
most cruel russian leaders

of this he confronted him but ivan killed him. He was the famous leader of Hunnic Empire and is still called as the biggest villain in the history. Cut off children's hands and tormented the women so that the men would work harder. The creator of Islam, the most dangerous ideology ever, was a mass murderer, an assassin, a slaver, a sex slaver, a rapist and a pedophile, etc. Filthy Top Evil Commie Swine Retard that caused the HOLODOMOR Which Was Very Bad and Killed over 40 Million People did I Mention he Tortured Folks in very Sick ways Including KGB NKVD And the Infamous GULAG did I Mention He Was Racist but that is something he Shared with Hitler along with being a Scumbag Dictator. The round end was inserted in anally and were hung there for days until before dying from the weather or dehydration.Think about it. Adolf Hitler is the most famous ruler of the world who was an Austrian politician. April 27, 2005 - Becomes the first Russian leader to visit Israel. The Quran continually preaches that Allah will not be content until all the world is Muslim and that everyone should be converted, and violence is continually promoted as a viable means to achiece ...more. Top 10 Best Online Fax Services Reviews in the World, Countries with the Best Beaches in the World, Top 10 Countries with Best Food in the World, Some Expensive Student Habits and How to Quit. He crossed the Danube twice and plundered the Balkans, but was unable to tak… Some of you posting things you no nothing about! Did you see what they did in the North for 20 years! Childhood & Early Life. Adolf Hitler is the most famous ruler of the world who was an Austrian politician. He would love that everyone got paid equally, had the same rights, etc. He was the most famous ruler of the world due to his different acts that also listed him in this list of cruel rulers. I'm a die-hard democrat, bleeding heart liberal, etc., and can't stand any of the Bushes - in the context of being leaders - but they are not evil. I lived there during his regime. he never lied never seeked revenge a true leader never gets mad patient and gentle.So kids instead of choosing him choose someonne else instead of a leaderpKeep saying bad about himGod is watching while you guys rot in hell.if he was evil why is this religion created?over billions of followers.this is the most beloved prophet of godif he was so bad why is he a prophet? Leopold II was the king of Belgium and was famous for his brutal behavior with the people there. Due to his brutal policies against minorities, Ante Pavelic is considered as one of the cruelest Nazi leaders. Just read this and decide whether or not you think that words like this would come out of an evil mans mouth: "You do not do evil to those who do evil to you, but you deal with them with forgiveness and kindness"I am a fourteen year old girl, and even I know that an evil man would not have said such meaningful and beautiful words. Russian Leaders. Farmer in Cambodia with a vision. His logo 'Make america great again' or whatsoever isn't true. Also he was an extremely bloody emperor, When he was younger, he liked to throw animals of tall buildings, He started everything Americans, Middle Easterners and Europeans see today as terrorism, hate, and disaster. The average cost of living along with the average rate of pay in the country had gone off and a fair increment every year in American history until the late seventies, which led to the last generation being the first in American history to be worse off financially than their parents for opportunity. The list of people suspected murdered on orders from the Russian leader or people close to him is long. His incompetence was a factor in the "success" of the terrorist attack, but you don't know that he could have prevented it or that had he averted that particular plan, Osama woudn't have had another one ready and waiting. Iconic parts of the U.S would still be here. Plus the sick messed up torturing, executions he did to people through KGB. Josef Stalin was one of the most ruthless and cold-blooded leaders in recorded history. Violence would then prevail and Muhammed would succeed in forcing Islam on the Middle East, North Africa and much of Spain, even attempting to convert Gaul via violence but the Gauls (French) pushed them back.The Quran clearly stated among other things: 'slay the non-believer wherever he may lay', ie kill the non-believer (the 'infidel'). He has got a simple solution for eradicating the tribalism in Uganda; murder the tribes. Joseph Stalin, the infamous dictator of the Soviet Union caused the mass murder of around 40 million people. Why Justin Bieber was above this disgusting excuse of a living organism is beyond me! Stalin let the KGB kill people that he saw as a threat, because he wanted to rule Soviet.When his wife died nobody could see any reaction from Stalin. Ivan the Terrible. At least Hitler tried to preserve German identity and killed anyone who was not white/German/not Jewish. Annual list ranks the world’s most brutal and notorious regime leaders. A true monster, based on his actions. The world knew but did not really stop him. Idi Amin Dada was a cruel leader who came as a curse upon the people of Uganda. He pushed for war with his own agenda and let Bush take the heat for it. Hitler is undoubtedly the most evil ruler to both Germany and others with a stupid moustache while being the ultimately rascist power hungry jerk to all beating Stalin, Mao Zedong, Muhammad, Pol pot, Vlad the impaler, George Bush, Kim jung un, Kim jun il, Barack Obama, and ivan the terrible together. Maximilien Robespierre: “the incorruptible face of the Reign of Terror” (Considered to be de facto ruler of France from 1793 till 1794) WHY IS HE ON #22 HE SHOULD BE NUMBER 2. History will not be kind to this monster. He also brought Russian Revolution in 1917 which is his main achievement. LEAVE. He was the leader of the National Socialist German Workers Party (NSDAP) and was the ruler of Germany for many years. Well Bush is not a skilled strategist and Barack is pretty much hated to power hungry fat Russian dictators, religous psychopaths, restarted terrorist, and last but not least fat crap faced Pilipino leaders who sling lead before thinking but back to the point Hitler is freakishly evil leader with a stupid moustache that brings J Jonah Jameson's to shame. Without him, the likely hood a random girl in a Hijab is called a terrorist would be nearly incomprehensible. Eventually, communist Vietnam came to help them because it was so bad there, Pol pot was completly insane. why is a leader? You people are ignorant to blame him for every problem in this country it started decades before him study economics granted he could have done more to help but he did do a lot to help but he did not get credit for it. We supported Obama for a good reason because of the Financial Crisis. This helped spread religion and culture. It didn't matter who you were if you didn't agree with the Soviet rule you would be tortured or killed. His reign of terror doesn't only function on famine to make "USSR" great but also his paranoia and fear that people will murder him. Words cannot describe this self-promoting narcissist. All these leaders have done many bad deeds with the people there who have given the title of cruel leaders to them. He is arguably the most famous Russian, and his name today is almost a brand. Any opposition was swiftly suppressed. 01. of 10. It is said that he had a complex personality and was suffering from some mental issues that can be seen by his acts. In this video I will tell you guys about the most cruel leaders the world have ever seen .So watch till the end and make sure to SUBSCRIBE,LIKE and SHARE One may argue that Hitler literally wiped out the entire Jewish state but Stalin takes the cake for being one of the most brutal leaders to ever exist. Now he has no clear pictures only some statues and paintings are available to see him. Vlad Tepes is the leader who ruled from 1456 to 1462 in Wallachia. ISIS's creation wouldn't have come close to starting. He joined the British Colonial in 1946. 1) Vlad ate in the fields of impaled rotting corpses, dipping his bread in a bowl of their blood. Breakdown: 1 million civilians on the wrong side of a blockade caused by a war of secession in Nigeria and 100,000 soldiers who died in that war.It starts as many sad stories do with precious beautiful oil. In his biggest jail, only 15 people emerged alive. He was terrible he beat his pregnant daughter in law causing a miscarriage when his son heard. Rulers are the people who take the whole country together and work for its proper working. He also burnt almost 1000s of people in frying pans that were the main reason to show he was mentally ill. But he didn't think about the person who would make all the rules, the dictator. Worst on the economy, started a war based on lies (murder), brought cronyism to a new level, unprecedented tax breaks for the rich leading to the middle class starting to fade. Very terroristic state he rules. All the blame is put on the emperor but it was really the prime minister who gave all the orders to the soldiers like in the war against China, The Japanese Hitler should be his nckname if it isn't already, Japanese ruler of WW2 killed millions of innocent for conquest killed and raped Chinese with his solders let his country stand alone in WW2 let his people get nuked and forced his army's onto crocodile invested islands, This picture is the funniest thing I've seen all day..,anyway I belive this guy was a pretty bad president but...some of the people on here are not EVIL like barack obama...he may have been bad but..not evil (cheers to anyone who finds this comment). It will take a generation or more for the USA to recover from Bush. History Talk (5) Share. Amid rumours about Russian President Vladimir Putin's health, the BBC Russian Service looks at past Russian and Soviet leaders, and how the authorities reported their illnesses and deaths. During his rule, the murder rate was very high, and millions of people were killed there and some racial fights among the people as well and most of the people there were suffering from starvation and different diseases. I wish more people would learn about him and see that he was just straight up evil. This was not a terrible monster in the way most of these crazy, power hungry, people. Why are Jesus, Muhammad, Obama, and Bush ABOVE the president of Syria? His inhumanity earns him a throne of skulls and an ocean filled with the blood of the innocent and even his own wife and son because he was unwilling to "negotiate with fascists.". But, definitely a dangerous one.It is well archived and known that the people of Mecca were not interested in what Muhammed had to say and banished him from Mecca because they did not want to convert to Islam and did not believe what he had to say.But, he would later return with a band of followers that he acquired and forced Islam on Mecca via brute force. He killed unspeakable amounts of people. He lost his parents soon after he was born. He turned himself from a military officer to the President. King Leopold was brutal. HIs nickname is absolutely correct.Stranger: Hi, what's your name?Ivan: *Pulls out sword. Created death camps for all professional people (those who weren't farmers) and murdered over 3,000,000 people. Attila was the famous ruler of Hun from 434 to 453. The number of cruel leaders is very high in the world but in this list, only the cruelest 10 were listed which were worst. Russia - Russia - Leaders of Russia from 1276: The table provides a chronological list of the leaders of Russia from 1276 onward. At the age of 53, his health declined from effects of two bullet wounds, later aggravated by … He is just as evil as his son and grandson, He Was Terrible, But His Son And Grandson Are MUCH Worse, Marx was never a leader, the man was a fantastic philosopher. He the greatest nationalist the little nation of Uganda has had/will ever have! and left. Responsible for the death of 65 million Chineses, Mao Zedong is the number one murderer of all times. 2 Joseph Stalin Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin was a Georgian dictator, and was the leader of the Soviet Union from the mid-1920s until his death in 1953. Adolf Hitler:. His prison man holds the record of 'largest war criminal convicted in the 21st centruy', After Obama? Easily as evil as Hitler and caused the death of millions. He was the leader of the communist revolution. I hate Hitler because he started the Holocaust, killed I don't know how much people, he thinks Nazis are the best, and he's evil. He drunk people's blood, he hammered two guys hat on each other's head where they could never take them off just because they didn't bow to him. At least hitler gave a reason for the death of 6 million jews. The above ranking of top 10 most cruel rulers ever in the history is given according to the acts and the number of people killed during their ruling period. This man was truly Satanic. Due to his cruelty, no less than 80,000 Jews and 30,000 Gypsies lost their lives. He made america 'worse' (Not really but still bad). He's stupid, they are all corrupt to some extent, but he did not kill the people who died in 9/11 anymore than Hillary killed the Benghazi victims. Roman Abramovich was born on 24th October 1966 at Saratov, Russia in a lower middle class family. The horrible Islamic law Sharia is so barbaric that orders cruel punishments for people who doesn’t live their lives exactly as this man wanted them to live. Scold’s Bridle. He also brought Russian Revolution in... 2. Probably you NEVER SAW THE MASSACRE IN KASESE! He was leader of the Hunnic Empire, which stretched from the Ural River to the Rhine River and from the Danube River to the Baltic Sea. He was the person with the strong personality and a strong person to rule there. He is an idiot enough to try to fight 1 on 1000000. And why is Obama 3rd? Chechen killed in Berlin was cruel and bloodthirsty, claims Putin. Anyone who didn't agree with the communist ruling were sent to the Gulag or Tortured and executed. *Stranger: Uh-oh.I shouldn't need to tell you what happens next. Everybody who put Cheney on this list, grow up. Vladimir Lenin was voted the Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the Soviet Union (Sovnarkom) on 30 December 1922 by the Congress of Soviets. He forced hundreds of parents to watch their children be tortured and killed. He says he's a great president he says. He boiled infants and children and forced their parents to eat them. Holding the post of the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, he was effectively the dictator of the state. Josef Stalin was the leader of Soviet Union from 1941 to 1953. He might not be a good president, but he's definitely not as evil as Hitler or bin Laden who were responsible for the deaths of millions of innocent people. He was born in Brussels and remained king till his death. Except that he totally ruined the country by causing a famine (killed ~20percent people off), destroying thousands of old articrafts, brainwashing the people to kill off scholars and famous artists and writers in the great cultural revolution. His idea of communism was actually beautiful. He told the ...more. He was then hanged by the Israel due to his part played against Jews in the World War II. Killed 15 million, started WWII, which killed MILLIONS, and destroyed an entire continent? Under the communist leader, industry and agriculture was put under state control in China. And plus he got impeached TWICE. This will, was, is, and will always stay at number one. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was a loving, gentle man! Ivan IV of Russia was considered as the terrible leader ever in the world that was also the first ruler of Russia. He also became one of the first leaders to adopt free religion and created a set of laws that sound more like the commandments then evil murderous laws. Attila (Attila the Hun), was the ruler of the Huns from 434 to 453. He created the biggest empire known to man and because of this, united all of the people that he conquered. This guy makes Hitler, Stalin, and Zendong look like angels! I guess one thing he did good is sing the National anthem with his country. This man is an absolute nightmare for killing 40 over millions of people. He leaves a bad impression on what Muslims and other Middle-Eastern people are actually like. There are many types of rulers in the world which have set different examples for the people due to their different characteristics like beneficial, cruel, kind and helping as well. He is the real leader of Japan. He also committed suicide in 1945 by shooting himself. The one who started what's really wrong about the world. He supposedly supports conservative Christian views yet he has broken just about every one of the 10 commandments. Murdered 10 million people in the Congo and mutilated millions of innocent people, Basically Hitler but with an even higher body count. The cruel rulers are fond of using they’re all powers and gaining some recognition in the world which has made them quite famous in the whole world for the lifetime. It had been found in the Niger delta where tensions were already high between the Eastern region (led by Ojukwu) and the rest of the country (governed by Comparison of characters to Russian Revolution Animal Farm Russian Revolution Mr. Jones irresponsible to his animals (lets them starve) sometimes cruel - beats them with whip sometimes kind - mixes milk in animal mash Czar Nicholas II a poor leader at best, compared to western kings cruel - sometimes brutal with opponents He also invaded the city called Novgorod and ordered 500 to 1000 people be tortured to death in front of him each day this included being skinned disembowled boiled fried and beaten to death. Adolf Eichmann was born in a small industrial city called Rhineland in 1906. Mao just straight killed people through famine, labor, or execution. The list of cruel rulers is never ending and is very large, but here we only have to talk about the top 10 which were the worst one from the whole list. Others point out that his policies led to the deaths of 40 million … At least his nephew executed him so now there is one stupid baby instead of two. It's probably true, Satan might not welcome this maniac to hell. He has united many nomadic tribes to get the ruling power. Summary. And to all of the comments saying that he murdered everyone including the women and children, he gave the people a chance to join him and prosper under him and get the protection he was willing to give. Manipulated Bush, and the Miltary Ind Complex to his own design. The 10 most important Russian czars and empresses range from the grouchy Ivan the Terrible to the doomed Nicholas II. The Most Evil Man alive who Kills People in Brutal Ways But He luckily can’t do much with his as the Medic would put it SCHWEINHUND Hands on his Puny Red Button but just Yet. He was a German and was a big organizer of Holocaust. In much of Western Europe, he is remembered as the epitome of cruelty and rapacity. One of the worst ever. And he didn't attend the inaguration JUST BECAUSE he lost and he was mad. He chopped people's genitals off. seriously now get your dam facts right young children. He was also involved in cutting different organs of the people life ears, nose, sexual organs, etc. And millions of People from around the globe would still be alive. He has developed many strong and cruel policies for the people there which caused deaths of almost 10 million people. And whoever said Obama makes W look like Winston Churchill is an imbecile. This article is more than 1 year old . Why would he be on the most evil leaders in history. Ok forget I said Obama and Bush because they are tecnicaly not evil dictators. If you want to compare see what the present regime that has been in power for 30 years is doing to the indigenous Ugandans. He admittly killed 3 MILLION inonnocent cambodians to till soil with there bare hands. He used each and every opportunity to increase his personal wealth. He went in fields of rotten corpses and laughed and mocked them. Sometimes he'd impale them from the front or back. If he is to come back on this earth, even satan would repent. NONE OF THIS WAS HIS FAULT! Ante Pavelic was the chief of the Ustase party which had power in Croatia. He even had one of his guest's nose cut off and impaled the man for simply plugging his nose during dinner because of the rotting smell.2) These fields were mix between people hanging on spikes, and those who received the round end. Small. He was considered as a huge fan of torture that was common in his time. Over many years, Ugandans would disappear in the thousands, their mutilated bodies washing up on the … 1 Leader of the Provisonal Government 1919; 2 Presidents of the Communist party of the Soviet Union 1919 - 1985; 3 Premiers of the Soviet Union 1919-1985; 4 Presidents of Russia 1985 - 5 Prime Ministers of Russia 1985 - Leader of the Provisonal Government 1919. Teepes loved seeing people die. BUT until you live in a country where, its easier and cheaper to get a gun, versus 5lbs of rice. He manipulated Bush like a puppet, and made millions from selling arms to the US military. Every person has its style of working with which they perform their duties. Responsible for messing around either. Created a police state with the mission to return Cambodia to an agricultural state. It may have been a lie, but it will do (not saying that hitler was a good man)! He was died on 2003 in Saudi Arabia due to the failure of kidneys. In reality under communist Cuba everybody became poor but he and his family. The contraption was attached to the head of the woman, and the bridle-bit, which measured 2” long and 1” wide, and was studded with spikes, … I am bringing out a book about some stupid useless aliens that are just like this orange fatso. If he was evil, do you think that millions of people around the world would be following the religion sent for him to preach by Allah? He died due to heart stroke while playing chess. Then he started planning against Romans and made different campaigns for that. Ivan the Terrible (1547 to 1584) Culture Club / Getty Images. Adolf Hitler (1933-1945) Are you people mental? read the quran it will tel youHe's the number 1 most greatest human in this worldwhy? He even ate the meat of his victims. He is a bully and misleads those who support him. Caused terrorist attacks that killed thousands9/11 (2001)Train bombing (2007), and gave Muslims a bad reputation. He took over the charge of the country in 1971 in a military coup. The German dictator Adolf Hitler, who called himself Arya, was considered the cruelest, as he burned millions of Jewish alive. I think you need to use your brain and redefine the meaning of "evil" in your naïve little world. Also his eyes had been gouged out and his lips had been cut off.I do know that nazi scientists made experiments on twins in the concentration camps and tried to switch eye colour on prisoners.After all I have read about world war 2 I have to say that Josef Stalin was the worst. He orders the Russians to occupy countries (like Georgia) and threatens countries that Russia could conquer them in two days (I know he said this about Poland and Romania). Talk about conflict of interest he is and always will an enemy to the freedom of people every where, to include the constitution of the US. Top 10 Most Cruel Rulers ever in History 1. It got to the point where Vlad was taking innocent people to impale just b/c he gets off on it laugh out loud. why is he the greatest human?answer that before you talk shi about him. He allotted a large labor force for extracting rubber from the Central Africa where almost 3 million people were killed, and he was considered responsible for that. A nature lover and pet enthusiast; a judo master and a hockey player; … Mongol Empire is considered as the largest contiguous empire in the whole world after his death. He is close to creating a new civil war. He died playing chess apparently. All these leaders have strong personalities, and they have some good and bad characteristics in their personalities. If you don't like it. He also said that killing 5 million Jews gave me much satisfaction which made Jews their big enemy. He has developed... 3. Regardless, you can't put him on the same list as Hitler. He killed everyone only if they didn't take him on his offer. He should be jailed. Lol that is so stupid that is like putting plato or aristotle on this list. He also killed 1000 people after gathering them. Actually, Saddam didn't have nukes. While he didn't have WMD's, he did use gas attacks, under the guise of testing them, in an attempt to wipe out the Kurdish people who populate northern Iraq. During his rule, there were many major issues in Uganda that include murders, human rights abuses, political instability and ethnic persecution. followed by a slow but steady destabilization of property loans started in the 80s leading to the bubble burst. I wonder why this one is seventh. 60000 people were killed not to mention the thousands of people that were killed on other occasions. Remember that he also did'nt like jews and sent them to the gulag. No country has any words. When his own son were captured by the germans he didn't even try to negotiate. Stupid. The symbol of his party was a swastika. He was literally just a writer/philosopher. Some of the rulers have a hard nature to get the whole control of people living in their realm. This douche bag belongs in tje number one spot. I always wondered why he is even trying to fight with the whole world. And he's the dude who lets the students to object him in the first place, what?! Under the Bush Administration, it was a good reason why people outside of the United States hated Americans. He has done nothing to improve the country, and he has made it the laughing stock of the world. FAKE NEWS! During his ruling time, many people were killed due to different reasons, and it is estimated that almost 20 million people were killed which is a huge number to be killed. Anyone agree? However, Ivan IV was one of the most educated people of his time and a talented conqueror. He did not talk bad about them or even care about them. This guy would chop up his enemies/people he'd punished, keep their remains in his fridge as trophies and laugh at them. Mao killed people just to solve China's problems. Ivan the Horrible. Mao was helped by Stalin in the war to implement communism in China. He would impale people by putting long wooden stakes up people's anus until the stake goes out of their mouths. But some cruel punishments were also given to the people who made his name on this list. A moron such as Laden should be in the top 3. Thus, he was orphaned at the age of 2, so his uncle took him with him to Ukhta. Dick Cheney is evil, W was just his dimwitted puppet. Horrible failure as a communicator, spoke like a dimwitted fool. Same as many other latinamerican dictators but managed to stay in power by selling himself as a lefty leader for the poor. Rulers are the people who rule the whole country and are totally under their control. Then he got married and his blood was drowned on the wedding night, and he died on 453. Ignoring the fact that he killed a bunch of citizens, the people he killed are mostly university students and doctors, can you believe that? He is racist, sexist, homophobic, Xenophobic, Neo-Nazi who doesn't care about anyone but himself. In addition to Dick Cheney who was given a significant role by encouraging war against the Iraqi's. Muhammed? Pol Pot is responsible for the murder of 25% of his country (Cambodia) population. I mean he wanted to throw the presedent of Cuba overboard in a moving car. This bald evil and stupid leader commit the most murder then Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin. I am from South Korea and I hate him. Surely his evilness level is equal to if not more than Hitler? Maybe the whole dam world is... Pol Pot, Amin, Somoza regime, come on... Now let's see what the new clown in office does. On July 13, 1941, three weeks after the invasion of the Soviet Union, Nazi SS leader Heinrich Himmler told the group of Waffen SS men: This is an ideological battle and a struggle of races. This man (or whatever he is) killed over 15,000,000 people during his reign he also sent children to war to carry out assassinations and to fight on the front lines what a psychopath this man is a murderer and terrorist. Xenophobic, Neo-Nazi who does n't know how to address issues in Uganda ; murder the tribes logo 'Make great! 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