
touching spirit bear movie

He is angry, especially at the people around him who shipped him from doctor to counselor to detention center to treatment center. The probation officer says he believes Cole believes he saw a Spirit Bear. This time he caught Peter Driscal in the parking lot and smashed his head against the sidewalk. He sleeps fitfully that night, cocooned in the heavy native blanket, hearing sounds of life all around him and feeling empty inside. Garvey agrees to start the paperwork, and Cole sees the man as the biggest sucker he has ever met. Suddenly he senses a presence behind him; when he turns he sees a huge, white bear. Full Cast & Crew. That night Cole falls asleep thinking about Peter, and Peter is the first thing on the boy’s mind in the morning. The mouse puts up a fight as Cole chews it to death, and he is exhausted by the effort. He asks the boy about making a canoe, and Cole is truthful with the elder. symbolism, theme and character within Ben Mikaelsen’s novel, Touching Spirit Bear. Peter’s father takes Cole aside and tells him it is clear Cole has undergone some kind of change; however, if he does anything to hurt Peter, Cole will spend the rest of his life in prison. Once again they strip and wade through the frigid water to soak as the sun rises, and they make a choice about whether to be angry this day. He chases some seagulls away from a large fish; he cooks what is left and gorges himself on the chunks of charred flesh. Cole puts on his most innocent act (which has worked for him countless times in the past) and declares he is ready to change. Early in the novel, Cole catches Alex Driscal in a parking lot where a fight ensues and Cole smashes Alex’s head against the sidewalk. Edwin tells him to continue carving whatever he wants, for a totem is a personal story. The probation officer agrees to start the process to apply for the program but tells the boy it starts in his heart. The bear remains motionless; it watches the boy. That morning Edwin and Garvey show Cole how to make an airtight shelter to fend off the bitter winter winds and keep the mice away. DIRECTOR. A person who commits such violence is clearly hurting as well. Finally Edwin admits both he and Garvey know he has changed. In return, Cole beat him mercilessly until six students pulled him off the bloody boy. Garvey re-emphasizes it is the how, not the what, that matters, but Cole is single-minded about avoiding punishment. His hand is steady with rage as he lights a match. He finds himself before a judge, but instead of jail time, he is given the option to attend a diversion program called Circle Justice. Touching Spirit Bear by Ben Mikaelsen has been brought to life by the Central Lyon Middle School of Rock Rapids, Iowa. When they leave, Edwin picks up a large, smooth rock and tells Cole to imagine it is his ancestors, the people who helped shape him into who he is today and who may still have things to teach him. He raises his head enough to look around; in a flash of lightning, he sees the white bear standing motionless only fifty feet away. Cole’s idea is for Peter to come to the island and face his fears—including Cole. The Keeper asks how they can be sure and mentions Cole ’s claim that he saw a white bear. He finally looks ahead to see how far he has to go and is stunned to discover he has made no progress at all. Edwin asks what happened on the island. Hetaughtmetobegentleand thatI,too,ampartof theCircle. It focuses on a teenager named Cole Matthews, who severely injures another boy, Peter Driscal, in a parking-lot altercation. A crackling noise cases him to look around, and again Cole sees the white bear. From the trees a pair of large eyes is reflected in the glowing embers, patiently watching. He wonders if this is a Spirit Bear and then grabs for the charred hunting knife he sees among the ashes. She reluctantly filed papers against her former husband and said she would testify against him. He can hardly believe it, but Peter is sitting alone on the bow of the larger boat. A public defender will be appointed. He hesitates, thinking perhaps he can skip the doing and simply tell them what they want to hear, but he does not want to take that risk. Philip McGheeWilliam McGheeTamela McGheeMatt McGheeGrandpa. After fitful dreams, Cole wakes to find he is still in tremendous pain but the storm has passed. He reminds the boy that whatever he does to the animals while on this island he does to himself. Justice should be about healing, continued Garvey, and healing is much more difficult than punishment because it requires one to take personal responsibility for one’s actions. He painfully curls into a fetal position and cries out “No more!” before losing consciousness once more. That afternoon Peter will have nothing to do with Cole, and that night Cole sleeps in a tent away from his cabin. They were each unable to help those they hurt, so they are helping him. After Garvey left, Cole threw the ingredients all over his cell in a frenzy. Summer has arrived, and the soaking ritual is a regular routine for all three of them—until one morning when Peter tells Garvey he thinks he and Cole should go alone. In Touching Spirit Bear, Cole Matthews is a pretty extreme character—this is a kid who's in trouble with the law for bashing a classmate's head into the sidewalk and who actually tries to fight a bear in the course of the novel. Soon, though, Peter is back to being morose and sullen. Edwin leaves him with a few terse directives about the plants and animals with which he will be coexisting, but Cole is arrogant and dismissive of the old mans words. Edwin points out all the reasons why this is not a feasible plan. With great effort, he finally manages to crawl his way back to shore, his head aching and his body shivering. He makes hot chocolate for himself and Peter and thanks Peter for allowing him into the cabin. His mind seems foggy, but he struggles to clear it so he can think and plan. The cold, wet boy accepts the offer with alacrity. Garvey sleeps between the two boys. He remembers more about the Circle meeting, the one in which most members of the community wanted him to be put in jail. He is equally disdainful of a bear too stupid to run when attacked. As he is doing so, he hears a whirring and sees Edwin and the skiff approaching the island. Peter screams at Cole to fight with him, but Cole has mastered his anger and refuses. This detailed literature summary also contains Quotes and a Free Quiz on … He promises to carve something special. Peter was not whole, though, which caused Cole a moment of regret—until he remembered it was Peter’s own fault for speaking when he should not have done so. Cole is in tears trying to make the man understand. Cole huddles in the at.óow and tries to keep the fire burning. Edwin says they saw whales breaching that morning, so they will do the dance of the whales. His leg is limp and lifeless from the bear’s bite and from being tossed around by the creature. Cole says he needs the help of others, just as a wolf needs the help of a pack. He enters the shack and pours gasoline over its entire contents, everything the men unloaded from the skiff. Garvey is hesitant, but Peter seems sure and Cole agrees despite being a little scared. His breathing is labored because of his broken ribs, and he looks at his mangled, useless right arm and hand. He squashes a caterpillar inching toward him just to feel like he can control something, but the tears come nevertheless. Serves both of them right, he thinks. Edwin learned whales are graceful and gentle; Garvey learned whales are smart and powerful. Later he reaches surreptitiously into his pocket and retrieves the pure white hair that proves his story about the bear. Everyone thinks he is sorry for what he did, but they are all wrong. When things get frustrating he looks to the men for help but gets none. Edwin tells him about a white bear known as Spirit Bear, which has more If he tells the truth, they’ll think he’s a liar. He asks why they are willing to help him. Drama. Touching Spirit Bear is a 14th Tezuka film, based on book of the same name by Ben Mikaelsen. Over the next few days, Peter gets minimally aggressive with Cole. He had told them exactly what he knew they wanted to hear, and it had worked. Cole is swollen and sore, but he is content with this morning’s progress on Peter’s healing. Edwin watches everything motionlessly from his position along one wall of the room. Touching Spirit Bear is a coming-of-age novel by Bolivian-American author Ben Mikaelson. An Assessment of Symbolism, Theme, and Character . Cole sees himself now as that young, helpless bird, pleading for help and having no power or control over anything. Amazon.Com says "Cole Matthews is angry. When Cole asks when they will do the dance of anger, Edwin tells him he will do that dance alone and only when he is ready. He knows he would already have made his escape if he had not changed, but there is no temptation to leave this time. Cole Matthews strains against his metal handcuffs as he rides in a small boat on a dark, cloudy day. Cole wants to keep it near him but it is wet. What if Sonic Team looked something like this? Soon he feels warm, and a warm liquid seems to be pouring into his mouth. When they ask if he is afraid to be left alone here with the bear, he answers truthfully: he is not afraid of the bear, but he is afraid of being alone. The bear mauls him within inches of life, resulting in several broken bones and severe wounds to his chest. Cole must start the dance since he saw the bear, and he dances the series of events that happened with the bear the first time he was on the island. It had always worked before, but this time he had gone too far and would probably be tried at an adult court and sentenced accordingly. Finally the bear pushes the boy to the ground and walks away. Start your 48-hour free trial and unlock all the summaries, Q&A, and analyses you need to get better grades now. He also tries to make himself invisible by changing his clothes and masking his scent with nature’s smells. While on the boat, Cole begins to remember what had gotten him into this mess in the first place. He is also able to drink a few drops of muddy water to slake his raging thirst. The weather suits his mood, for he is about to begin a year of banishment on an island in Southeast Alaska; otherwise, he would be in a jail cell back in Minneapolis. The men understand his dance. Cole tells him the only thing that matters is that they believe. Cole is confused about how the rock gets back to the bottom of the hill until Edwin tells him to roll it down, releasing his anger as he does so. He learns that his father abused him and that his mother is a drunk. As he settles into his cell, Cole is able to revisit the island and remember the gentleness of the Spirit Bear. Settings; Themes and Motifs; Styles. He is crying and expressing his sorrow for what he did to Peter; he throws a representative ancestor rock into the ocean and cries out his sorrow to them. Months pass, and still there is no carving at the bottom of the totem. He no longer has full use of his right arm, and he is sore and limping. In his hand is a chunk of white fur; he stuffs it into his pocket as a souvenir of his victory over the dumb creature. $16.15 $ 16. The only person who kept visiting was a stocky youth probation officer named Garvey. Instead of typical justice, which punishes, Circle Justice is meant to heal. As the man is leaving, Cole screams out that he knows how to help Peter, but the skiff keeps moving. Cole is being returned to the detention facility after a warning from his doctor that he must work his body to fight the crippling effects of the scars he now has. STARRING. In the following weeks, Cole spends his time waiting and exercising his body. When they call Garvey to see their afternoon’s work, he is stunned at the sight of a nearly perfect circle. Those were awkward moments, and Cole did not know what to think about her love. A year ago he had not even heard of Circle Justice; he was busy breaking into a hardware store and trashing the place after robbing it. As Cole swats away mosquitoes, he observes the outgoing tide and calculates when he can make his next escape from the island. The door suddenly opens and in walks Edwin, who reverently asks to join the Circle. The last one to speak is Edwin, who explains that though people cannot change overnight, they can change direction. To get revenge on him, Cole slams Peter's skull against the sidewalk, causing permanent brain damage. Cole is discouraged, for they cannot know about the bear or the birds and the changes they have wrought in him. A few days later, Edwin and Garvey visit Cole together, and they grill the boy about how he has changed and what happened on the island. Cole has a long history of trouble with the law, always lying and manipulating his way out of every punishment. Peter finally makes some awkward moves around the fire, then announces what he learned from the mouse dance is that he looks like “a stupid dork!” and storms back into the cabin. It was followed by a sequel, called Ghost of Spirit Bear, which illustrates Cole's return to Minneapolis, where his past has returned to haunt him. The Touching Spirit Bear quotes below are all either spoken by Cole Matthews or refer to Cole Matthews. After a brief explanation of the events that have happened in the past six months, the members each express their belief that Cole should be returned to the traditional justice system. In the morning he wakes up and finds himself bruised and bloodied, nearly naked, laying in the middle of the burnt-out cabin. Cole tells him everything from the beginning. Kindle. Garvey was not sure it would work, but he knew jail would do nothing but make Cole more angry and bitter. On Edwin’s next visit, Cole tells him he danced the dance of anger. 4.7 out of 5 stars 485. Soon Cole is thinking about the wolf and begins crouching and circling the fire. Cole agrees to try Circle Justice, thinking that it is a literal "Get out of jail free" card.". Cole tells the elder he is telling the truth and reaches for his pocket to pull out the evidence, but then he simply states that he is telling the truth and that should be enough. Only 2 left in stock - order soon. When he was younger, he spent five years in jail for some awful things, things he cannot fix or change. Cole says he saw and touched the bear. One morning Peter unexpectedly kicks the anger rock down the hill, and Cole tells him it was a nice kick. They are unaware of the cause of his injuries until Rosy, a Tlinglet woman acting as nurse, shows them the gashes on his chest and tells them it was a bear attack. As he starts to swim the mile or so to the next island in the frigid Alaskan water, Cole thinks back to one of the Circle meetings that got him to this place. He wishes he had someplace safe to call home. Peter shrugs and grins and says it was the only thing he could teach Cole to carve. Once it is no longer usable as a canoe, he begins carving the eagle he saw earlier that day. Cole recognizes Peter’s parents and sees Garvey on the boat as well. Cole watches him as he walks to the water and then swims until he is nothing but a stain on the horizon. ... Book 2 of 2: Spirit Bear | by Ben Mikaelsen | Mar 29, 2011. He manages to spit at the bear (and the world) and waits for the bear to finish what he began. After he turns his clothes right side out, Cole’s anger smolders and burns, and he determines he will not spend even one night in the cabin. Cole nods and says he is okay, but Garvey says he is not okay. 5124 Ratings. Suddenly he looks up and sees the Spirit Bear standing less than a hundred yards away, near the shoreline. That night Cole is restless and allows anger and bitterness to stir up inside him again. His parents had just gotten a divorce, so they visited him separately. He is like a whale. The incoming tide is causing him to virtually swim in place. Cole is relieved but cries because he is alone and insignificant and no one cares about him. But then a Tlingit Indian parole officer named Garvey enters his life, offering an alternative called Circle Justice, based on Native American traditions, in which victim, offender, and … The men haul the heavy boxes into the shack as Cole remains handcuffed. Edwin asks what he learned that morning, and Cole tells him that no person is bad: people just act badly because they are afraid. DVD. Cole carries the rock begrudgingly up the hill; Edwin tells him he has carried that rock up this hill many times. Finally, after a very long time of dancing his anger, parts of him sore and swollen and bleeding, and he is able to say what he has never said before: “I forgive you.” His energy is spent and he collapses on the ground. He discovers his anger can be assuaged by sweating and working, though his right arm is still virtually useless. Instead, he develops an attitude. Touching Spirit Bear was published in 2001. Now he has been abandoned again, and he is as angry as he has ever been. The story starts with Cole Matthews on a boat headed toward the Alaskan island where Cole is being banished to for a year. Edwin asks Cole if he saw a Spirit Bear. This file is an after-reading activity that can be used in place of the traditional book report. Then he hears Garvey and Edwin, and his pain continues rather than subsides. It was all lies, but he has become adept at such lying. After a nightmare, Cole wakes up and is able to talk to Rosy and Garvey. Cole, barely able to speak, says it is his own fault. More Buying Choices $2.32 (24 used & new offers) Starring: Mark Rendall and Graham Greene; Spirit Bear. Cole is lonely now that the Spirit Bear, which he had spotted quite regularly before winter, has apparently hibernated for the season. Now, watching the fire, Cole begins to laugh hysterically, almost maniacally; he is out of control. He wakes up only when he hears the sharp cracks of thunder around him. Edwin and Garvey will stay for a few days, until the boy completes his shelter; however, Cole will do all the work. Cole is reluctant to carve another bear in his totem because the last one took him more than a week. Garvey says he was clearly mauled by something that wanted to hurt him. The worst attack is when Peter takes an ax to the carving of the bear on Cole’s totem. He examines the charred mess in front of him and has no regrets about his rash action. Cole regrets his lost opportunity on the island and says he will return to the island someday. He knows anger is a choice, and he no longer chooses it; he leaves the totem uncarved. Once the pain medication has taken effect, Rosy cleans what wounds she can and explains that the boy has a broken arm, leg, pelvis, and ribs in addition to his hypothermia and dehydration. At some point in life, everyone is given an opportunity to take up a cause. He knows when someone wants to hurt him; he had seen it often in his father’s eyes as he beat him. Peter must realize that Cole has changed and he can have something to look forward to in his life. Garvey suggests it might be because a circle is the symbolic representation of no beginning and no end and everything being one. The bear leaves, and Cole, in his anger, satisfies himself that he will kill it the next time he sees it. It stars Mark Rendall as Jackson, Katie Stuart as his love interest, Graham Greene, and Ed Begley, Jr. It is built along a steep hillside and has a population of 14 500 people. While on the boat, Cole begins to remember what had gotten him into this mess in the first place. Now, Pete… Among other things, he tromps on Cole’s sleeping bag with muddy shoes. $4.50 shipping. Peter says it was a mouse, and Cole announces they will do a mouse dance tonight. DEDICATION ThisbookisdedicatedtoBuffy, aseven-hundred-poundblackbearwho hasbecomemyownSpiritBear. 49 $7.99 $7.99. The smoke helps ward off the mosquitoes, and he gathers enough wood to maintain the blaze for the night. After dinner, he does the dance of the eagle, feeling as if he can see things from a new perspective, like the eagle. When Edwin returns with more supplies, he is surprised at the totem log. 1:26. After stealing from a hardware store, Cole's classmate, Peter Driscal, tells authorities about the crime. The supplies in the boat, as well as the building supplies that had been transported to the island earlier, have been paid for by the sale of all his sports equipment. Peter wonders if others will believe them when they tell about seeing the bear. Casey Jr. Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus Train, He determines to grab it, and he does. 7.2. Touching Spirit Bear Summary & Study Guide includes comprehensive information and analysis to help you understand the book. Edwin leaves him with a few terse directives about the plants and animals with which he will be coexisting, but Cole is arrogant and dismissive of the old man’s words. He sees the brown blanket and is panicked at the thought of losing the at.óow. It does not seem to be working. He provokes the bear, and it attacks him, leaving him gravely injured. His anger has taken him too far this time, though. In one last act of defiance, Cole prepares to spit at the bear, but he cannot do it. He does not, however, go as far as saying he believes Cole encountered a Spirit Bear. (109) 1h 31min 2015 NR. Spirit Bear. He eats grass, then worms and other crawling insects on the move because of the rain; he opens his mouth to catch some rain in his parched and bloodied mouth. ... Touching Spirit Bear Official Movie Trailer - Duration: 1:26. meredith lyttle 4,794 views. Cole resented his visits because he could not figure out the man’s motivation until one day Garvey asked if Cole would ever consider applying for Circle Justice. Garvey tells him the rest of his healing will be much more difficult than the physical, and his mother reaches awkwardly for him and hugs him. How does the spirit bear help Cole find peace in Touching Spirit Bear? In Touching Spirit Bear, Cole and Garvey are talking and Cole starts to open up to Garvey and tell him about the genuine problems he is having at home. See agents for this cast & crew on IMDbPro Because this project is categorized as in development, the data is only available on IMDbPro and is subject to change. On his next visit with supplies, Edwin tells Cole that Garvey called to say Peter tried to commit suicide. Him some food, Cole is unable to help him night, cocooned in the at.óow and to. 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