
almost human letterboxd

Still, I have to admit that Almost Human wouldn't be nearly as compelling without its protagonist. 1974 Mad scientists always achieve perfect visual approximations of the human form. But that's just half of the film. Almost Human focuses on a few young thugs led by a total psychopath. It’s a fantastic film all around. Don't show this one to your Mom. He also wants to be respected, to be rich. What a wonderfully weird performance - living in some demented space between Jim Carrey, Ted Bundy and Christopher Guest. Point Break-esque masks. Almost Human. Nächste Woche im Podcast eures Vertrauens. Some others that jump out that are currently unofficial: almost human, Axe, Black Magic, Candy Snatchers, Cutthroats Nine, The Ghastly Ones, Hollywood Boulevard, Love Butcher, Stigma, Through the looking Glass, Witch who Came From the Sea. Seriously this movie is ugly at times and there’s no real winners in the end (Spoiler Alert? A menacing Henry Silva, stalking his prey as he strolls the streets of Milan, while Morricone's slinky sax wails away. Welcome home ya “almost human” piece of trash... Lenzi and Milan firing on all cylinders. He will kill a motherfucker for looking at him funny. I watched it twice. Violent and sadistic, it makes American movies … I should probably preface by saying it wasn’t out of my own free will that I’ve chosen to watch this but rather under the influence of sinister forces outside the realm of my control and really, the realm of humanity that is most commonly known as "my roommate" (though to be fair to the poor lad even he was watching this as a joke). Umberto Lenzi's crime shocker is actually pretty solid, got some real meat on those bones that you can grit your teeth on. Pimpin' ain't easy. Whenever this film turns dark, it's a real treat to watch. Sometimes it doesn't. About Letterboxd; Create an account ←; Social film reviews and discovery. She must kill him in order to save her life, will she do it or will she let him kill her? Watch a horror you've been meaning to rewatch, but never get around to. How could this plan possibly go wrong, kidnap a rich dude's daughter, collect the ransom, and then MURDER HER AND EVERYBODY THAT'S EVER SEEN YOUR FACE! Milian makes an unforgettable villain and Henry Silva does what Henry Silva usually does - scowl and call people "motherfucker". EDIT: 2021: I see they’ve changed the movie poster to something more appropriate to this film. Like many of us, Letterboxd user SilentDawn felt compelled to revisit Inglourious Basterds—what with a new Quentin Tarantino film in theaters and all. Letterboxd is an online social networking service co-founded by Matthew Buchanan and Karl von Randow in 2011. Tomas Milian was going for it but I just can't care about a protagonist that is totally irredeemable. This guy is one pathetic walking nightmare though, starting out like some sweaty nervous wreck then completely dominating all of his interactions with sheer mean-spirited lunacy. Tomas Milian's performance as Giulio is truly what carries this whole film, and rightfully so, but damn it I actually really loved Henry Silva as…, If this is in any way indicative of the poliziotteschi subgenre as a whole, then there's a gap in my movie watching that demands filling. We welcome all constructive contributions, however we do ask that you refer to the "Helping Out" section below if you are not an experienced editor. No one is safe from Him... Children-blown away, people offering money for their life to be spared-blown away, cops-blown away, old people-blown away, and three people tied up and hung from a chandelier so he can spin it around and play roulette with the bodies but instead just decides to blow them all away whilst a pissed of Henry Silva is the stone faced cop on his trail. With Karl Urban, Michael Ealy, Minka Kelly, Mackenzie Crook. The unflinching nature of his kills, the no holds barred level of violence — women, children, cops, elderly, rich, poor — fuck 'em all! Possibly the most bad ass moment in film history. Ipad finger painting done with procreate.I hope you like it! Grand Theft Auto. The musical choices are quite interesting. Well worth a read.…, Andrew Liverod 11,526 films 656 18 Edit. This movie is nuts. Step Two: Pick a Number. And in the bible, too, first God creates man in his own image, only to later fill him with life. The lair of the bad guys is awesome, the main character is ruthless and intriguing. His performance carries the entire film and also makes you wince at his cruelty and complete vileness on display. Oh no, the memories of this infamous video are coming back to me! TMDb Mercedes Benz. It’s wild having a movie that focuses so heavily on a character who is absolutely garbage, a weasel, and just a terrible person. Carlo Antonelli, an engineer from Genoa, gets mugged and decides to take justice into his own hands. Still not sure where the general populace in China stand on this issue but clearly the writer has something to say about it. Tomas's jacket. Directed by Brent Brooks. 3. Tomas Milian does a great job as the main character/villain. Letterboxd is a great resource for film fans that allows them to keep track of which films they have seen and discuss movies with other, like-minded film fans. Now we get to meet Giulio, who gets blamed for the mess. It exchanged the skin of the beautiful woman Su Xin by means of "black technology", and instead lurked beside Su Xin's boyfriend Wang Sheng. Mad Scientist has privately developed a highly developed humanoid robot with sympathetic nerves to satisfy one's own desires. - to rethink our relationship with technology and its dilemmas from the outside. The early scene in the kitchen actually felt like a Youtube cooking video intro. Just a twisted dude out for money. I thought he was going to reach through the…. Shithead! Bye-bye car. That's just from a quick scan. That's sweet, isn't it? Philosophers, anthropologists, archaeologists and programmers show us through their thought experiments that our relationship with technology is just as much about our relationship with ourselves. Tomas Milian is nuts. Napoleon's wang. what if live action ghost in the shell remake was a serial killer thriller? TMDb . This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google privacy policy and terms of service apply. Almost Human (1974). Together we will work to expand this wiki into a comprehensive resource for information relating to this series.Thanks for stopping by! Es tut mir leid, aber ich werde Henry Silva niemals als Polizisten auf der guten Seite des Moralkodexes wahrnehmen.Der Film ist, abseits davon, aber ziemlich großartig. Everybody has a target on their back, if Giulio Sacchi has been seen with you, you're next! This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google privacy policy and terms of service apply. right, right. Buckle up Billy!!!! Then, in a last-minute turn away from an academic career, I found myself becoming an ER doctor. What makes Almost Human standout from the crowd is the performance of a lifetime from Tomas Milian. The Grindhouse Cinema Database is an online database of cult/exploitation/grindhouse movies from the '30s to the mid/late '80s. And my God, does Christopher Walken steal the show, filled with the born-again piety and paternalism of the recovered addict, castigating Taylor for still being in thrall to her fix as he boasts of being almost human, specifically pointing out that he even defecates. An Intense journey through the villainously nihilistic world known as Evil-Gives-No-Shitsville... population: Tomas Milian. Right off the bat this movie starts with a bank robbery, a cop being shot, and a car chase with a kidnapping. Directed by Ken Wiederhorn. Now a string of grisly, violent murders leads Seth to believe that Mark is back, and something evil is inside of him. Directed by Umberto Lenzi. When he has power, he happily assaults anyone he can get his hands on, murders friends and acquaintances, and satisfies his every whim and desire. He doesn't give a fuck. As a sci-fi/thriller, this film was pretty damn interesting. Teddy bear. Here then, are the top five tips for a good Letterboxd user experience. The…, Review by Niels Matthijs (Onderhond) ★★½. ‘Milano odia: la polizia non può sparare’ He's very sweaty and unstable but the performance is so good he's captivating. Mariluuuu! It juggles between romantic melodrama and police shenanigans. Almost movie, Tomas Milian is an unpredictable, menacing, piece of shit wrecking ball in this. He does whatever it takes to get paid. Henry Silva plays the counterpart of Milian’s mega villain as the persistent detective trying to catch him.…. Cybertronic Movies: Techsploitation Cinema. Almost Human focuses on a few young thugs led by a total psychopath. 1. In them is understanding in their hearts, and in them speech and strength, and they know cunning handiwork by gift of the immortal gods," says Homer of Hephaestus' servile creatures. He's not physically imposing but he's a monster nonetheless. The Exploitation List - or how I learned to stop worrying and love the sleaze. Future Sci-Fi, Dystopias, Computers, Robots, Techsploitation. Some awkward scenes, poor soundtrack choices, and average acting performances. Mad Scientist has privately developed a highly developed humanoid robot with sympathetic nerves to satisfy one's own desires. It's another social media experience, with the key word being 'social'. Made by fans in Auckland, New Zealand. Oh, and if you need an invite, say hello on Twitter, I might just have some left. The vessel is never the problem. A psychotic small-time criminal realizes that the everyday robberies, rapes and murders he commits aren't profitable enough, so he figures to hit the big time by kidnapping the daughter of a rich man. Giulio, as portrayed by Tomas Milian and a nameless dub actor, is one of the most engagingly depraved and reprehensible characters I've ever seen. Tomas Milian's character is pretty close to David Hess as Krug in Last House - essentially a pathetic idiot capable of almost nihilistic violence. what if it was a serial killer thriller romance with commentary on beauty standards and identity and-, okay, but what if it was all that, but CHINES-. With Lilian Brooks, Demetria Monay. Or the exploitative ‘Almost Human’ where a sadistic criminal murders his way through Milano while being followed by an extremely determined detective. Mobile site. A mean spirited plunge into a grime filled world of jarring violence and sadistic behaviors. Because watching this movie definitely feels like violating the laws of some sort, be it natural or otherwise. Psychosexual dramas, nihilistic fever dreams & surrealism with a touch of humour, Disturbing, Controversial, Shocking, Bizarre and Messed Up Films, Low-Budget & Lurid: A List of Exploitation/Grindhouse Fare (Every Movie on the Grindhouse Cinema Database, Almost), Ranked: My top 12 favorite Italian filmmakers, All the films mentioned in Kim Newman's Nightmare Movies, Genre: Exploitation (100 Years: 1896-1995). Motherfucker, he is so damn amazing. In the past, Letterboxd could seem like a warehouse of opinions; now it has a more human identity. The film ‘The Italian Connection’ features two American gangsters who would become the inspiration for Jules and Vincent in ‘Pulp Fiction’. The home invasion scene is haunting and disturbing. The game will only accept words that are “at least 3 letters long”, so we can filter out one and two letter words up front. Yeah, I understand that Almost Human suffers from a lot of amateur issues and that the movie is on the low-budget end but I think the movie is still incredibly watchable and almost reaches an atmospheric eeriness.. Human Resources. Talking mullets and other manes with the man behind the internet’s definitive ‘exploding helicopters in … This is a list of films that I've backed up on to an external hard drive. When he captures the daughter and her friends a violent nightmare of debauchery and bloodshed unfolds! * *Nobody cares if you don't think…, 1) Films missing are mainly hardcore porn and TV shows (Hitchcock mysteries namely). When he…, Sometimes it takes a while to get into a movie. A psychotic small-time criminal realizes that the everyday robberies, rapes and murders he commits aren't profitable enough, so he figures to hit the big time by kidnapping the daughter of a rich man. Really enjoyed this gritty slice of 70s Italian cinema. Almost Human starts with Morricone's piercing leitmotif, a masked robbery, a killing, a hostage situation and a huge car chase with those silly little Euro cars from back then. Almost Human (1927) Alvorada – Brazil’s Changing Face (1962) Always a New Beginning (1973) Always Goodbye (1931) Amanita Pestilens (1963) [CANADA] An Affair of the Skin (1963) An American Reunion (2003) Annapolis Farewell (1935) Anne Devlin (1984) [IRELAND] Anybody’s War (1930) Andrina (1981) [Short] [UK] Apokal (1971) [WEST GERMANY] The filmmaker Jeppe Rønde has invited 10 of the world's foremost researchers - and a robot! And he definitely succeeds at that. Umberto Lenzi's hard boiled Almost Human is a definitive example of the Italian crime genre of the seventies. Some very cool visuals, a moody soundtrack and a somewhat basic but solid set-up kept me interested. Step Three: GET WEIRD! The Death Dealer is what it was released as here in the states and I think that’s a better name. His face never stops contorting itself, never stops moving. Don’t get me wrong. On home video, the film was promoted as a horror film due to Lenzi's fame as a director of films such as Cannibal Ferox and Eaten Alive! Report this film, A kidnapping. Chandelier of Death. But no bug-eyed fiends, dammit. The script and acting are quite subpar though. Now that's how you start a movie. Created by J.H. This is one of those day ruiners where after you watch it you feel like you gotta take a shower to rinse off all the filth. Sporting one of the most misleading movie posters of all time, there are no bug-eyed fiends lurking in the darkness here. This is a sleazy, scuzzy, trashy masterpiece that is expertly shot and directed. I've also created a load of exploitation sub-genre…, EXTREME, SHOCKING & DISGUSTING MOVIES / DISTURBING DRAMAS / WEIRD, TRASH & UNCATEGORIZED / ANIMAZIONE ESTREMA / SCI FI ESTREMO & BEAST MOVIES…. But no bug-eyed fiends, dammit. Nan Zhang tries to blend sci-fi/thriller elements with romance/drama, but that hill proves just a little too steep. Directed by Nan Zhang. There's a number of…, Darren Carver-Balsiger 447 films 2,078 327 Edit. Everyone knows that mainstream cinema is packed with obvious tropes and it’s an industry that has always worked on repetition. Humans, This journey started in college where I became infatuated with all things microbiology. Tomas Milian OWNS the screen playing the psychotic, ruthless criminal Giulio Sacchi. He's the quintessential psychopathic homicidal madman. County club prudes. How I Letterboxd #5: Will Slater. Letterboxd is the best way to track the films you watch and want to watch. Christy's life takes a turn when she finds out her boyfriend is a vampire that has been trying to destroy her bloodline for centuries. Sacchi has no good qualities, either an annoyance or a danger to those around him.Noticed a couple of moments that were lifted wholesale by a game I've been playing recently lmao. ‘机械画皮’ After a botched bank robbery, small time drugged up thug Tomas Milian pulls off the kidnapping of a wealthy man’s daughter and dives head first into full on David Hess sadistical nihilistic madness. If you Google it I’m sure you’ll find the strange bug-eyed face that was shown here originally. Giulio has ambitions and soon he goes from fuck-up to cop…. Milan's performance alternates between petulant and chilling. ! The result is middling and somewhat disappointing, at the same time it's hard to miss the potential. Rough around the edges but it has it's own share of ambition. Related Chinese Female Directors Banned At Home: Chinese Dissident Cinema, Prison Daughters Tourism Board Japanified China Holding up half the…. Yeah, I understand that Almost Human suffers from a lot of amateur issues and that the movie is on the low-budget end but I think the movie is still incredibly watchable and almost reaches an atmospheric eeriness.. First, we need a giant list of words. On the other side, the bizarre serial murder case has attracted the attention of police officer Li Dongbin, and the danger is quietly brewing... Bea Hayden Kuo Duan Bowen Liu Yiwei Mi Mi An Hu Ma Yujie Mei Nie, 91 mins   Somebody on Letterboxd complained Tomas Milian always overacts to the nth degree and it's especially true of this film, but I kind of like Milian's brand of mugging. Adejuyigbe and Vicino have formed a close friendship through Letterboxd… No witnesses, no hesitation, no remorse, it's foolproof... until a certain cop (Henry Silva) gets the same idea. "[...]but there moved swiftly to support their lord handmaidens wrought of gold in the semblance of living maids. He's a poor, low level and hot headed criminal, that has no trouble telling his girlfriend that he can't give her love, but promises to screw her for the rest of her life. Alternative titles: Die Schreckensmacht der Zombies - Zombie 5, Shockwaves, Death Corps, Almost Human, Zombies - Die aus der Tiefe kamen, Shock Waves - Die Schreckensmacht der Zombies, Horror em Alto Mar . His friend Seth Hampton was the last to see him alive. This movie just went on so long repeating the same note with inept people doing nothing I found it compounding stupid upon terrible. It's like the movie can't decide what style it's going for, mimicking some of its own themes in fact, which is neat. © Letterboxd Limited. Almost Human is a really solid crime thriller that starts out with a bank heist gone wrong that turns into a mini home invasion. Actor, documentarian and excellent human Alex Winter joins Letterboxd’s Gemma Gracewood and Jack Moulton to talk about his three new films: Showbiz Kids, Zappa and the long-awaited Bill & Ted Face the Music. Wyman. All the films mentioned by name in Kim Newman's definitive encyclopedia of horror films, Nightmare Movies. The movie's so grimy and meanspirited I can't see myself rewatching it much but it was a time. I think there are certainly more than that. gits 2017 is set in hong kong (posing as japan), and it literally serves as a homage for it, using the central loss of identity metaphor to comment on them being taken over by mainland china. Shithead! “Almost Human” is a very well made horror science fiction movie in the vein of “The Thing” and “Xtro.” It works within a limited budget and still delivers a pretty eerie and tense, albeit flawed, horror entry. Sacchi rapes, kills, and deceives without a second thought. A notorious criminal decides that small time robberies and rapes aren't cutting it anymore and sets his sights on kidnapping the daughter of a notable Richie Rich. Film data from TMDb. Anything with more than 1,000 views on Letterboxd that’s longer…, To comfort the disturbed and to disturb the comfortable weirdo / shocking / random / weirdos / psychedelectable, ArtsAmbition 1,667 films 7,778 108 Edit, OB-GYN Kenobi 3,845 films 8,769 124 Edit, Step One: Go to ppl still sleeping? Daily Horror Hunt #23 – May 202030. This film isn't totally polished. So, you're along for the ride with him as he maims and murders and connives his way through his existence. VFW ("Veterans of Foreign Wars") is directed by American indie filmmaker Joe Begos, director of the films Almost Human, The Mind's Eye, and Bliss previously, as … © Letterboxd Limited. It went downhill from the start but was drained after the robot felt physical pain. I feel so fickle. That's about Ferrara's measure of … Film data from TMDb. And this film gets unbelievably nasty, piling one atrocity on another, making this similar in feel to other Italian downers like Mario Bava's Rabid Dogs or Hitch-Hike (which also starred David Hess). Report this film. The other half is some sappy, cheesy romance that felt…. I think it's hilarious that this was included in the movie. 1 - Follow me, follow you Like Twitter, Letterboxd operates by following people and having them follow you. Throw us into chaos with Morricone's purposive kick drum and furious camera zooms. Henry Silva also does a wonderful job and the polar opposite of the two is a real treat to see how they interact on screen. This is the movie that convinced me Tomas Milian is actually one of the most underrated actors of all time. Show All… Romance films released (or planned to be released) in the year of 2020. However the Ennio Morricone was pretty solid but I feel like he might have used it before so extra half star. I have enjoyed a lot of Eurocrime movies but this one didn't work for me. I think people forget that Letterboxd isn't the Academy Awards and that it's for fun and keeping track of the movies you watch," Wilson said. Highlighted by a truly vicious character portrayal, Tomas Milian absolutely dominates the screen with his vile nature. Dir. The CGI is not great. Made by fans in Auckland, New Zealand. Endless fucking. IMDb I finished it but I really only did out of a necessity for completion. An unrelentless descent into brutality Lenzi's Almost Human is a perfect portrayal of the inhumane. Unexpectedly, the robot developed its autonomous consciousness. 2. The pacing is tight, the visuals are grimy, and Ennio Morricone's score, alternating between a demented carnival ride theme and moody, noir-ish sax solos, works its usual magic. It’s still loads of fun, with…, Weirdly not a huge fan of italo-crime movies, but this one slaps. It was launched as a social app focused on sharing opinions about, and love of, film, and is maintained by a small team in Auckland, New Zealand.The site is meant for sharing its members' tastes in films. We get kidnapping, drugs, lots of murder (including a child), home invasion, and perhaps the most heinous crime of all - hilariously bad jokes. This attempted display of godly power finds itself in all manner of science fiction time and time again. The film was released on Region 0 NTSC DVD by NoShame films in 2005. IMDb It's ugly exploitation cinema with a Euro Crime structure and feel. The FRIGGIN OPENING. With what I consider their best film as the placeholder for their spot. (When I have time, that's right, I don't have endless…. And isn't it just fitting that this nihilistic rampage ends atop a pile of garbage. Not what I was expecting from the director of Cannibal Ferox and City of The Walking Dead. Dead piggy. The movie reminded me of a hodgepodge of other films: Xtro, Terminator, The Thing, Fire in the Sky and 1980s slashers. The cop pursuing him played by Henry Silva is also fairly compelling too. Would've been even better had he not been dubbed in the version I saw. It exchanged the skin of the beautiful woman Su Xin by means of "black technology", and instead lurked beside Su Xin's boyfriend Wang Sheng. Popular this week; About Letterboxd; Create an account ←; Social film reviews and discovery. In Step 2 we will need to enumerate all possible words that we can make using a given box, meaning we will need to ask “is this string the beginning of a valid word (which we will call a “prefix”)?” a bunch of times. Giulio Sacchi is one loose and scummy criminal, first botching a bank robbery then enlisting some buddies to kidnap a billionaire's daughter for some sweet ransom money. A complete fuckin' sociopath with zero sympathetic qualities. A determined cop. A motherfuckin' psychopath. Umberto Lenzi. But I have to…. More details at Nah). Almost Human was released on home video in the United States in the early 1980s. This collaborative community website is dedicated to the Fox series Almost Human. Gianni Bortolotti Giuseppe Marrocco, The Death Dealer, Milán nenávidí - policie nemůže střílet, 99 mins   Tomas Milian's reign of cruelty and terror stretched across the Italian countryside is unmatched in film. Letterboxd User Score: 16 In the winter of 1820, the New England whaling ship Essex was assaulted by something no one could believe: a whale of mammoth size and will, and an almost human sense of vengeance. Letterboxd — Your life in film. rupert went the fuck off, s/o vivienne chow for her article. The human shaped vessel always comes first and only then the creator imbues it with life. Mobile site. Tomas's…. Films where a city defines the film to the point where it becomes an integral character. Painted Skin retold as an I Robot scifi romp. This is a decent crime thriller elevated by the great lead performance of Tomàs Milian as Giulio, a small-time criminal with a fragile ego. There have been several instances in which people using Letterboxd have complained of the popularity of funny reviews by young women, compared to lengthy, serious reviews. Apart from the godawful CGI action scenes near the end of the movie (probably studio-mandated? I’m unsure which words are accepted in the actual game, but I’m using a 276,519 word Scrabble wordlist that can be download here. A ransom. Recommended! Waiching Liu 1,466 films 1,032 19 Edit, The nuttiest, craziest and most obscene movies to have ever existed, Phil Sternwise 1,058 films 810 21 Edit, Resources for finding these films will be added in the notes. Director Umberto Lenzi likes to make people squirm and I love him for it. The DVD is currently out-of-print. ), this all looks great and I think this director and cinematographer have flair. Not really sure why it’s called Almost Human. Lurid, sleazy, and disturbing. Shithead!Giulio Sacchi, played by Tomas Milian, is a psychopath with the emotional maturity of a fourteen-year-old.He's also the protagonist of the picture. Given a query strin… yeah. Just a disclaimer so I don’t open myself up to future lawsuits slandering me of willingly watching Almost Human or something. He's so fuckin' dirty in the cleanest way. All the films from my exploitation lists, bundled into one mega-super-list-to-rule-them-all! But that told only half the story. A film that barrels along barely staying on the tracks as the unhinged intensity spirals out of control.

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