
my husband has asperger's and i want to leave him

I am also with a man with Aspergers. There are a lot of other normally functioning (NT) spouses in the same situation as you. Though, i feel a cleae change when he doea come home. He was content to say nithing or follow me. Am I able to ask him or suggest to him that he may be on the spectrum? Eating and trying new food used to be enjoyable for me, but not anymore! Therapy is geared towards working on communication issues or addressing anxiety, depression and anger management, issues that often go hand in hand with Aspergers. No date nights. Here are the characteristics of Asperger’s most apparent in my husband: lack of eye contact; preference for routine; struggle with social interactions; literal understanding of words; hyperfocus on one idea, sometimes obsessively; exceptional verbal ability, especially vocabulary. He doesn’t teach the kids any sports. People with Asperger's tend to develop a few narrow interests and their fascination becomes intense. It's something to think about. He was asperbers, all er needed was a therapist to confirm it, so we could understand how to move forward. He does not see the big picture, he sees each meltdown as a separate event, and I should love him because he is a nice person. Instead, you can benefit from communicating your needs in writing. But be careful with the choice of therapist. Good luck. We have pets and he showers them with affection. I’m trying to find the courage to leave!!!!! Det eneste som nytter er å snakke med noen i samme situasjon. Do not involve yourself in discussions, if you want to protect yourself against being misinterpreted. Now we are married, with a 6 year old who has adhd. After all, I didn’t understand either. But for a good part of the year we reside in the same town. I am an extremely verbal person and he had language delay as a child and is not comfortable with deep and meaningful conversations. You cannot make any difference. is not your fault. You are however, responsible for yourself and your children. If you want them to know your feelings, the easiest way is to express them out loud. Asperger's Syndrome can be complex to diagnose and treat. Most days he seems so normal, especially in social situations, i find it hard to believe he actually is an Aspie. But I am lucky in that he is aware of himself even if he can’t change how he is and I am aware of that and able to protect myself now and make informed choices thanks to articles like this and the posts of other NTs sharing their experiences. Im depressed, overweight shadow of my former self, on disability and trapped. But so am I. Others do not believe, they try to understand, but they see him as different and I come off as being the one with the problems. Certain types of behavior may be modified so that cohabitation is less stressful for both of you. Well, no such luck! And another, and another. After 20 years of marriage to a man who is a terrible communicator, termed “abrasive” by others, can’t remember other peoples’ names and often acts like a five year old in need of attention, I went to a councilor by myself who mentioned that it sounded to him like my husband might have Asperger’s. Expressing more compliments and positive observations instead of criticisms is something they can learn to do. He is described as “5 children” by experienced daycare providers. After he is aware of your attraction and isn’t confused about nonverbal gestures and flirtation, it might be easier for him to decide if he feels the same way. That gives me hope. He/she may unintentionally or intentionally make negative comments and do things that can come across as insensitive and hurtful to you. "I'm sorry I snapped at you. And because he genuinely wants to connect and wants me to be happy. I have to be responsible for running every single detail of our lives. That will be not remotely possible for me. He is a good, moral, hardworking person, and so it is nothing short of a tragedy that due to AS, our relationship will never reach its full potential. You may come to believe, that you should have been even more quiet/considerate/self-effacing! Meanwhile, I was feeling more and more isolated and alone, even when with my boyfriend. But when I packed our things for moving out, I found tucked away in the attic a mountain of porn magazines and some of it was a punishable offense. He’s 67 and I’m 60, now. Your quiet, self-contained nature drove me quietly nuts. I keep going for my daughter. Thank you for sharing this. I was aware of Asperger, having seen it first in neighborhood teenage children and then in more and more friends and colleagues. Sometimes, I don’t know if this is going to be the rest of my life, so uninteresting, so boring, nothing excited. I wanted to discuss vacations, marriage, family. I realize now that my ex-husband probably had Aspergers. When I look back on all the years of pain, the only thing that makes me feel a little better is knowing that his behaviors weren’t necessarily deliberate. Reading these comments has me feeling so many mixed emotions. He can sense that the person before him could well have an undiagnosed depression that has emptied him … I’m a NT partner to a ASD partner. No kids thank God but coming up on 14 hrs of marriage. Favored by the fact that we started for our air show from separate continents, therefore could not touch in reality. Why are all my friends starting their lives when my boyfriend would not even discuss his dreams or intentions with me? No empathy for me, never asks me what is wrong, why I am vomiting, feeling nauseous, -bad hernia problem – but he does not/cannot feel empathy. Read and get knowledge of Asperger’s syndrome. NT-spouses worldwide report, that they are being frustrated in conversational attempts with their AS-spouse. After his episodes of rudeness he always apologizes and starts doing things for me that he never does when others are around. Otherwise, nothing happens. I did a lot of reading and thinking. A typo maybe? I am giving up. Our marriage was a rushed affair, in a courthouse, no family, no friends, no honeymoon. Take a leave of absence. This advice is so important that it is mentioned twice. Thank you. Intimacy is impossible, and so is having a normal to-and-fro conversation on ANY given topic. He doesn’t like Xmas – (I love Xmas) – so why shouldn’t he just leave??? I didnt know how badly affected his social, emotional and cognitive ability is impaired until the last 18 months. In reading Dr. Tony Attwood’s book The Complete Guide to Asperger’s Syndrome, I am amazed how right he is about the attraction I felt for my future husband when we met. He also seemed overwhelmed by his job as a software engineer and wedged-out in front of the TV most nights, completely ignoring his family. We have gone separately and together to counceling. But it can’t cure him, and I shouldn’t expect him to change. The years of rejection for sex, intimacy and connection with the person closest to me started to wear down on my self esteem, bit by bit. This is the first time I’ve even admitted a lot of this to myself let alone posted it online – just so relieved that I am not alone in feeling this – it’s not an easy thing to share with friends who don’t see that side of him. Asperger’s Syndrome [AS] is a mild form of autism. No matter if your husband is open to hearing about AS or not, keep speaking to him about it when you feel like there is an opening. Whatever the first time for him is trouble because he just doesn’t know what to do. But it is good to hear of others who live with this monster in the marriage. Seen through NT-eyes there is a good basis for humor in confident contact with other NT-partners, who are also familiar with the bizarre reality of a close relationship with an Asperger. he will never understand how much work I have put into this, and I know I need to make peace with this so I can leave without hating him. The idea of my daughter under his sole care is horrifying. But his is willing to try. We’ve talked and talked about it over the years but nothing changes no matter what I do. Sensory sensitivities and a low EQ can often lead to physical intimacy issues, which need to be addressed. I am just so tired. Some people with AS/ASD can spend the whole household finances on their particular and obsessive interests. And your life will be HIS routine, which can not be changed ( not even when you are ill, and need help). I have been married for 22 years to an AS, and have brought my partner to counseling and therapy countless times over the years, read everything there is to read on the topic, and keeping the marriage and my family on tack has consumed every bit of my time, attention and emotional and physical energy. We went over the checklist and he scored high. You say it won’t make you end things with your boyfriend if he gets diagnosed – but you will be able to understand him better. And his interactions with their two children were confined to checking their daily homework. Im broken and exhausted clinging on to what I have left of enthusiasm for life. – But bottom line – talk or diagnose changes nothing.- you have to cope with the AS way of being – or leave your beloved. May God bless you and keep you always. He expertly hid his overwhelming obsession with star trek and super heroes for about a year, long enough for me to fall in love with who I thought he was- the man he showed me. During the week, he fixes his same plain food & I cook for the kids and myself at home. He doesn’t want to do anything to help himself. Time will tell. He did not realize I needed connection. At the beginning of our courtship, everything was great but as years go by every day life just chips the love away, gradually and slowly. An Asperger’s person might be an encyclopedia when asked ​​factual questions of “who” or “what”. My life was so isolated and he wrecked our personal finances. What about therapy for couples? For example: Where can you find support, validation and understanding? husband of 40 years, I fell in love with a friend and neighbor who has Asperger. You cannot expect your AS-spouse to keep a promise or agreement, if his/her impulse the next day is going in a different direction. But while their IQs are higher, their EQs are low. This article is based on reported firsthand experiences from thousands of neurotypical spouses in Europe, North America, Australia. It can help you to maintain a healthy perception of reality and navigate free of unwarranted guilt. I'm fearful of one thing, that my husband, who caters to his boy, is very lenient, I think confuses love for letting him do anything he wants at all times, will try to move him into our home. We moved in together and years went by. Give them a print of the table “Impacts and Deficits in NT-ASD relationships”. Insight-based therapy, as used in normal couple therapy, is therefore useless when one spouse has AS/ASD. He has been out of work for 5 years and we have two kids. Better late than never they say. This was so very helpful thank you. He has a poor sense of humor. Common understanding requires that both parties can listen interpretively to others and put themselves in the other’s place. Learn how your comment data is processed. She is aware of her condition, my son is not. Thank you for sharing such a clear article and I hope each and everyone of us here learn to climb out of this pit with forgiveness and acceptance. I speak with the wife about her experience in the marriage. Your AS-spouse’s thoughts, tantrums, irritability, silence etc. Leave no ambiguity in your statements to your AS-spouse. He doesn’t know how to parent. year old, and it is heartbreaking for me because no matter how much I want and work to improve things, I can’t have a functional relationship with someone who has never learnt (and who has no interest in learning) how to treat people and how to manage their own feelings without destroying those around him. Last July, four years after the death of my NT(?) He was never diagnosed (i truly believe both of his parents are AS as well, don’t get me started on how this has reinforced certain beliefs on his part, that he’s the sensible one and its everyone else who has the problem), and was initially very reluctant to be ‘put in a box’ of being on the spectrum but now realizes that it helps to be able to understand his differences. He says he loves me and shouldn’t have to repeat it, unless something changes. So much energy and time spent protecting my children and myself from this emotional chaos. If you can't afford an attorney, you can ask to have one appointed. It doesn’t – it’s just replaced by another thing that stresses him. Does anyone have any successful stories about being with someone with AS? When I cried, he snored. In fact, it took me 10 years to agree to date him. The oldest was recently diagnosed with Asperger’s/Mild Autism + Gifted – and as I learned more about the symptoms, I thought “oh my gosh this is my husband!” He is, at minimum – spectrum-y with sensory processing issues, a love of spreadsheets, and a complete inability to…well he does all the things you listed above. I’ve been married 14 years. He is not close to his own family members including his sons , I often fantasize about him dying, and when he is away I don’t miss him. … But it must be another professional other than your own therapist. Being with an aspergers partner has been incredibly isolating, distressing and exhausting. Therefore, should it be possible to combine body and soul, I shall work on this It will come under pressure in a co-habitation with a person having AS/ASD, who experiences the world quite differently than others. Having a successful marriage requires effort, but when one partner has Asperger Syndrome it poses additional challenges. So to anyone reading this – look after yourself. I am starting to look after myself at the age of 56. All Rights Reserved. My family couldn’t relate to my anger and frustration, medical professionals had a difficult time understanding why a spouse of 20 years would do and act in such destructive ways. It is heartbreaking for him because he does not understand that he has the emotional age of a 3(?) Persons with AS/ASD have good and less good character traits – just like everyone else. It is vital that you are often together with emotionally normal (NT) acting friends who can provide that emotional and intellectual feedback, you can´t get from your AS-partner. It looks as though we are headed for a divorce, as she asked for a divorce 3 months ago, and just last night while I’m asleep comes to my room and asks why haven’t I fought for us since she announced she wanted a divorce. Trust your intuition and your own perception of reality. My husband has been diagnosed with ADHD for 10 years now and it wasn't until this summer that I realized how large an effect it has on me. He has watched videos and he has met the little girl who has Autism. He/she can exhibit irritation and tantrums when you show emotions, including anger, no matter how justified it is. The sex is 2x a month at best and i have adjusted to just sucking it up. The ritualistic, oppressive nature of our home is only shown to me. I felt rejected sexually, very frustrated sexually, which fueled arguments. So that they’re not just in the same room as you hour after hour after hour. So I gave it plenty of time and space until I realized that the air show was perfectly satisfactory for “my” AS person. -They do what pleases them, they lie if it’s the easiest way for them, they forget, what they find unpleasant to remember – small things as well as big things – they’ll never think of others needs unless it benefits their own interests – their image, their plans, etc. Decide what you need for yourself and how you can achieve it. And remember, when they are falling in love with you, you become a target for an unhealthy interest….and then you will be like and old habit, not interesting at all. Just when I had enough, I became pregnant despite the doctor telling me how unlikely that would be. Health injuries, similar to those seen by traumatic stress disorder, are common in the neurotypical partner. For instance, it can sometimes help by writing down agreed times and duties. But the frustrations of everyday life with him, especially during Covid when he is all I have, are wearing me down and I’m seeking understanding, suggestions, and support. Be consistent. If you need psychological counseling, find your own therapist. Individuals with AS can often come across as rude and intimidating with their sharp logic and biting tone; my advice would be to not give up. Steps to Help Make An AS-NT Relationship Work. It wouldn’t make me ends things with him, it would help me better understand him. Its as if the life has been taken from me, bit by bit, year by year. I should mention that my husband has a Ph.D.and is very technically oriented and was successful in his field before he retired — however, many years ago he was a college professor and that career was unsuccessful for him. No fun, no love, people think I am so hard, but have to survive. After lots of heavy hinting, he did take in that something is amiss and actually asked about it. I'm a little on edge today because of my dad coming. We have been together 9 years and still can’t discuss the future, nothing is ever resolved and the meltdowns get worse and worse – now there is usually only a day between them (if i’m lucky!!). I don’t know what to do. I am utterly alone. Now i am poised between a child husband that cannot make basic decisions and refuses to acknowledge aspergers. After several years of me being the volunteer there, he finally went camping with the boy(s). During a meltdown after 2 or 3 days of stand off he would usually break down and recognise how unfair his behaviour had been etc etc – but it did not stop it happening the next time as he seemed to have no insight into what was happening. The list goes on and on. Alternately, some men resist the idea that they are lacking in EQ. It’s not like he has to be fixed, which is good, because you can’t fix Asperger Syndrome. Types of behavior may be on the more I read about Asperger, seen. 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