically exterminate the Hmong community by the end of December 2016, the Laotian government has deployed heavy military in order to occupy all of the Hmong territory. 28 October 2018: UNPO has received a report from President Her who informed that his people are still infected with poisoning from the rocket propellant that exploded nearby his hiding location on 21 October 2018 after 8:00 pm. 13 December 2013: From being a “special administrative zone”, Xaisomboun became a province on December 2013. 20 October 2018: at 5:30 am local time, the Laotian military attacked President Her’s community hiding location in a strategic attempt to stifle his reach to society. The Laotian army reportedly uses 120MM and 82DK weapons and have helicopters flying back and forth between military bases in the region. 12 November 2018: at 2:28 am president Chonglor Her called and reported that the Lao military continues to launch heavy artillery such as 60 mm, 80 mm, 120 mm and 130 mm bombing throughout the Hmong Chaofa territory and Mi17 helicopters are flying to the Lao military bases every day and scouting the area. 1961-1973: "“Secret war” part of the Vietnam War in Laos: the Mien and mainly Hmong soldiers were recruited to fight Pathet Lao, ally of North Vietnam. Regiment 101 from Vientiane consists of 500 troops, is led by a colonel and advances the region from the South of Phoubia. President Chonglor Her and his people are starving very severely and have been on constant move, with no place to hide. 9 May 2020: a new armed attack was reported in the La Na area (Xaysombun Special Zone, Laos) on 9 May 2020. One man was shot on the shoulder, and the rest of the group managed to escape safely. 1955 -1975: the Hmong people were recruited by US forces – and in particular the CIA – to counter the invasion of Northern Laos and attack North Vietnamese supply lines in an operation which is sometimes referred to as the US’s “Secret War”. To that end, they form the ChaoFa political party under the leadership of President Zong Zoua Her. 18 November 2018: at 11:01 pm, President Her reported that Lao military forces were currently attacking his people (the Hmong Chaofa people) at their current location in the Hmong Chaofa territory. 2 April 2017: According to President Her, who lives in the Phou Bia region, "since 4 February 2017, the Lao military continue launching heavy weapons (...) into [the] region". America lost the Vietnam War, and so Thai Vue and the rest of the Hmong population had to go into hiding to avoid being killed by the new government. • 1810-Hmong people cross the borders of China into Northern Laos. The Hmong people have no place to go and to hide. President Her claims that the Lao military still launches heavy artillery such as 80 mm, 120 mm and 130 mm rounds across the Hmong Chaofa territory every morning, noon and evening, and continues to urge the EU, UN, and US to sent an international observer to witness the situation. Video 6: Hmong T-28 Pilots Who Lost Their Lives During the American War in Vietnam. Most of the Hmong in Thailand would eventually be resettled in the United States and other countries. Mi17 helicopters are still flying to the Lao military bases every day from the morning to late evening. Afterwards, people were affected with poisoning, experiencing symptoms as nausea, dizziness and diarrhea. Immediately, the new Lao authorities turns against the Hmong people who had supported the US during the war. 21 November 2018: at 4:25 US central time, President Chonglor Her called to report that his Hmong community was under attacked at 2:00 pm (Bangkok time) on November 21, 2018. Video Timeline. His wife was shot and killed and his son was shot and wounded on the leg. The Hmong Chaofa people including men, women and children are still facing starvation severely. 2200 BC: Battle of the “San Miao” against the great Yu who exterminated this ethnic group 1728-1736: Rebellion of Miao in Guizhou again… Many people are affected by the same chemical poisoning, with symptoms such as coughing, dizziness, vomiting and weakness of legs and arms. Hmong Timeline • 3000B.C –Hmong was the earliest group in Eastern Asia, inhabiting the area north of the Yellow River in China. There is a steady flow every year in the area of 1000-5000 immigrants. The Laotian military blocked them from finding food supplies in the area and immediately open fired on the Hmong. 11 October 2016: The Lao Military attacks one of the Hmong communities. 1975  -  A significant year in Hmong history -  Americans are completely withdrawn from Laos and the massacring of Hmong people begins immediately. The publication of the decree coincides with the announcement of the construction of tourist facilities on the Phou Bia Mountain. Mr. Regiment 596 from Xiengkhouang consists of 500 troops, also led by a colonel, advances from the North of Phoubia. 1994-2006: Between June 1994 and 2006, Xaisomboun was designated a Special Administrative Zone with the military controlling the area and facilitating the exploit timber resources. The Hmong supported the Americans fighting against the communists during the war, but because it was secret, few Americans knew about what the Hmong did. 23 November 2018: UNPO was informed that four of President Her's men sent a group of 52 Hmong individuals to a road nearby to wait for inside military commanders to accept them. It might not have the appearance of an army helicopter, but locals report that the Lao government uses civilian helicopters to hide its military activities in the area. 8 April 2016: The Lao military, reportedly with the assistance of Vietnamese forces, launches a massive military incursion into the territory of Hmong communities in the Phou Bia region. The regime has been accused of expropriating the Hmong and of selling of their lands for short-term economic benefit, while using “rural development” and “poverty alleviation” as a pretext to justify environmentally unsustainable activities in the Hmong territory, including dam building projects and illegal logging. 6 virtual presentation tools that’ll engage your audience; April 7, 2021 One of the victime, Vadoua Vang, was shot and wounded and is currently in critical condition. 1961-1973: “Secret War” part of the Vietnam War in Laos: the minority Khmu, Mien and mainly Hmong soldiers were recruited to fight the communist party, the Pathet Lao, ally of the North Vietnam. The shelling lasts for more than three day in a row. The Secret War just ended. 1955 -1975: the Hmong people were recruited by US forces – and in particular the CIA – to counter the invasion of Northern Laos and attack North Vietnamese supply lines in an operation which is sometimes referred to as the US’s “Secret War”. President Her expressed concerns over access to food and medication, as well as to the safety of all children. On one video, a couple cries while holding their baby, who died on 23 of September from poisoning artery weapons shoot into their area on 13 September. Two military regiments are now occupying the territory as part of a plan to completely eliminate the Hmong by the end of December 2016. Helicopters from the Pha Hay area, east of Long Tieng, continue to circle over the Hmong's refuge area. It is made up of military personnel with a manpower to approximately 4.000 people and 20 military tanks (12 cargos, 4 tanks equipped with a 105mm long-range weapon, hauling 4 additional long-range weapons, plus 4 I AM tanks). In regard to the group that has surrendered, the Laotian authorities have confiscated all of their cell phones. He has also stated that the two wounded people are in critical condition with no medication and they are not able to go out to find traditional herbal medicine, as the Lao military surrounded the Hmong territory.Mr. Hmong Role in the CIA’s Secret War in Laos 1963-1975 • “Mr. This Timeline is an attempt to capture historically significant achievements and events by Hmong women in Minnesota. Published by at March 18, 2021. The installation of military bases and presence of soldiers continued growing reaching a high number and making difficult for the Hmong in the area to move without being exposed to the encounter with soldiers. 1810  -  Hmong people cross the borders of China into Northern Laos. Taking place northeast of Xieng Khoung, about 10 kilometers west of Phou Bia, the fighting continues in the remotes areas of the region and soldiers were seen everywhere. 18 December 2018: at 6:02 pm President Chonglor Her reported that Lao military forces still continue to chase and hunt the Hmong Chaofa people in the jungle. Hmong General Vang Pao, a courageous and powerful leader, worked in tandem with the CIA to conduct covert operations in Laos. 17 October 2016: The Lao Military attacks a group of Hmong near Muoang Cha. 00:45 – Clip 1 Lue Vang reflects back on his earliest memory from Laos (1960s): being adopted by Hmong family when he was about 2 … 1957  -  American soldiers enter Laos to train the Hmong and fight against the communists. 5 December 2016: Two Lao battalions are moving toward the Saysombun Special Zone, Phou Bia; Battalion number 101 from Vientiane and number 509 from Xieng Khouang. On 17 May, Loa military forces are spotted in the area of Na Mou and Mount Pha Leng Zoua, and, on 20 May, in areas close to a Hmong refuge in Phou Bia. The Hmong soldiers rescued downed American pilots, provided valuable reconnaissance information, and … His injuries, including broken arms and legs, suggest that he was beaten to death and then tossed into the river. secret war in laos timeline. When the US then realized that there was no hope of winning the war and withdrew all its troops, the Hmong were left to fend for themselves – with devastating consequences for their community. The Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization (UNPO) is an international membership-based organization established to empower the voices of unrepresented and marginalized peoples worldwide and to protect their fundamental human rights. 3 October 2018: Representatives of UNPO's member Congress of World Hmong People (CWHP) have shared concerning photos and videos indicating the continuing use of chemical weapons against Hmong groups living in the Laotian jungle. 5 November 2018: At 7:25 pm US Central time, President Her called from his satellite phone to report that Mi17 helicopters are flying everyday to the Lao military base, some of which seemed to be searching the area, maybe for Hmong ChaoFa peoplle. I have participated in WWII, recruited by the American CIAs. In addition to that, the Laotian military systematically blocks ways for the Hmong to find food. Hmong Army officials including Vao Pang are airlifted to Thailand. Heavy artillery fire on their region continues (see picture below). 1 September 2018:  82mm mortars were launched about 8 times on President Her’s community during the late night and early morning. General Vang Pao, after serving the French army, was recruited to support the American effort of war against communism. Reportedly, the infant’s death was caused by violent coughing following the chemical attack. TODAY -  Many Hmong people have found their way back to Thai refugee camps as the Royal Lao Government continues to harass the Hmong Culture. They face uncompensated land confiscation, arbitrary arrests, enforced disappearances, suppression of freedom of expression and severe restrictions on their economic, social and cultural rights. Reportedly, the Vietnamese Colonel Thong Lai is the strategic head of the operation and is leading a group of soldiers who are stationed at the newly-established Base 1. 1893  -  The French setup a protectorate over Laos. Lao military are still daily launching heavy artillery in the Hmong territory where possibly Hmong individuals are hiding and looking for food. Lao military has heavily occupied the Hmong Chaofa territory. 18 December 2016: Two new bases get heavily militarized. One by one, Hmong villages are invaded and their inhabitants killed, illegally arrested and detained. 09 January 2019: at 11:01 pm president Chonglor Her reported that Lao military forces are still hunting and chasing the Hmong people in the jungle in PhouBia area. His group of Hmong, including women and children, find it difficult to find food sources as the military appears to systematically encroach on their territory. The military campaings attacked not only the hidden in the jungle, in a large number civilians, but also Hmong living in the villages. According to him, as soldiers are still occupying the ChaoFa Hmong territory, it is extremely difficult for his people to forage for food and they are suffering from severe starvation. Elective Officials & Judges of Hmong Descent in the U.S. as of 2020; Hmong American Political Action Network – Election 2020 Results; Campaign Finance Reports of Political Candidates of Hmong Descent in U.S. 2018 Election; CIA and Secret War in Laos; Research; Timeline. The Hmong in the Lao State. The Hmong Chaofa are facing severe starvation and the wounded people are in pain due to a lack of available medication. Continuing discrimination against the Hmong ethnic tribe is of particular concern.”. Got recruited by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to lead a secret army of Hmong soldiers to go against Laotian Communists and their North Vietnamese counterparts. Tens of thousands were killed during the war, and even more lost their lives while attempting to escape to freedom after the war ended. 00:00 – Introduction. Minority Policies and the Hmong … coup d' etat United States begins "Secret War" for Laos. 2013-2015: The Lao military closes in on the Hmong and continues surrounding communities in the Phou Bia region by increasing the density of military installations and bases. 1896  -  Angered by the new French taxes, Hmong revolt. Note: To listen to a specific clip, move the slider on the video to the designated clip time listed below. 1973  -  A ceasefire is signed between the Royal Lao Government and the Pathet Lao. As to the safety of all children two military regiments are now occupying territory... Scattered throughout the area in the area of 1000-5000 immigrants the victime, Vadoua,... The video to the CIA to conduct covert operations in Laos Vietnam are known to work hand hand... 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